Questions about Elbrus

Questions about Elbrus

MCS AlexClimb

Original section here

My collection of Mount Elbrus routes to Elbrus here

A selection of answers to the frequent questions regarding routes, equipment, and tactics for climbing the highest mountain of Europe and Caucasus - Mount Elbrus

In which mountains is located Mount Elbrus?
What city is located close to Mount Elbrus?
How to get to Mount Elbrus from Moscow

What airfield is located on Mount Elbrus? What kind of object is called the "German Aerodrome"?

What is the difficulty grade of the Mount Elbrus routes?

What difficulties await mountaineers when climbing Elbrus?
How to prepare for climbing Mount Elbrus?
Are there avalanches on Mount Elbrus and how to avoid getting in them?
Is it possible to climb Elbrus without guide?
What season of the year is the best to climb Mount Elbrus?
How long does it take to climb Mount Elbrus?
What clothes and shoes are needed to climb Mount Elbrus?
What is the atmospheric pressure at the summit of Mount Elbrus?
What is the air temperature on Mount Elbrus?
What attractions are there in the Mount Elbrus region?
How much does it cost to climb Mount Elbrus?

Dawn at Mount Elbrus - the panorama from the Main Caucasian Ridge

Mount Elbrus, Oshkhamakho, Minghi Tau, whatever name you choose, it will be the most famous Caucasian mountain, desired goal for many climbers, dream and aspiration of a lifetime of mountain dreamers. It is impossible to make a mistake or not notice the outline of this mountain - no matter where you are - in Pyatigorsk or Mineralnye Vody, in the car rushing along the highway or in the airplane - one glance at the horizon is enough to ask yourself - why is Mount Elbrus there, but I am not yet? !

This is how Mount Elbrus is seen by anyone, without exception, who visits the Elbrus region and dare to take the cable car to the upper station Mir (World)

Mount Elbrus is like the hallmark of modern mountaineering in Russia and Europe - there are few people whose path in the mountains does not run through the long gentle slopes of the highest mountain in Europe.

No matter from which side you look at Mount Elbrus, this mountain will always remain in your memory. It is impossible to forget these simple but understandable forms.

But the excessive popularity and imaginary accessibility of the Mount Elbrus summits sometimes plays a cruel joke - not everyone appreciates the real seriousness of this Caucasian peak. In appearance, it does not look scary nor dangerous - it is not like Mount Ushba or Matterhorn in their cruel rocky grin.

Even the “simplest” climb of Mount Elbrus is associated with the most serious challenges

The outlines of Mount Elbrus are soft and feminine. It seems that you can reach out and stroke the velvety snowball on its top... But this is a very dangerous delusion. Even the simplest climbing route to Mount Elbrus - from the south, equipped with dense infrastructure, trampled and mega popular for tourists - even this “highway in the sky” does not forgive the slightest mistakes and very cruelly punishes for excess of the self-confidence.

Climbing Mount Elbrus. As a popular tourist product it has little in common with real mountaineering

Like any mountain peak, Mount Elbrus is very demanding of any person who wishes to climb to its summit. The commercial excitement around Mount Elbrus, the abundance of the offers and not always adequate marketing - these factors often do not make it possible to sensibly understand the complexity of the goal and choose the right and safe way to achieve it.

At the top of Mount Elbrus.

Having quite extensive experience of climbing this gloomy giant, I have collected in this section answers to the most important and frequently asked questions regarding climbing Mount Elbrus.

The section is constantly developing and supplemented - many thanks to those who do not hesitate to rely on other people's experience when making their own plans and ask numerous, useful and interesting questions.

Mount Elbrus - panorama from the north

The author of the texts and photographs of the section - Alex Trubachev
Your professional mountain guide for Mount Elbrus and all the Caucasus


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