


Picking up where I left off, let’s outline these information breaches, perhaps draft the beginnings for this final war.

Ancient Egypt and/or Babylon tend to be the best starting points for NWO paths to present. Horus and/or Baal are the central god-figures, although much of the deeper myth is known by the grand masters, hence the unification of the alluvial Nile, Levant and Near East. Without this pathway in and out of Africa, these cultures would not of integrated, separated and reintegrated at Babel. Alas, there is a northern influence foretold in the two mythologies, a forward-engineered model as opposed to the evolutionary past of the Cabal. This is what the NWO follow now.

And this is where we move to the Semites and Judaism. The Cabal, remember, is their opponent in one battle of this war. Judaism is based on Hebrew, Aramaic, and PIE, of which can be traced to the Caspian Steppe, the horse masters. If the Kurgan holds true, then Jews have to decide their fate as African and descended from apes, or as a part of an ancient Arctic alien Earth of our wildest dreams. The NWO also has the choice, but they’re attempting to manufacture it, as opposed to manifest it through a deeper mystery knowledge. 

The sides evidently become Saturn versus Earth, with distortions by the NWO in an attempt to wrestle power away from the Cabal. The NWO believe Saturn as Satan is the antithesis to God, the Sun, but that envelopes all. So Saturn and the Earth cabal merely battle. The Cabal is made up of old families, power and wealth passed through the Vatican, Jesus, the Greeks and Near Eastern cultures, and ancient figures across all Earth. The NWO is new wealth passed through only a handful of families entering the Cabal in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, best represented by media figures, celebrities and those with most exposed control over the masses. Unfortunately, they’re not the healthiest people, and they have acquired too much power through hypnotic methodologies. Not that the Cabal are good either, but their plan includes Light or Sun, not just Dark or Satan. This current moment is the dark, ever building since the emergence of light, ending with the actualized reversal of history and reemergence. 

But that is another story, and it’s one best told by Booth in The Secret History... 

No, I have to interject on the Reptilian idea. The Cabal is often associated with Zionism and a heavy Jewish presence in control of wealth and knowledge. I don’t see it exactly, the notion of pure blood, non-Rh blood separating those descended from Adam versus the Serpent in the Garden. Alas, the history doesn’t stop there, even by artifactual and mystical measures. So if we use the Torah (and all of its Hebrew analyses and variations) as the method for understanding blood or nonhuman species, then we must also defer to science and other organic means of origins. Hence returns the Semitic language, peoples and historiography. If Logos is the Judaic reading of Elohim verbalization (Metatron/Lucifer), then Mesopotamia, and thus Babylon are the candidates for these figures (Iry-Hor @ 5.2 ka & Enheduanna @ 4.6 ka). Adam & Eve are said to be from 2.5 ka, but the text from which their tale arrives no earlier than 3 ka. Their line leads to Noah and thus Abraham. I’ve just learned that David (and Goliath) are tales from a lineage of the Tanakh, traced through the Book of Ruth. Obed is a common ancestor, also mentioned in Matthew and Luke of the New Testament, but the time frame is around 3 ka as well. So, what kind of human-nonhuman separations are happening about 5 ka? 

Let’s take Goliath, a massive man, potentially left over from the Hyperboreans. Let’s also include cryptids, mythical or not, and suggest that many fossils have been found. Fossils as real or not. Remember, we don’t care if these tales are actual in nature, we just care if they exist. Humans are clever and funny, and we create a lot of undue material, tell a lot of lies, and filter what doesn’t need to be known until it must, aware we do it or not as means to establish understanding for the creature-gods once mentioned and still worshipped today.

Did the Serpent approach on two feet?

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