Questions you should ask before hiring a landscaper

Questions you should ask before hiring a landscaper

 If you're considering hiring a landscaper, it's important to do your research and ask the right questions before making a decision. In this blog post, we'll cover some of the most common questions that should be asked when assessing whether or not to hire someone for lawn care services. 

Are you in the process of hiring a professional landscaper? If so, there are some questions that you should ask before signing any contracts. The following list has been compiled from years of experience working with people looking to hire professionals for their yards. 

There are many questions you should be asking before hiring a landscaper in order to make sure that the results are what you want and to avoid any surprises. 


  • What is included in your service? 
  • How does pricing work? 
  • Are there any additional costs associated with my project? 
  • Do you have insurance and licenses to perform this type of work? 
  • What are your qualifications and experience in this field? 
  • Will I need an architect’s approval before starting work on my property? 
  • Can I see some samples of previous projects you've completed for other customers like me?
  • What is your cancellation policy?"
  • What is the total cost including materials and labor? This will help ensure that you know what your project should run before it starts. 
  • How much experience do they have? Sometimes less experienced workers can be more affordable, but this may come at the expense of quality workmanship. 
  • Do they carry liability insurance or worker's comp? You want to make sure that if something does go wrong on-site, they're covered and not placing a financial burden on yourself as a homeowner. 
  • What kind of landscape service do they offer? 
  • Do they offer design services? Do they provide all materials or just labor? 
  • And if it is just labor, how much time will it take them for the project to be completed? 
  • Will your property require permits and approvals from the city building department before construction can commence on-site? 

These are some very important questions that need answering before you hire someone.

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