QuickBooks Outlook Is Not Responding! Here’s How to Deal With It?

QuickBooks Outlook Is Not Responding! Here’s How to Deal With It?

Alena yadis

QuickBooks desktop application allows users to send transactions through Webmail or Outlook. After setting up Outlook, one can also share invoices, reports, and many other documents. However, sometimes QuickBooks is unable to send your emails to Outlook. QuickBooks Outlook is closing is one such error that typically occurs when the user tries to send emails from the QuickBooks desktop application to Outlook. In this article, we will discuss about QuickBooks is unable to send your email to Outlook error, its causes, and solutions. So, stay connected till the end.

QuickBooks Outlook Is Not Responding
If you are facing QuickBooks Outlook is not responding error and want to fix it right away, then contact the certified QuickBooks experts team by dialing our toll-free number (855)-526-5749.

Reasons behind QuickBooks missing Outlook option

There are several factors leading to the ‘QuickBooks is unable to send your emails to outlook’ error. Take a look at some of them listed below:

1.QuickBooks desktop and Outlook are not logged in as an administrator.

2.You are using an outdated version of Microsoft Outlook and QuickBooks desktop.

3.QuickBooks cannot communicate with third-party applications.

4.Inappropriate email settings.

5.The Email configuration file is damaged or corrupted.

As of now, you are aware of the causes behind QuickBooks Outlook not responding error. Let’s proceed to the solutions.

Quick Troubleshooting Steps to Tackle QuickBooks Outlook is closing error

Given below is the most effective troubleshooting procedure to fix the ‘QuickBooks install outlook client on your system to select this option’ issue:

Step 1. Run Microsoft Outlook and QuickBooks as an Administrator

The following steps will help you run both QuickBooks as well as Outlook as an administrator:

1.Close QuickBooks Desktop application.

2.Next, click on the Windows Start menu.

3.Within the search field, enter QuickBooks.

4.Right-click the QuickBooks icon and select Open file location.

5.Open the folder and right-click on the QuickBooks.exe file.

6.Then, choose Properties.

7.Go to the Compatibility tab.

8.Select to check the Run this program as Administrator option.

9.Click Apply and then OK.

If you still get QuickBooks missing Outlook option error, then proceed to the next step.

Step 2. Configure Microsoft Outlook

Before moving to the steps, get the username, password, incoming email server address, incoming email server type, and outgoing email server address:

1.Foremost, open QuickBooks.

2.Click on the Edit menu.

3.Select the Preferences option.

4.Click Send Forms.

5.Choose Outlook and click OK.

If the QuickBooks Outlook is closing error still appears, move on to the next step.

Step 3. Check Email Preferences for QuickBooks

1.Start QuickBooks and go to the File menu.

2.Select Preferences and then Send Forms.

3.Navigate to the My Preferences tab and select the Send email using option.

4.Click OK.

5.Move to the Edit tab once again and choose Preferences.

6.Select Send Forms and hover over the My Preferences tab.

7.Choose QuickBooks Email and click OK.

8.Click on the Edit menu and then Preferences.

9.Choose Outlook and then select OK.

10.Close QuickBooks and Outlook.

11.Restart the system and try to send email using again.

If you are getting the same error message, try the following step.

Step 4. Check Internet Explorer Email Preferences

1.Close QuickBooks and the company file.

2.Open Internet Explorer and click on the Settings icon.

3.Choose Internet Options.

4.Go to the Programs tab and select the Set Default option.

5.Next, click on the Set your Default Program written in blue.

6.Choose Outlook and click the Set this Program as Default option.

7.Select OK.

8.Close Internet Explorer and try to send email again.

If you are facing the ‘QuickBooks Outlook is not responding’ error message again, proceed to the next step.

Step 5. Clean Install QuickBooks Desktop

The tool helps you to fix the damage by renaming old install files. Here’s how:

1.Note down QuickBooks license number, product year, and version.

2.Then, uninstall QuickBooks.

3.Download the latest version of QuickBooks Tool Hub and install it.

4.Open QuickBooks Tool Hub and choose Installation Issues.

5.Click Clean Install Tool and then OK.

6.Once the tool finishes, reinstall the QuickBooks desktop application.

We hope the steps mentioned above help you fix QuickBooks Outlook is not responding error. If the problem persists, contact the certified QuickBooks professionals by calling us on our helpline number (855)-526-5749.

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