Que Significa 420 Friendly

Que Significa 420 Friendly


Que Significa 420 Friendly
Editor Digital de Chilango. Ama los tacos, la tecnología, los gadgets y el cine. Los videojuegos le enseñan a vivir. Twitter: @poketronik

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¿Qué tiene que ver Grateful Dead con todo esto?
Para muchos, 4/20, 4:20 o simplemente 420 es más que un “código” o “slang” que ya no tiene nada de privado: es una filosofía, un estilo de vida, un “afrodisíaco” muy común en las apps de ligue y hasta una religión. ¿Pero qué significa y de dónde viene?
Los entusiastas de la marihuana saben que las 4:20 es la “hora feliz”, literalmente. El término, que se dice “cuatro veinte”, se usa para referirse a lo relacionado con la mota y puede significar desde una invitación hasta un sinónimo, o simplemente una señal que te indica que la persona que lo usa se identifica con el consumo de esta hierbita verde o sabe del tema.
Pero, ¿a quién se le ocurrió? Primero vamos a ver lo que NO es:
La teoría más aceptada y popularizada sobre el origen del término es la siguiente. Niños, reúnanse alrededor de la fogata:
“Había una vez” un grupo de amigos que eran alumnos de la secundaria San Rafael, ubicada en la comunidad del mismo nombre, en California, EUA. El año era 1971.
Estos dudes se hacían llamar “los Waldos”, en alusión a que siempre se juntaban en una pared cerca de su escuela a fumar mota (pared se dice “wall” en inglés) después de clases. Era su lugar de reunión favorito.
Un día escucharon el rumor de que había un sembradío de mota abandonado cerca de su escuela y creyeron poseer un mapa que los guiaría hasta el otro lado del arcoiris, así que se dedicaron durante varias semanas a buscarlo. Para ello, se reunían justo a las 4:20 pm en una estatua de Luis Pasteur que estaba ahí cerca.
¿Por qué a esa hora? Porque tenían actividades extraescolares, así que calcularon cuántos minutos les tomaba ir hasta la zona de la supuesta plantación, buscar un rato, y regresar a tiempo a la escuela.
Por supuesto, jamás encontraron el “tesoro”, pero vaya que se divirtieron en el proceso. Cuando se dieron cuenta de que el sembradío era una ilusión, y después de decir tantas veces las palabras “Luis 420” (en alusión al lugar y a la hora de reunión), comenzaron a asociarlas con el acto de fumar y posteriormente dejaron de decir lo de “Luis” para dejar solamente el “420”.
Pero aquí no acaba la cosa. ¿Has oído a esta banda?
Es Grateful Dead, originaria de… sí, adivinaste: California. La banda fue muy popular en los 60 y 70, y se mantuvo activa durante 30 años, hasta que en 1995 murió uno de sus integrantes.
La leyenda cuenta que el grupo estableció su “base de operaciones” cerca de la secundaria San Rafael, lo que les permitió a los Waldos conocerlos, sobre todo por dos razones: el padre de Mark Gravitch (un waldo) manejaba en esa época los bienes raíces de la banda; y Patrick, hermano de Dave Reddix (otro waldo), era manager de una banda de covers de Grateful Dead, por lo que llegó a hacerse amigo de su bajista, Phil Lesh.
Por estas dos razones, los Waldos sabían perfectamente cuándo se reunía la banda para ensayar, así que iban a oirlos mientras fumaban. Se cree que Patrick fue quien “le pegó” el término a Phil, y éste a su vez al resto de los Grateful Dead. Además, los Waldos poco a poco fueron colándose en las fiestas y conciertos de la banda, por lo que el 420 se fue “viralizando” entre los fans, como diríamos ahora.
La estocada final fue cuando la banda comenzó a usar 420 en sus volantes promocionales y cuando una de las revistas más influyentes de la contracultura del cannabis, High Times, habló sobre el concepto y sus misterios a inicios de los años 90.
Así las cosas, pero hay algo más importante: ¿qué significa PARA TI el término? Compártelo con el mundo y ten un feliz 20 de abril.
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Austa is a writer and editor based in the Denver and Southern California areas who specializes in the emerging Cannabis space. Austa specializes in hemp, cannabis, psychedelics, marijuana tourism and their impact on global marketplaces and culture.
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If your clock is stopped at 420 every second, every hour, every minute, then figuring out what sort of establishments are open to facilitating your lifestyle is an important must. After all, not all businesses are 420 friendly which puts a big premium on identifying the ones that are so that you can toke away in peace and not worry about anyone blowing your buzz.
Before examining the type of 420 friendly services available across America, let’s briefly discuss where the term 420 came from, the history behind it and why it is embedded in America Culture.
The story on the roots of 420 friendliness in America, like most things involving cannabis, is pretty hazy. However, there are some commonly believed theories that can help us understand what the term 420 means in a historical context.
For many years speculation on 420 origins has ranged from rumors that the number represents the police code word for cannabis, or even that there are 420 active chemicals at work in bud.
The reality of the term’s roots (at least as far as anyone can determine) is a lot simpler than that.
The most commonly believed origin of 420 story takes us to 1971 in Marion County California where five awesome dudes known in their circle as the Waldos (for the fact that they liked to blaze leaning up against a wall) had begun searching for a rumored hidden cannabis crop in a nearby town.
These brave cannabis crusaders would meet after school each day near their favorite chiefing wall at 420 to get high and then get going.
In short time, the code word for their hunt for the free bud became simply, 420. Simple right? But when you thought to yourself, “what does 420 mean?” you should have accounted for the possibility that it is based on five crafty stoners looking for free herb to smoke on.
What is the meaning of 420 friendly? “420 friendly” generally means that a person, hotel or other business establishment is open to letting you smoke cannabis in peace and without consequences.
Historically, 420 friendly has meant that a business or hotel won’t call the police on you if you spark up. However, given the shaky legal status of pot in the past, the term was only as reliable as the person in charge of wherever you were staying.
That said, with the rapidly changing weed laws that are currently rocking the country the definition of what is 420 friendly is changing pretty rapidly.
Whereas before 420 friendly just meant that a hotel or business had a cool manager who was willing to turn a blind eye, there is now the possibility of finding places with actual legal policies in place to ensure that you are able to smoke undisturbed. 
It is important to keep in mind that the way in which the “420 friendliness” of a hotel or business can range pretty wildly depending on where you are staying.
When it comes to the independent business operation of weed legal communities, we are in many ways in the wild wild west. While there are plenty of regulations in place indicating what an establishment can or cannot do, there is also a lot of leeway in which they are given the autonomy to choose how they do things.
In some instances, you may be able to spark up in your room, outdoors or on your balcony in peace. Other places will feature a designated smoking area designed specifically for marijuana enthusiasts to get their imbibing on.
Still, other times, the four twenty friendliness of a place of business means a whole lot more than simple tolerance. There are many places out there now that not only don’t mind weed but seem to love it, offering plenty of activities in which you can enjoy a joint as you explore a new hobby.
We will talk fairly extensively about some of these exciting opportunities a little bit later on.

The phrase “420 friendly”, has become so common that you will even now see people marketing themselves with the term.

Go on any dating site or craigslist listing with the phrase “420 friendly,” and you are sure to find some results. And this is important because if you are looking for a new roommate or even a potential life partner, you are definitely going to want to make sure that they are cool, right?
You’ll also want to note that it means different things in states where pot is legal than in states where it isn’t.
While the 420 friendly hotel or business in Colorado means that you will have ample opportunity to acquire and use pot as you see fit, in Illinois, it simply means that if you aren’t extremely discreet, they won’t be the ones to call the police.
Before we transition to the next parts of this guide, do keep in mind that there is one thing that “420 friendly” does not mean. For one thing, many tobacco users may be disappointed to learn that it doesn’t mean you can smoke cigarettes or cigars, and in fact, many 420 friendly places do not allow it.
In addition to just being a really excellent way to kick it, recreational marijuana has a very social component to it that can really be enhanced with 420 friendly hotspots.
People have always used pot to socialize. However, with marijuana legalization popping up everywhere that you turn your head, stoners now have lots of options when it comes to herbal socializing.
The social options for legal pot vary pretty widely depending on which cannabis legal state you find yourself in.
While some states have cannabis-friendly hotels, restaurants, and lounges, other states are pretty serious about limiting your toking to the confines of your home.
Hey, there’s nothing wrong with sparking up and watching Avengers with your friends at home, right?

You may have seen statistics about how more millennials choose pot than alcohol these days.
Why is that? While the reason to choose one substance over the other is ultimately going to be individualized, there is a wide range of reasons why people are choosing to get their smoke on.
For one thing, new science shows that moderate amounts of cannabis are a little bit better for a fully developed mind than alcohol (this information does not necessarily apply to teenagers).
It’s also just easier to bounce back from a night of smoking than it is from a night of drinking. While overindulging in marijuana is not entirely without consequences, it’s a whole lot preferable to the effects of a nasty hangover.
We will get into the specifics of some marijuana-related activities in the next section. However, just for your own point of reference, there actually are plenty of legal options out there in cooperating communities.
Because of the restrictions of current cannabis law, you may have to be willing to go hunting for these activities but for the resourceful stoner, there are plenty of different clubs and classes that are willing to allow you to improve your experience with a little bit of primo kush.
While we won’t get into the business of recommending specific tours (you’ll have to discover one that suits your preferences on your own) we can tell you that there plenty of exciting cannabis tour opportunities out there for those willing to look for them.
Essentially cannabis tours involve party busses (or other lavish means of recreational transportation) that give the discerning stoner the opportunity to sample a 420 weed-friendly community’s best offering. This could include but is not limited to, dispensaries, grow houses, and even glass blowing demonstrations.
The best part is that the party generally starts the moment that you board the bus. Joints are distributed, and patrons enjoy a variety of different opportunities that are designed to allow them to sample pot through a range of means.
Marijuana tours are now available in most places that weed is legal, including California and Colorado.
If you are looking to take part in these classes, tours or clubs, all you presently need is a state-issued form of identification indicating that you are twenty-one (21) years of age or older. While there are some rules limiting the extent to which out of state residents can interact with legal pot, out of towners should not have any trouble taking part in the activities listed above.
There are also classes available in 420 friendly communities that have taken to integrating pot into the curriculum. No, we aren’t talking about algebra.
However, if you want to free your mind up to some creativity you can take painting, cooking, or even yoga classes that are willing to let you get your smoke on. Here are some examples.
Creative and Fun Marijuana Classes:
There are also private events that allow you to enjoy your marijuana experience in a more intimate setting. These opportunities include marijuana catering, which involves high quality, cannabis-infused food, weddings, which may include food, floral arrangements, and bud bars, and even business networking events.
Do note that these opportunities don’t usually come cheap. Private marijuana event coordinating professionals can cost around $100 an hour, with some wedding consultation services costing upwards of $3000 (not including the cost of the event itself).
The whole gist of this guide is just how rad it is that this stuff exists, but for the sake of emphasis, how could we not mention it again?
Since most hotels don’t have a four twenty friendly outlooks, and since sparking up used to mean the threat of legal trouble, this is certainly no small thing.
In order for 420 smokers to feel comfortable, there is a need for business owners to provide 420-friendly environments so you can smoke on in a safe and enjoyable way. Considering that these opportunities simply have not existed in the past, it is safe to say that now is a great time to be alive, isn’t it?
Now on to explore the world of 420-friendly hotels and Airbnb.
State law for rental properties including hotels and resorts varies on whether or not marijuana activity is legal. However, some states, like Colorado allow lodging businesses to decide for themselves whether or not they want to permit guests to toke.
Colorado 420-friendly hotels include but are certainly not limited to the Boutique Luxury 4 Star Hotel in Downtown Denver, and the All Suite Hotel. These are of course, only examples. You will need to decide for yourself where to lodge.
Bud bars, lounges, and even 420 tours are subject to a little bit of legal ambiguity. You may recall that we mentioned earlier how up in the air public consumption is at this point.
However, there are some legal options available in Colorado open to anyone twenty-one and up.
What’s the benefit? For the social butterflies out there, there’s plenty to like. It’s a chance to get out of the house, relax in a cool and unique setting, and even meet other people that share similar interests with you.
The cannabis club is a pretty new concept that allows for the public consumption of marijuana. In Colorado, this concept is particularly new, the state has just issued its first license in the past year.
The idea behind the cannabis club is that imbibers can bring their own bud to the establishment and smoke in public for a cover charge.
While there are obvious concerns regarding these institutions (like the possibility of stoned driving) they nevertheless represent an exciting social opportunity for the responsible stoner.
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Los activistas cannábicos usan el "420" como un código de identidad cultural: la historia empezó hace 50 años (REUTERS)
El código 420 nació en 1971 y se extendió a toda la cultura cannábica durante los últimos 50 años, actualmente es una referencia global para hablar de nuevas regulaciones (REUTERS)
La comunidad cannábica de todo el mundo se apropió del término que inventaron cuatro adolescentes californianos en 1971, en las marchas en Buenos Aires por la legalización flamean banderas con el 420 (Gustavo Gavotti)
Los "Waldos", creadores del 420, décadas más tarde de su "hito" en la cultura cannábica
La banda de rock californiana Grateful Dead, clave en la difusión del término 420
Activistas durante una marcha por la regulación en México, con el símbolo 420 (GALO CAÑAS/CUARTOSCURO)
La publicación de la revista estadounidense High Times en 1991, la primera referencia periodística al 420
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El asesor del alcalde de la ciudad aseguró que los rusos paralizaron las exhumaciones y ya no entierran más cuerpos
Se trata de un hombre de 29 años, que llegó a Argentina con pedido de captura internacional, acusado de matar a un hombre y a su hija de 6 años en el país trasandino
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Hace unos cuantos años, en su primer viaje a California, Melina Banchero viajó -ella sola y su mochila- a ese país dentro de otro país que es California, en Estados Unidos. Antes de partir de Buenos Aires había reservado un hotel en la ciudad de San Francisco y al llegar, tras muchas horas de vuelo y ansiedad, la recepcionista la recibió con una sonrisa, un guiño de ojo y una frase: “We are 420 friendly” .
Melina, en aquel entonces estudiante de Psicología de la UBA, pudo traducir el significado de la frase pero no su significante. Era un código que no tenía cómo descifrar. Traducido, la chica del hotel le había dicho que allí eran “amistosos con el 420″. Pero la turista argentina no entendió; primero creyó que le daban una habitación especial, la suite cuatrocientos veinte, pero luego, al recibir la llave con el para nada especial 119, se dio cuenta de que no era ese privilegio, sino otro que no estaba a su alcance intelectual.
Durante un instante, entonces, quedó callada, intentó hacer como que sabía de qué le hablaban, pero finalmente, presa de l
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