Quest Failed Download

Quest Failed Download


Quest Failed Download
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Download Quest Failed Game Free Torrent (258 Mb)

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Free download Quest Failed torrent. Computer game Quest Failed has several episodes collected in one project, and it can be called a text novel for adults. Before you - a fascinating quest with elements of anime, a little fantasy. Fans of the mix will be delighted with the passing game and the history described in it.
Character waiting for exciting travel to different cities and countries, in different lands. Be prepared for the fact that in your way will meet different characters, among which there will be monsters, and various creatures. You'll have to help them in many areas. Sometimes even have to join with them in battle. The game can be characterized as a relaxed and interesting, not without erotic component. Anyone can try his hand in this project. Prepare to be that your first quest will not succeed. But the end of the game you will be pleasantly surprised. System requirements: OS: Windows XP or later Processor: 1.4 GHz Memory: 1024 MB RAM Video Card: 512 MB DirectX: Version 9.0 Disk space: 1 GB
On this page you can download the game Quest Failed torrent free on a PC.

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Quest Failed - Chapter Two - Demo - Windows 184 MB
Quest Failed - Chapter Two - Demo - Mac 182 MB
Quest Failed - Chapter Two - Demo - Linux 186 MB
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Viewing most recent comments 7 to 46 of 110 · Next page · Last page
Quest Failed - Chapter Two may contain content you must be 18+ to view.
A downloadable game for Windows, macOS, and Linux
Quest Failed: Chapter Two is the continuation of the 'Quest Failed' series, following the misadventures of an aspiring adventurer and the various monster girls he encounters in his travels. The second chapter picks up right where the previous chapter left off, with Matt having successfully repelled an undead assault against the capital city of Rhan, and being granted an audience with the Queen who seems to possess some kind of interest in him upon hearing of his exploits. The capital city is a big place, with many curious individuals lurking behind its walls--some friendly, some...well...not so friendly. And with the player being given more freedom than ever before to explore this new city, who can say what kind of trouble young Matt might find himself in now?
The Quest Failed: Chapter Two demo is finally here! In this expansive demo (more than twice the length of Chapter One's demo!) you'll get to experience the game's opening, acclimate yourself to the capital city and meet a range of colourful characters lurking behind the grand walls of Rhan.
There's a total of 4 cg scenes for your viewing pleasure (3 h-scenes and 1 particularly steamy moment) so make sure you leave no choice unchecked, as you never know what might happen! ---
And if you enjoyed your time with the Chapter Two demo--please consider supporting the [FrostWorks patreon]! (Jilly worked super hard on the banner!) It's a great way to keep up with development of the game, with a whole range of CG scene teasers, written stories and even sometimes an audio scene or two! (There's currently one featuring a very mischievous Royal Spy~) The current alpha builds being given out to alpha testers also offers a far wider range of content in the game compared to what the demo has to offer (and even then, the demo is super long, so you can see why Chapter Two is taking this long to put together, haha) albeit it in a slightly rougher state than what you might see present in the demo--but if you just can't wait to get your hands on more Chapter Two content it's a great way to go! The development of Chapter Two has been a long road and admittedly I'm very nervous about finally putting something out for you all to play, as I know it's been far too long! But I really do hope you enjoy what the demo has to offer and that it gets you excited for the full release coming down the line. (It won't be tooooo much longer, I promise!) If you wanted to reach out to me directly regarding anything concerning Quest Failed, feel free to leave a comment below or email me directly at: Additionally, I have a Discord server with a small but dedicated community for Quest Failed, monster girl games in general and everything else in between~ Feel free to stop in and say hi! I'm usually hanging out around there most days, too and will sometimes post small teasers concerning Quest Failed that I feel might not warrant a full tweet or blog post. [Official Quest Failed Discord Server!] Finally, if you want to keep up with development on Chapter Two as things progress, following me on twitter at @Frost_Works is a good way to go! Thank you for your time and I love you all~
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good to see the protagonist clarifying that he is indeed Legal Age, despite his small size. Clarifies it in a good way by adding it in as dialogue.
and ofcourse, the characters still are noice.
Despite appearances, Matty is ALL man!
Will he ever experience any role reversal or sissy play with any of the ladies?
Togashi is back after years of hiatus, which one is going to be released first. Hunter x hunter's next chapter or this game?
probably the chapters, haha. Still it’s nice to see him back.
Hey Frost, it's been almost 3 or 4 years or more since I played your demo for the first chapter of Quest Failed. I absolutely loved the story and the character design and was looking forward to supporting you, but life happened, and I never got the chance to. During the time, I remember you had already announced Quest Failed 2 was being made and I was really hyped lol. Just recently I remembered the game and came in to check out the progress on Quest Failed 2. I must say, I am truly amazed at how amazingly well you've done on it so far. I would love to support you sometime soon whenever I get the chance, and I just wanna let you know your games are the best. Keep up the outstanding work! :)
Hiya there! Thank you so much for your kind words! It really means a lot to me~ And I'm glad you like everything that's been showcased so far--as it's certainly been a journey over the years!. I can only apologise for how long it's been taking, as I certainly didn't plan on it getting this out of hand, haha. ;~; I hope when the game does release, that you'll enjoy it as much as you enjoyed Chapter One, if not moreso! As I'd like to think that I really have something special on my hands right now with the amount of work and content that has been put into it thus far! Hours and hours and hours of content to be sure~
Of course! You're absolutely welcome! I'm really glad to hear you value my opinion/appreciation of your game. There's no need to apologize at all to be honest, since all your content is very much worth the wait. You're doing amazing so far honestly, so keep up the outstanding work, but feel free to take your time and take it easy ^^
I really look forward to any upcoming updates and final version of the game :) I also really wanna thank you for your prompt reply, I'm sorry it took so long for mine, I've just been awfully busy lately. I genuinely look forward to supporting you throughout the entire remainder of the project and development as soon as I possibly can. It will definitely be worth it, without a doubt ^^
P.S. Just on a sidenote, I just have small suggestion for the final game if possibly applicable. I would really love to see the game be able to continue in a free-to-continue-exploring and being able to repeat certain quests fashion. I've played a few games before, and honestly the one thing that really hurts the most is to see great content as non-repeatable. A gallery mode would be nice, however it would feel a whole lot more realistic and immersive if the game doesn't fade to black after the final quest is completed, instead allowing for the protagonist to continue exploring the map and interacting with the waifu's. That's just on a sidenote though, it would be one of the main features I would really appreciate seeing implemented in the final version honestly ^^"
Thank you very much, and no worries at all! It's good to hear back from you, and I appreciate the taking the time to reply back to it all! Regarding the potential of having a free-time option after the main storyline is over--I suppose I'll have to see what's all achievable in a single 'run' before making any solid decisions, as I feel there'll be enough free days to see a lot, but I'd still want to incentivise multiple playthroughs, too. As there's some variation in some parts depending on how you played quests or met certain characters, that might be missed out on if you were just able to do it all in a single file. Repeating content within the story itself outside of side jobs that have cutesy chibi animations won't be possible--but a fully-featured gallery menu is already halfway implemented in the current build I'm working on, and allows you to revisit h-scenes and view the images of any scenes you've previously seen before, which I think should be a good solution! So even though you might have to see different scenes across different playthroughs, it'll all be catalogued in a gallery you can revisit with ease, and will be encouraged to unlock every scene!
You're very welcome! I greatly value your appreciation and acknowledgement :)
Regarding the free-time option, feel free to do whatever you feel is best. It's just personal preference honestly and just a suggestion of mine that I feel would add a lot more fun and longer lasting entertainment to the game, since usually seeing a "The End" screen after such an amazing engaging adventure can be genuinely disappointing. It's also awesome to know that there will be some diversity in the storyline, I am VERY excited for what's to come. And I completely understand that certain visual content won't be able to be made repeatable in-game, and that's absolutely fine since a gallery will be a perfect solution for sure! Being able to collect and unlock every scene from different playthroughs will be awesome and I am all for it! :D
On a final sidenote, just to add to the initial point, if a free-time mode ever does get implemented, I just wanna mention that it would be nice to keep any special scenes as only viewable through gallery (such as scenes unlocked from a certain decision made in a quest or figuring out a puzzle/ etc.) whereas other less rare interactions be made repeatable and viewable through both interacting with the monster girl or viewing it in the gallery (for example: cuddles, headpats, kissing, and maybe even the three basic forms of erotic interactions for at least a few characters)
Thank you so much for hearing me out and for even considering my suggestions, I really appreciate it a lot :)
I'm the guy who compared you to Togashi, why mute the f95?
Heyo, Apologies! I'm not sure I follow! I haven't muted anyone as far as I'm aware, haha.
just check the f95 page of Quest Failed 2. It no longer allows any replies.
Ah, I see! I have no control over anything on that website--nor am I the thread creator for that page. So any questions about that would have to be directed to the mods/admins of the site.
Love your work Frosty! Just felt like reminding you! :)
Thank you <3 I'll try not to disappoint with the full game!
Hey Frosty, I'm unfortunately still boycotting Patreon, is there somewhere else I can check for updates? Like Discord?
Hiya! There is a discord, though it's not really used for chronicling updates and such, and is more like a hangout for people who wanna chill and maybe occasionally discuss QF, haha. But beyond that, I post stuff from time to time on my twitter with sneak peeks now and again!
Hope it gets updated even with the third world war
Hiya, As of right now there isn't, apologies! My main focus is on completing the PC/Mac/Linux version. Once that's done, I'll explore alternative ports and see what can be done!
Happy New Year~ Here's to an awesome 2022!
Seasons greetings frostworks, stay frosty!
And a Merry December to you, too! May your Christmas be safe and enjoyable!
Heya! Any great news for Christmas...
Nothing set up for Christmas I'm afraid, haha. But on the in-development front, I've just about finished the most crucial main scenario moments in Quest Failed Chapter 2. All that's left now are a few side events, and wrapping up the epilogue stuff. So I'd like to think there's a light at the end of this VERY long tunnel. We're gonna make it. Eventually!
Hey I've been a fan since I played QF1 and I'm just checking see if there is any updates or release times
Thanks and keep doing amazing stuff 
Hiya there! Thank you for supporting the game for so long--that really means a lot to me! I can only apologise that Chapter Two isn't out quite yet, as I maybe dreamed just a little too big, haha. ;~; Rest assured that things are trucking along, and I'm due to release an update to the alpha build that covers almost all of the main scenario stuff, with just some side events to go. I think a light is slowly becoming visible at the end of this long, long, LOOOOONG tunnel!
I had to drop the Patreon a year or so ago due to financial issues, but I'm still looking forward to this release! Between this and Monster Girl Dreams I'm happy to see the genre alive and well, and moving away from its creepier manifestations.
Hiya there, Thank you so much for your continued support! I hope you'll enjoy the full game when it's ready and all the monster girl goodness it'll provide~
One thought I had. I previously commented about how most of the characters are large-breasted "milf" types. Is there any chance of getting some loli thrown in, like the three girls in the cave or the harpy little sister from Monster Girl Quest?
Hiya there! There's at least a couple of characters I can think of that have smaller chests in Chapter Two--in comparison to some of the far more buxom ones at least, haha--though nothing that veers too much towards loli-esque territory, apologies! I've typically made the game around my own personal preferences, so that sort of thing wouldn't be a consideration.
Pedophilia is already too rampant in the monster girl genre, don't try to infect the few games that are free of it please. Kenkou Cross may consist of creeps but not everyone who loves monster girls is one
Heya! I'm not going to delete this comment out of the blue, as I don't want to be seen as censoring peoples thoughts--but please keep things civil in the comments section and refrain from attacking other people. We're all friends here~ And the last thing I want to see is arguments erupting in the comments and such. Thank you!
Heya, Thank you so much for your kind words. <3 I really do hope you'll enjoy the second chapter just as much, if not more so once it's complete!
Sup frosty, just sayin hey. Happy spooky season ^_^
Ah, hey there! Thank y
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