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(R)?ex the friendly automation framework

> There is more than one way to manage it
> Easy to learn, use and extend
> It's (not) just Perl
> Apache 2.0 licensed

task prepare => sub {
pkg ' apache2 ', ensure => ' latest ';
service ' apache2 ', ensure => ' started ';

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Rex Book (work in progress)
Release notes


The Rex-1.13.4 release is now available on CPAN . It contains documentation updates, and a fix for inconsistent behavior between the content and source options of the file command.
The Rex-1.13.3 release is now available on CPAN . It contains documentation updates, and a fix for debconf parsing. Behind the scenes, CI was migrated over to GitHub Actions as well.
The Rex-1.13.2 release is now available on CPAN . It contains only documentation updates, mostly for the built-in template capabilities, but also fixes a few typos.
The Rex-1.13.1 release is now available on CPAN . It is focusing on CMDB bugfixes and documentation, while also fixing a missing feature flag. Upgrade is recommended for all users.
The Rex-1.13.0 release is now available on CPAN . It adds on_no_change hooks for file management commands to trigger further actions when files are left unchanged. Upgrade is recommended for all users.
Learning automation using Rex
Ferenc Erki (FErki) will be the guest of GΓ‘bor SzabΓ³ on the next Code Maven live stream to learn about automation using Rex. Register for the free event via Code Maven or Meetup , and join the discussion!
Unexpected use cases with Rex
Rex & Friends
Rex acknowledges that instead of silver bullets, there is more than one way to manage it.
It's friendly to any combinations of local and remote execution, push and pull style of management, or imperative and declarative approach.
Instead of forcing any specific model on you, it trusts you to be in the best position to decide what to automate and how, allowing you to build the automation tool your situation requires.
Automate what you are doing today, and add more tomorrow.
Rex runs locally, even if managing remotes via SSH. This means it's instantly usable, without big rollout processes or anyone else to convince, making it ideal and friendly for incremental automation.
Perl is a battle-tested, mature language, and Rex code is just Perl code.
This means whenever you reach the limitations of the built-in Rex features, a powerful programming language and module ecosystem is always at your fingertips to seamlessly extend it with modules from CPAN or with your own code.
As a bonus, you can also use the usual well-established tools and workflows, like IDE integration for syntax highlighting, linting and formatting, or authoring and publishing Rex modules on CPAN .
With the use of Inline and FFI::Platypus modules, it's friendly to code written in other languages too. So after all, it's not just Perl.
We believe in the idea of open source. So Rex, and all its parts are released under the Apache 2.0 license. You're invited to join the community to make Rex better and better.
This command line example will execute uptime on all the given hosts ( frontend01 , frontend02 , ...):
Now you can run your task with this command:
This example will install the Apache web server on 5 machines and keep their configuration in sync. If the deployed configuration file changes, it will automatically reload the service.
You can also run everything with sudo. Just replace the authentication information with the following:

Earthworks & Civil Construction and Maintenance

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R.Ex Contracting Ltd is a 100% Locally owned and operated company in Fort McMurray since 1989. Associated with Rickard Excavation Ltd offering us unlimited access to over 15 Surface Mineral Leases, to provide our clients with broad service offerings on their Civil Construction and Maintenance requirements.

We are located at the corner of HWY 63 & 881 in our 30 acre Facility. Our location positions us in great proximity to all SAGD operations without the need of camp or LOA.

Throughout extensive training, diligent equipment maintenance and the proactive development of work safety initiatives, R.Ex Contracting aims to harbour a culture of safety and environmental sustainability thRoughout all of our operations

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