Réflections anales

Réflections anales


Réflections anales
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Anterior peritoneal reflection ( arrow) is seen inserting onto rectum, with reflection also seen along superior seminal vesicle and bladder margins ( arrowheads ). View larger version (793K) Fig. 1C—Sagittal T2-weighted rectal MRI showing anterior peritoneal reflection in different patients.
Laterally, the anal canal, covered by anal fascia, comes into relation with the wider ischiorectal fossae (Fig. 5) with its fibro-cellular matrix. Posteriorly, the anal canal is in relation with the anococcygeal body, which through its muscular and fascial reflections , contributes materially to structural support. THE RECTUM
Posteriorly, the anal canal is in relation with the anococcygeal body, which through its muscular and fascial reflections , contributes materially to structural support. top THE RECTUM Gorsch states that for practical purposes, the rectum may be described as extending from the level of the third sacral vertebral body to the anorectal line.
Reflection in the Movie "Anak" Analysis A mother is not a perfect person because nobody's perfect. She struggles for her family's happiness and wellness. But as a person, she commits mistakes which are for a reason and has a reason. A child conversely should love and respect his/her parents as a return of what they have given.
The rectum is the most distal segment of the large intestine, and has an important role as a temporary store of faeces. It is continuous proximally with the sigmoid colon, and terminates into the anal canal. In this article we will discuss the anatomy of the rectum - its structure, anatomical relationships, and clinical relevance.
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11. Aug. 2022 young women cite pleasure, curiosity, pleasing male partners, and coercion as factors. 5 6 up to 25% of women with experience of anal sex report they have been pressured into it at least once. 7 hit television shows such as sex and the city and fleabag may unwittingly add to the pressure, as they seem to normalise anal sex in heterosexual …
There might be something lurking in the background that you hadn't quite noticed beforehand. These incredibly awkward images prove that point and will stop you from ever posing for a picture in...
13. Dez. 2021 The peritoneum (rare plural: peritonea or peritoneums) is a large complex serous membrane that forms a closed sac, the peritoneal cavity, within the abdominal cavity . It is a potential space between the parietal peritoneum lining the abdominal wall and the visceral peritoneum enveloping the abdominal organs. In females, this closed sac is ...
The pelvic peritoneal space is the inferior reflection of the peritoneum over the fundus of the urinary bladder and the front of the rectum at the junction of its middle and lower thirds. In females, the reflection is also over the anterior and posterior surface of the uterus and the upper posterior vagina.. The urinary bladder subdivides the pelvis into right and left paravesical spaces.
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A mother is not a perfect person because nobody’s perfect. She struggles for her family’s happiness and wellness. But as a person, she commits mistakes which are for a reason and has a reason. A child conversely should love and respect his/her parents as a return of what they have given. It is a child who supports the mother and must be the one to understand his/her mother’s sacrifices. This movie focuses on the relationship of a parent and a child who comes across a trial which concerns misunderstanding due to communication gaps between the daughter and the mother. Its moral lesson evolves around the understanding how parents try to make a living for their children. The sacrifices one has to give in order for her children to have a better future and meet their needs. In our country, many have worked overseas hoping to uplift their livelihood and to look for success just like the main character in the movie. Children have to understand all their parent’s hardships.
In the child’s growth, he or she may start to look for guidance and love due to their distance. In this movie, both have to realize their shortcomings and constant communication is a must to avoid these gaps. A parent and a child should have an open communication with each other especially when distance is between them. Distance is not a hindrance to show how you care for your children. The child must also commit her mistakes that friends may leave and dessert you, but no matter what happens, your family will always there right beside you.

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Reflection in the Movie “Anak” Analysis. (2016, Jun 21). Retrieved from https://graduateway.com/reflection-in-the-movie-anak/
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[caption id="attachment_15079" align="aligncenter" width="545"] Fig 1 - The sacral and anorectal flexures of the rectum.[/caption]
[caption id="attachment_15074" align="aligncenter" width="1024"] Fig 2 - The peritoneal reflections of the rectum in males (A) and females (B).[/caption]
[caption id="attachment_6625" align="aligncenter" width="587"] Fig 3 - Sagittal section of the female pelvis, showing the anatomical position of the rectum.[/caption]
[caption id="attachment_15069" align="aligncenter" width="543"] Fig 4 - The superior rectal artery, supplying the upper aspect of the rectum.[/caption]
[caption id="attachment_15078" align="aligncenter" width="300"] Fig 5 - Digital rectal examination of the prostate in males.[/caption]

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Original Author(s): Vicky Theakston Last updated: December 10, 2018
Revisions: 32
Original Author(s): Vicky Theakston Last updated: December 10, 2018
Revisions: 32
The rectum is the most distal segment of the large intestine , and has an important role as a temporary store of faeces.
It is continuous proximally with the sigmoid colon, and terminates into the anal canal .
In this article we will discuss the anatomy of the rectum – its structure, anatomical relationships, and clinical relevance.
The rectum begins at the level of the S3 (as a continuation of the sigmoid colon). It is macroscopically distinct from the colon, with an absence of taenia coli, haustra, and omental appendices.
The course of the rectum is marked by two major flexures:
There are additionally three lateral flexures (superior, intermediate and inferior), which are formed by transverse folds of the internal rectum wall.
The final segment of the rectum, the ampulla , relaxes to accumulate and temporarily store faeces until defecation occurs. It is continuous with the anal canal; which passes through the pelvic floor to end as the anus.
Fig 1 – The sacral and anorectal flexures of the rectum.
In the superior third of the rectum, the anterior surface and lateral sides are covered by peritoneum . The middle third only has an anterior peritoneal covering, and the lower 1/3 has no peritoneum associated with it.
In males, the reflection of peritoneum from the rectum to the posterior bladder wall forms the rectovesical pouch . In females, the peritoneum reflects to the posterior vagina and cervix, forming the rectouterine pouch (pouch of Douglas). See more about the peritoneal cavity here .
Fig 2 – The peritoneal reflections of the rectum in males (A) and females (B).
The rectum is located within the pelvic cavity , and is the most posterior of the pelvic viscera. Its anatomical relations are different in men and women:
Fig 3 – Sagittal section of the female pelvis, showing the anatomical position of the rectum.
The rectum receives arterial supply through three main arteries:
Venous drainage is via the corresponding superior, middle and inferior rectal veins . The superior rectal vein empties into the portal venous system , whilst the middle and inferior rectal veins empty into the systemic venous system. Anastomoses between the portal and systemic veins are located in the wall of anal canal, making this a site of portocaval anastomosis .
Note: the rectum is also closely anatomically associated with the rectal venous plexus; however this structure is more functionally related to the anal canal.
The rectum receives sensory and autonomic innervation.
Sympathetic nervous supply to the rectum is from the lumbar splanchnic nerves and superior and inferior hypogastric plexuses . Parasympathetic supply is from S2-4 via the pelvic splanchnic nerves and inferior hypogastric plexuses. Visceral afferent (sensory) fibres follow the parasympathetic supply.
Fig 4 – The superior rectal artery, supplying the upper aspect of the rectum.
Lymphatic drainage of the rectum is via the pararectal lymph nodes , which drain into the inferior mesenteric nodes.
Additionally, the lymph from the lower aspect of the rectum drains directly into the internal iliac lymph nodes.
The anterior wall of the rectum has a number of close anatomical structures. These can therefore be palpated digitally via the rectum. Most significant are the prostate and seminal vesicles in males, and cervix in females. Bony structures, such as the sacrum and coccyx, may also be palpated in both sexes.
For a guide on performing a digital rectal examination, visit our sister site TeachMeSurgery .
Fig 5 – Digital rectal examination of the prostate in males.
Which part of the rectum relaxes to accommodate faeces?
The rectum is the most distal segment of the large intestine , and has an important role as a temporary store of faeces.
It is continuous proximally with the sigmoid colon, and terminates into the anal canal .
In this article we will discuss the anatomy of the rectum - its structure, anatomical relationships, and clinical relevance.
The rectum begins at the level of the S3 (as a continuation of the sigmoid colon). It is macroscopically distinct from the colon, with an absence of taenia coli, haustra, and omental appendices.
The course of the rectum is marked by two major flexures:
There are additionally three lateral flexures (superior, intermediate and inferior), which are formed by transverse folds of the internal rectum wall.
The final segment of the rectum, the ampulla , relaxes to accumulate and temporarily store faeces until defecation occurs. It is continuous with the anal canal; which passes through the pelvic floor to end as the anus.
In the superior third of the rectum, the anterior surface and lateral sides are covered by peritoneum . The middle third only has an anterior peritoneal covering, and the lower 1/3 has no peritoneum associated with it.
In males, the reflection of peritoneum from the rectum to the posterior bladder wall forms the rectovesical pouch . In females, the peritoneum reflects to the posterior vagina and cervix, forming the rectouterine pouch (pouch of Douglas). See more about the peritoneal cavity here .
The rectum is located within the pelvic cavity , and is the most posterior of the pelvic viscera. Its anatomical relations are different in men and women:
The rectum receives arterial supply through three main arteries:
Venous drainage is via the corresponding superior, middle and inferior rectal veins . The superior rectal vein empties into the portal venous system , whilst the middle and inferior rectal veins empty into the systemic venous system. Anastomoses between the portal and systemic veins are located in the wall of anal canal, making this a site of portocaval anastomosis .
Note: the rectum is also closely anatomically associated with the rectal venous plexus; however this structure is more functionally related to the anal canal.
The rectum receives sensory and autonomic innervation.
Sympathetic nervous supply to the rectum is from the lumbar splanchnic nerves and superior and inferior hypogastric plexuses . Parasympathetic supply is from S2-4 via the pelvic splanchnic nerves and inferior hypogastric plexuses. Visceral afferent (sensory) fibres follow the parasympathetic supply.
Lymphatic drainage of the rectum is via the pararectal lymph nodes , which drain into the inferior mesenteric nodes.
Additionally, the lymph from the lower aspect of the rectum drains directly into the internal iliac lymph nodes.
The anterior wall of the rectum has a number of close anatomical structures. These can therefore be palpated digitally via the rectum. Most significant are the prostate and seminal vesicles in males, and cervix in females. Bony structures, such as the sacrum and coccyx, may also be palpated in both sexes.
For a guide on performing a digital rectal examination, visit our sister site TeachMeSurgery .
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