R Painal

R Painal


R Painal
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Demand Reddit Remove Subreddits that Promote Violent Behavior and Severe Discrimination
Demand Reddit Remove Subreddits that Promote Violent Behavior and Severe Discrimination
Эта петиция собрала 11 850 подписантов
Victoria Snow создал(а) эту петицию, адресованную Yishan Wong (CEO of Reddit) и еще 4 адресатов
Demand Reddit Remove Subreddits that Promote Violent Behavior and Severe Discrimination
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(Trigger Warning: Extensive Discussions of Rape, Sexualized Violence Against Women, Assault, Racism,Transphobia, Ableism, Homophobia)
Did you know that passages within Reddit's User Agreement page cite that when participating in their online community, " You agree not to use any obscene, indecent or offensive language... [material must not be] defamatory, abusive, bullying, harassing, racist, hateful, or violent. "? Did you know that this same page also claims that users must also " ...further agree not to use any sexually suggestive language... " or post material that " encourages conduct that would conduct that would constitute a criminal offense. "?
What about the following currently active subreddits makes the Reddit administration question as to whether or not these terms of agreement have been broken...?
r/rapingwomen : Readers that love rape.
r/beatingtrannies : Saying the word "Tranny" is the same as murdering a homosexual. It's true! Try it. Feels good, man.
r/SexyAbortions : Pictures of sexy abortions from your fap folder.
r/BeatingCripples : Post your favorite cripple gore! Discuss your hatred of the handicapped with like-minded individuals.
r/beatingwomen : Give and get advice on what to do about back talk. Share your favorite Irish sunglasses stories.
These categories are self-explanatory, but I guarantee you, whatever viscous material you've imagined lies within these pages, to see the real thing is much, much worse. It's physically sickening, and the worst of it is, "it's all in good fun"... I refuse to accept that, and I hope you won't accept it either.
Consequently, there are relating Subreddits that are grouped together with the afforementioned threads. However, r/painal , r/KillingWomen , and r/ChokeABitch show allegedly consensual, explicit, graphic sex acts that showcase one overwhelming theme - gritty fetishizations of sexualized violence against women.
What is Reddit administration condoning by surplussing these discussions with violent images and video? And don't be mistaken, they are condoning it. After reading the guidelines for how things are run over at the site, I learned moderators supervise each and every one of the Subreddits. Giving them the benefit of the doubt just for one minute, let's say, perhaps, they missed one (or all) of these pages by mistake But wait, each of these pages has a "Must be 18 or older" button to click and enter... and the moderators decide when and where to put those buttons.
So let me get this straight, the moderators saw this content, and deemed it acceptable to potential viewers as long as they click a button saying they are of age? Of age to do things like join the army and vote, not only discuss the violating of other individuals' humanity, but make a field day of it?
In the past several weeks, I have learned a lot about Reddit. For example, I learned that women's privacy does not matter. If she is in a public place, she is fair game . I have also learned that Reddit condones the idea that women are property (not just public property as previously shown, but flat-out propery, plain and simple), because this notion is headlined on the r/KillingWomen page.
The last thing I learned about Reddit, is that according to their own About page, they define "Reddit", as "a type of online community where users vote on content". Join me and we'll do just that... We'll put it to a Reddit ! Please , sign this petition, and spread the word so that we can get rid of this content today, and ensure it stays gone tomorrow!

What are the worst subreddits that Reddit still hasn't banned?
Answered 10 months ago · Author has 77 answers and 357.5K answer views
What are the shadiest subreddits on Reddit?
Where did all the illegal subreddits that Reddit banned go? I mean is there a place where the admins moved them to or a place with similar subreddits?
Reddit (website): What are some of the most horrible corners of Reddit?
What are the shadiest subreddits on Reddit?
Where did all the illegal subreddits that Reddit banned go? I mean is there a place where the admins moved them to or a place with similar subreddits?
Reddit (website): What are some of the most horrible corners of Reddit?
What are similar places on the Internet to r/WatchPeopleDie?
What is the most disturbing subreddit you have ever seen?
What do you think is the most shocking subreddit ever?
What are some of the most notorious/infamous subreddits?
What are the most horrifying subreddits?
How likely is Reddit to ban NSFW subreddits in the foreseeable future?
What are most controversial sub-reddits?
What are some "hidden gem" subreddits?
What do you think are the best and the worst parts of Reddit?
What are the shadiest subreddits on Reddit?
Where did all the illegal subreddits that Reddit banned go? I mean is there a place where the admins moved them to or a place with similar subreddits?
Reddit (website): What are some of the most horrible corners of Reddit?
What are similar places on the Internet to r/WatchPeopleDie?
What is the most disturbing subreddit you have ever seen?
What do you think is the most shocking subreddit ever?
What are some of the most notorious/infamous subreddits?
What are the most horrifying subreddits?
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Oh Christ. There are a LOT of bad subs. I’ve been on Reddit for 3 years, and I’ve seen stuff that nobody should see. I can definitely say that Reddit is a complete and utter cesspit.
NSFW is a huge part of Reddit. There’s everything from subs dedicated to pictures of some random thot’s buttocks to, well, images of Sandy Cheeks from SpongeBob sucking a car into her massive schlong. I never thought I’d ever have to type the preceding sentence out. Well, that’s Reddit for ya. My point is that since there’s so much of the “specialized” material on Reddit, I’ll just leave out NSFW entirely. Don’t go
Oh Christ. There are a LOT of bad subs. I’ve been on Reddit for 3 years, and I’ve seen stuff that nobody should see. I can definitely say that Reddit is a complete and utter cesspit.
NSFW is a huge part of Reddit. There’s everything from subs dedicated to pictures of some random thot’s buttocks to, well, images of Sandy Cheeks from SpongeBob sucking a car into her massive schlong. I never thought I’d ever have to type the preceding sentence out. Well, that’s Reddit for ya. My point is that since there’s so much of the “specialized” material on Reddit, I’ll just leave out NSFW entirely. Don’t go looking for the absolute worst stuff, though. It will ruin your life and take away any sort of innocence you may still have. Hell, you might even get arrested by the feds.
The non-NSFW subs on Reddit are actually pretty cool, for the most part. My favorites include r/PoliticalCompassMemes (I'm an AuthCenter, for all of you PCM users in the crowd), r/fightporn (where you literally go to watch douchebags, Karens and the like getting their just desserts) and r/OkBubbyRetard (for low-quality Diary of a Wimpy Kid memes). I stay away from the larger subs because there is a nasty problem with all of them. I’ll get to that later.
Going even further, there are banned subs and active subs. Reddit has banned the absolute raunchiest subs I’ll be talking about on this list/essay, and I’ll note them as I go. I also use a scoring system at the bottom which is entirely my opinion, so I not only invite you but also implore you to put your thoughts into the comment section.
All of these subs were godawful and should have/should be banned, but the next and final one is simply vile. It is directly responsible for the deterioration of Reddit into what it is today and it may have even been involved with child exploitation materials. Allegedly. ALLEGEDLY . It’s still up today. Why? Because it’s too convenient of a tool for the admins to scrap. Prepare yourself for the tale of Reddit and the Cabal.
When Reddit was created, many migrants from a site called Digg made their homes there. Powertripping users and corrupt moderators had turned Digg into a giant echo chamber, so most of its userbase fled. The same thing happened with Tumblr many years later and this becomes relevant later. Today, Digg is barely talked about and is pretty much obsolete.
Early Reddit certainly had its fair share of influential users, but these early users had the exact same rights as everyone else, as in they could not sway the Reddit admins into deleting certain subreddits they did not like. It was a free speech forum until Reddit started to get more popular. The admins needed more subreddit moderators [users who helped monitor a certain subreddit and not the entire site] to moderate the growing subs, so they collected the brightest and best moderators Reddit had and formed the default moderators, a group of extremely powerful users, second only to the admins themselves, trusted with managing the biggest subreddits on Reddit.
This worked out for awhile until the second part of the last decade, where all of this power started to get to the default moderator’s heads. The most elite of this specialized cadre often managed tens of subs with millions of members, so it is only in human nature that they started to seek … MORE. They started getting sweet with the admins, gaining more and more permissions, official and not. Obviously, the average Redditors saw through this corruption and favoritism. They would not let Digg repeat itself.
Uhh, no. That’s not what happened. r/ShitRedditSays was created and staffed exclusively by default moderators and its sole purpose was to censor dissent. But what would exactly be censored, you may ask? Well, around that time, a few events happened that would change Reddit forever, unfortunately for the worst. The most significant of these events was the fall of Tumblr, which happened two years after the other events, which led to a massive influx of Tumblr migrants who brought their culture with them. Being Tumblr, this paved the way for Reddit to be turned into a primarily leftist website.
Reddit also got a new CEO, a woman by the name of Ellen Pao. She was also a raging leftist and actively supported the decisions of the default moderators and gave them even more power. This will certainly end well. Finally, it was in the middle of the decade. Political tension was at an all-time high and the influx of Tumblrites after the Trump win, along with the new boss lady, created a leftist utopia. It didn’t matter if the default mods actually believed in it or not; leftism was going to be the ONLY tolerated political opinion on Reddit.
The first major banwave happened later in 2018, in which subs like r/BillionShekelSupreme and r/WatchPeopleDie were banned. These were shock subs from the early days of Reddit and it was sort of inevitable that the default moderators would target them, but it was still shocking. But as the years passed, more and more subs started getting the boot. It was also by this time that r/ShitRedditSays had served its purpose. It became obsolete and is pretty much dead now. It’s newest iteration is far more nefarious.
Enter r/AgainstHateSubreddits, an admin-sanctioned censorship platform that masquerades as an internet hate watchdog. Like r/ShitRedditSays, it was staffed by its fair share of default moderators, but this time, there was a radical leftist presence in the mod ranks, making AHS even more volatile and effective than SRS. I’m going start citing specific usernames in the paragraphs ahead, so if you have a problem with that, stop reading here.
The worst of these new-ish moderators was a transwoman that went by the internet moniker u/Bardfinn. (S)he was a veteran of Reddit and knew his/her way around a computer, allowing AHS access to private databases, mass-tagging software and even custom programs designed just for AHS moderators. Since then, he/she has been cemented as one of the most reviled users on Reddit, with assaults from outside sites like 4chan and KiwiFarms only strengthening his/her resolve.
This isn’t even the worst part. AHS is 100% sanctioned by the admins, so no matter how many rules they break and how much brigading (having users invade another subreddit in bad faith) they do, they WILL NOT get banned. Even though Ellen Pao is gone, the current administration is still very friendly towards AHS. If AHS wants a subreddit gone, it will be disappeared within a season.
The extremes were proven a little while after the creation of AHS, where a now-former AHS mod uncovered a potential scandal in which the top brass of AHS ALLEGEDLY used alt accounts to post child exploitation materials on subs they didn’t like to actually force Reddit to ban the targeted subs for breaking a serious law. If this is true, than AHS is truly the most degenerate subreddit to ever exist. It still is regardless of the potential CP and let me tell you why, if you still are not convinced yet.
AHS users not only brigade subs, but they actively dox people as well. It doesn’t matter if it’s a moderator of a community they don’t like or if it’s just some guy that asked too many questions. They will collect your information and save it for unspecified use. There is also mention of private databases by Bardfinn him/herself, and mass-tagging software is actively employed and even joked about by AHS users. There is an entire 500-page blog about Bardfinn’s shenanigans on the web forum KiwiFarms, but the site is definitely 4chan-esque, so tread carefully.
Today, numerous outside forces have been going after AHS. Bardfinn, the head of AHS, has been compromised multiple times over. His/her actual legal name, address, marital status, criminal record, other social media accounts, the existence of his/her kid, email account, phone number and appearance are all public, likely the work of 4chan users or fed-up Redditors. Logs of the CP scandal exist on video and in picture. However, we know almost nothing about all of the other AHS mods and until we do, AHS will have free reign over Reddit.
It’s a sad story, but nothing new. 10/10 content, 10/10 influence, 100% degenerate.
r/feminism r/dota2 r/okcupid r/offmychest r/politics. These are places you will be banned from if you dare say ANYTHING that contradicts the popular cult/sheep mentality in those subreddits. They will not tell you why you are banned other than some 40 year old fat chick/fatdude infront of his awful office computer at work calling you a loser and banning you

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