


So the vampire mythology that begins with Vlad the Impaler is because he was drinking the blood of his victims to access the adrenochrome-like qualities, so it’s possible this genetic variant has existed in the PIE lineage, and that those who self-identify with it today are modern vampires, and use adrenochrome, which is probably more addictive than anything else on earth, also because it’s so taboo. Think DMT and steroids together, where you become a god and can literally rip a child apart with your bare hands. 

This reminds me of a book by David Moody called “Hater”, which is what he inevitably thought this was -- we would CLICK! and know if that person hated us or visa versa in the very base of our soul just by making eye contact. The other issue was, of course, the immediate need to violate said person(s). But the second book focused more on the essential strength, skill and awareness of children, as if when this change occurred and we once again entered animal phase, they would be weapons. So their blood is purer and priceless. Almost, except to top-out-of-sight.

Apparently, wormwood is the great filter. Thank goodness I had psychoactive amounts of that before human blood. In fact, I believe the only human blood I’ve tasted is mine, perhaps my mom’s in while in utero, but I don’t even think I’m blood brothers with a non-sibling, or shared blood with a reproductive partner unless contained in semen or urine, which urine would only be carried in semen in those encounters. So I don’t know.

It’s not white versus black, because that would be Jew versus Nazi, as the WHITES are fighting each other for their definition of Semite, while the BLACKS are also fighting that. And then the duality persists. Unawakened people are utterly clueless.

BLM vs. COVID-19, yeah? Using RACE and VIRUSES as tools and weapons.


Basically, global warming and ice melting is leading to remarkable discoveries, cosmic kinetics, and reemergence of epiphanies.

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