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Child 'Porn'... and it's LEGAL

Jun 10, 2003

Look at this! God, ok, this site is legit. I saw something about it on Oprah and today i actually visited the site. I nearly puked. This site is for pedophiles, plain and simple, and it's LEGAL. I'm going to post a link and some of the extreme pictures but i really don't reccomend going there.
What the hell... modeling my ass... this is a legal loop-hole. The Parents should be shot, the webmaster should be castrated.

Response to
Child 'Porn'... and it's LEGAL

Jun 10, 2003

In my book, its like erotica... and with kids, its porn... so, you can't see a nipple, is that where law-makers draw the line?

Response to
Child 'Porn'... and it's LEGAL

Jun 10, 2003

Do these families realize that when they let their children model, it's going to be just old men looking at them. Oprah had some of these children and family's of the children on. Oprah being god got the children to stop. Come on, 11 year old sex symbols, that's sick!

Response to
Child 'Porn'... and it's LEGAL

Jun 10, 2003

thats terrible the models look pretty unhappy doing that.

Response to
Child 'Porn'... and it's LEGAL

Jun 10, 2003

ok first of all.. why should this be illegal? its not porn, i dont see anybody naked, everyone is clothed. i cant see anything. true, it is perverted, so dont look at it jeez. they can do whatever the hell they want.
Every once in very great while comes a ridiculously funny thread. So funny in fact i must put it into my sig /1049194/1

Response to
Child 'Porn'... and it's LEGAL

Jun 10, 2003

im sure they make moeny... noones ever that inocent...
im sure somone will compalne and somting will be done...
the fbi hird three 13 year old girls to teach them how to go online and pretend to be 13 pritty cleaver huh?

Response to
Child 'Porn'... and it's LEGAL

Jun 10, 2003

Camera man: "Ok, look at the camera, look sexy....... there you go.... ok, now spread your legs wider... theres the money shot... ok... now put that angsty depressed look on your face, and lower your bra strap... good job................... whats that smell? Oh, ok, yeah, get the Mom; Ashley needs a diaper change"
Sick. This is like Victoria Secret: They aren't trying to sell the clothes, just the girls.
Child Erotica: Kid tested, Mother approved.

Response to
Child 'Porn'... and it's LEGAL

Jun 10, 2003

It's not that "extreme".. you see that much walking around a mall and seeing kids in shirts that have half their tits hanging out..

Response to
Child 'Porn'... and it's LEGAL

Jun 10, 2003

That is sick. I hope they get 50 denial of service attacks a day after being given all of that publicity.

Response to
Child 'Porn'... and it's LEGAL

Jun 10, 2003

the kids on the site are 7-16 year olds... Where do i go to find they 2-6 year olds?

Response to
Child 'Porn'... and it's LEGAL

Jun 10, 2003

Damn thats horrible! There has to be some way that they can be charged with somthing. Explotation.

Response to
Child 'Porn'... and it's LEGAL

Jun 10, 2003

Now that one is horrible.. it actually shows the lining of the.. ugh..
Hope I don't get banned for that.. after all.. it is LEGAL.

Response to
Child 'Porn'... and it's LEGAL

Jun 10, 2003

If its legal, then it's ok, and its just for modeling, only perves look at it like child porn, besides, there is nothing we can do about it.
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Response to
Child 'Porn'... and it's LEGAL

Jun 10, 2003

Response to
Child 'Porn'... and it's LEGAL

Jun 10, 2003

Thats very disturbing, if i had a daughter no fuckin WAY would i let her do this, and the worse of it is, is that its published on the net were all the freaks can download and toss of to it.

Response to
Child 'Porn'... and it's LEGAL

Jun 10, 2003

I just did as well. This is horrible.

Response to
Child 'Porn'... and it's LEGAL

Jun 10, 2003

Yes, very true JJA... whats worst is that on the Homepage it links to other 'teen sites' where they have teen girls in poses and it has the text: Karen 12 year old...

Response to
Child 'Porn'... and it's LEGAL

Jun 10, 2003

God i hate paedophile. It's...just sick. Wish they all burn in hell

Response to
Child 'Porn'... and it's LEGAL

Jun 10, 2003

The sad thing isn't that the site exists.
It's the fact that these parents have no qualms about subjecting their children to this.

Response to
Child 'Porn'... and it's LEGAL

Jun 10, 2003

ok i guess im the only one here with this opinion...but personally i dont think its that big of a deal...i mean lindsey and do those shots if i was getting paid!! that does not mean i want to be a playboy centerfold karen...shes younger and has a few shots that are a bit more...ya know...but i mean id still do them! you dont see anything...and you get paid!!! but thats just me...

Response to
Child 'Porn'... and it's LEGAL

Jun 10, 2003

well look at the careers of the average female model. they start when they are in their teens. and to keep their jobs, they must continue to look like they did as teenagers, with virtually no bodyfat to speak of.
let's face it, they are a product of our sick society. kids are having sex now. there are girls as young as 11 becoming sexually aware and active. i just wonder what it is that makes them so attractive to adult males. someone with a psych background should post here.
it's not illegal, but it is questionable. questionable on the the part of the parents ( who are usually living out their own fantasies through their daughters or trying to score money the easy way ) and questionable on the part of viewers of the site. perhaps men with low self-esteem try to hook up with girls this age because they are too fucked up to meet a real woman. the victims are the children.

Response to
Child 'Porn'... and it's LEGAL

Jun 10, 2003

Response to
Child 'Porn'... and it's LEGAL

Jun 10, 2003

well depdns fasion runay modls are usaly rather skinny... adult modles have the fat usualy... teen girls DO have fat thats the thing your suposta a wons body is suppost to be much mroe fat then a mans for baby realted stuf
hum well see thers thing thing iwas reading about sex and child porn and whanto the idea is taht young kids even can look beautful and to some people sexy its not a horrable thing disring youth... but vraious things affect peolex jusmet or its jsut ming in them or osming theve been in away forced to like oh you could always blme scocity but really ... this lead sto htis crap iwas htinking about how scocitys fucekld and wer realyl so prmitve and selfish
nope its illegal in various conuntrys thanks
no thers perfcitrly "nomal" people that have sexual fantsy about young boys and girls
perhaps you could watch the film lolta to explane it better but you may jsut go blah blah sick blah blah
AHG... im writing somting up about all my belifs ill post it somtime
look nomatter what that sight is worng...

Response to
Child 'Porn'... and it's LEGAL

Jun 10, 2003

that's really sick, what's wrong with these kid's parents??

Response to
Child 'Porn'... and it's LEGAL

Jun 10, 2003

Like the photographer/place could be all like, "yeah your child can be a model! a famous child star!" - there are plenty of legitimate child models and stuff, and maybe these parents are blinded by stars and think that yes, their child can do it too.
So the photographers get their shots - maybe show the parents some clean ones, to make them not question it, meanwhile peddle the dirty ones to the pervs or something.
Who knows? If the parents were in full knowledge, then they are nasty; what kind of parents are they? If the parents were just pulled into a scam, well then that's pretty dumb but they're not as nasty as if they knew what was going on.
In all cases, those taking the pictures SUCK!

Response to
Child 'Porn'... and it's LEGAL

Jun 10, 2003

Everything, worst case scenario is they want the money.

Response to
Child 'Porn'... and it's LEGAL

Jun 10, 2003

Response to
Child 'Porn'... and it's LEGAL

Jun 10, 2003

Parents should be present at any photo shoot featuring underage youth. If they aren't, they are entirely to blame for their children being exploited. We aren't talking high-school teenagers with cars and jobs here. This is pre to recently pubescent girls (elementary through middle school).
As for the comments by whomever about our "sick society:"
That is a bit of a cop-out. Look at history and you will see the age for sexual debauchery of women is much higher now as a norm than a few hundred years ago. 11-13 was the common age of marriage for many girls only a handful of centuries ago. Their husbands were usually in their late twenties/early thirties. This is actually still in practice in some Muslim countries. Sexuality in teens is a natural process of is the intrusion of adults into this process that warps the sexual development of children.
Young developing girls are attractive to men because they represent a ripening sexuality unencumbered by the effects of aging mixed with a sliver of innocence and the ever-enticing concept of youth. The difference is most adults repress these urges or lose them as their mental development begins to clash with the naive conceptions of kids. All-in-all, most men attracted to young girls are attracted to post pubescent teens around the age of 16 whom are practically women physically. Men attracted to exceptionally young girls as found on the website are usually experiencing a mental abberration resulting from abuse, incomplete social development, or any number of factors which contributes to uncommon mental maturity.

Response to
Child 'Porn'... and it's LEGAL

Jun 10, 2003

I would say it is dispicable cause why in the world would you have your kid model? some parent who drems of being a star were crushed so now they are living their dreams through their kids. I wouldn't call it child porn cause no one is naked or being touched. I mean we have adlut models and we don't call that porno. but still haveing a kid modeling "revealing" clothes is so wrong

Response to
Child 'Porn'... and it's LEGAL

Jun 10, 2003

that is just sick plain and simpl the people should stop that site but they might not...
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