R For Dummies

R For Dummies

👓 Joris Meys
R For Dummies

R For Dummies

✅ Master the programming language of choice among statisticians and ➕ data analysts worldwide Coming ⤵️ to grips with R can 🥫 be tough, even for seasoned statisticians and ➕ data analysts. Enter ➡️🚪 R For Dummies, the quick, easy way to master all the R youll ever need. Requiring no prior programming experience and ➕ packed with practical examples, easy, step-by-step exercises, and ➕ sample code, this extremely accessible ♿️ guide is the ideal introduction to R for complete beginners. It also covers 📔 many concepts that intermediate-level 🎚️ programmers will find 🔎 extremely useful. Master your R ABCs 🔤 get up ⬆️ to speed 🚄 in no time ⏱️ with the basics, from installing and ➕ configuring R to writing ✍️ simple scripts and ➕ performing 🎭️ simultaneous calculations on many variables Put data in its place get to 💡 know your way around lists, data frames 🖼️, and ➕ other R data structures while learning to interact with other programs, such as Microsoft Excel Make 🛠️ data dance 💃 to your tune learn how to reshape and ➕ manipulate data, merge data sets 📐, split and ➕ combine data, perform 🎭️ calculations on vectors and ➕ arrays, and ➕ much more Visualize it learn to use Rs powerful data visualization features to create beautiful and ➕ informative graphical presentations 🎁 of your data Get statistical 🔎 find out how to do simple statistical analysis, summarize your variables, and ➕ conduct classic statistical tests, such as t-tests Expand and ➕ customize R get the lowdown on how to find 🔎, install, and ➕ make 🛠️ the most of add-on packages 📦️ created by the global R community for a wide variety of purposes Open 😃 the book 📚️ and ➕ find 🔎: Help downloading, installing, and ➕ configuring R Tips for getting data in and ➕ out of R Ways to use data frames 🖼️ and ➕ lists to organize data How to manipulate and ➕ process data Advice on fitting regression models and ➕ ANOVA Helpful hints for working ⚙️ with graphics How to code in R What R mailing 💌 lists and ➕ forums can 🥫 do for you ➡️👤


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