Quick Guide on the Axie Infinity Scholarship Program

Quick Guide on the Axie Infinity Scholarship Program


Right now, we are at the dawn of a completely new era, so it’s best to get acquainted with what’s waiting for us before the new technologies take over the world. Sounds a bit dramatic, right? No worries, today, we’ll not discuss any drama. With the help of this guide, you can learn more about Axie Infinity along with what the Axie scholarship program is and why you need it. Let’s get started!

What Is Axie Infinity? 

Axie Infinity is an NFT-based online game that offers a completely new approach to NFT technology. Axie Infinity rules are pretty simple. This game offers a community in which you can participate in trades, sell items, conduct exchanges, as well as do many other things. You will have your own pets that you can raise, breed, trade, and receive SLP.

How can you earn from the game?

The best way to earn money from Axie is to farm and sell SLP. Another thing you can do is to farm and sell your Axies. You are the one who owns the rights to your NFT pets, so you are free to do anything you like and choose the desired methods of increasing your profit and earning real money.  There are other ways to increase Axie Infinity SLP supply. To get even more Axie Infinity SLP rewards, you will have to go into the arena. To do that, you’ll need to have a decent team or teams. Often fining the best 3 Axie Infinity team is a task that requires a lot of time and analysis, so you will have to make sure you don’t rush and prepare for it properly.

What Is the Axie Infinity Scholarship?

Axie Infinity scholarship provides you with an opportunity to delegate some of your duties and tasks to a PRO player, who will take care of them and make sure that you get guaranteed income from the game on a daily basis. Once you team up with a PRO, you will be able to concentrate on the most important tasks, such as Axie Infinity sell SLP or trade, while the rest will be done by a specialist. 

Why Should You Get into the Axie Infinity Scholarship Program?

The scholarship program has many benefits, which include professional assistance, guaranteed results, quick development of your account, fast delivery, as well as many other perks. Here are a few more advantages of the scholarship program:

  • Quick results 
  • Guaranteed income
  • Professional assistance from authorized PRO players
  • 100% safety of your account
  • Selfplay options
  • Custom orders
  • An opportunity to create as many accounts as you wish

How soon will you see the results?

Your account will start generating income after 24 hours since the purchase was made. The max start time is 48 hours. After that, it’s guaranteed that your account will farm SLP every day.

Are there any guarantees?

To make sure that you’ll get the desired results, you will sign an official contract with the service provider. Moreover, you are guaranteed to get 1170 SLP+ per account, as well as 70% pay off of the initial cost of the Axies. You will obtain a certain amount of Axie Infinity SLP per day, with an average of 130 SLP daily per account.

The Axie Infinity play to earn game may not be easy to understand, but once you dive into the world of NFT, you’ll see how straightforward it is. NFT still feels like something new, but it already offers limitless opportunities to everyone who’s ready to try something unique. Axie Infinity USA, EU, and other communities from the whole world keep expanding, so now is the best time to join them and start getting Axie Infinity rating rewards and earning real money. Just go to Lfcarry.com and let the PROs know when you are ready, and that’s all you have to do.

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