


Elevate the lexicon, fine tune the rhetoric. Scattered ideologies roll away in the breeze. Summer hit, the wind blows the cold closer. The fires burning on the pavement have nowhere to go, as nature comes reaping. Preparing for a war when the catastrophe approaches. No worries about the mild mundane, the everyday terrorists trying to guess your ways. 

There’s nothing more to say. I will simply fuck you up as you believe you me. Good luck. Less, simple, silence. 


The next morning.

The real problem with Americans, and specifically WHITE ones, is their submission to the rules or laws established for them and not for us. I know, I know, WHITE. But it’s true, it’s inherent.

An Indigenous Twitter poster mentioned the term “blood quantum” which is something I hadn’t heard in a while, and is a set blood law passed starting in 1705 to determine percentages of Indigenous blood for the purposes of repurposing America’s land and resources, or to legally define racial segregation. With the same and more advanced technology through haplotyping, why not force every American mandatorily tested (as is what’s happened via SARS-CoV-2) and add their “racial” genome to their citizen profile? We all know every American born since 9/11 is updated daily from birth. I only have about 21 years prior that are private, or mostly, since I have written about those years and posted images of me back then, along with all the “contact tracing” that is happening and has happened as “networking” and now “blockchain”. 

This is why the Binary Gen will destroy technology. Start with the Y-connector Narus devices, as per William Binney in 2013. These are made to duplicate data through fiber optics, transferring one route normally, with the other route sent to NSA. In 2013, there were about 20 convergence points in the US for all internet, and all of those are duplicated. I believe much of this has to do with Hillary Clinton’s failed but pretentious run in 2016, when the Democrats believed they’d control information technology from within the Oval Office, as per Obama. 

But we all know lethargy and Trumpian Noids, along with the ever-so-dependable electoral college, elected Despot Drumpf. And here we are.

Back to the American WHITE. Honestly, it’s been that since 986, with the sights of Europeans on America. And any well read person knows the history of the Americas before then, the long migration and lineage from north to south, with bifurcations east, and a potential earlier drift from Australasia. So even if Indigenous or tribes will claim, their history, if they respect genetics, is also diversified by time and movement.

So, if I have a “perceived” kinship and descent to a people, does that mean I am one? Let’s say I can trace my lineage through Spaniard, Mexican, Pueblo, Filipino and then a collection of European sub-groups (mostly likely through Iberia/Spain), is this a perceived and real kinship? When the Twitter poster spoke of blood quantum, I believe her definition for inclusion in a race was that the participation and perception arrived from others accepted into the people. This means immediate and extended family would have to KNOW they are Spanish, Mexican, Pueblo, Filipino and other Euro, and have expressed acceptable cultural behaviors, yes? And then approved of my inclusion.

Ok, as a Spanish-American, I grew up Catholic, barely speaking Spanish, with a more patriarchal and familial upbringing. As a Mexican-American, I mimicked a similar culture to that of a Spanish culture which could exist in 1980’s America, but started adding more Indigenous encounters. For instance, my great grandmother. But wait, let me clarify. Paternality is more Spanish, Euro, Mexican and Pueblo. Maternality is more Spanish, Mexican, Pueblo, Filipino and Euro. In those orders and with those terms, my maternal great grandma was curanderisma-like, with homeopathic remedies to treat flu or intestinal viruses. Same for my paternal grandma, who learned it from her mother. So the Mexican American expressions seem to be more engrained, more organic and native. But this is when I assume -- at least through biotemporal selection -- my Spanish ancestors murdered, raped, subjugated, oppressed and alienated my Pueblo ancestors, mixing genetically by force, and changing the landscape of America for good. 

That’s a tough self-reflection to make, one I had no direct action in, but one which I have spent the last 20 years making amends for in numerous ways. This is also why I’ve been labeled WHITE and MALE, ultimately, but one from which I will never escape unless we all do. My judgment no loner resonates there, but I maintain racism from all directions.

After clarifying that, I feel able to speak about my Pueblo relationships. Pueblo and Navajo are the most populous and longest inhabited peoples of the southwest US. To get even more specific, as I spent a little of time researching ancient Puebloan culture, and its derivatives, we hit a general “Paleo-Indian” or paleo-american time-term for those crossing the Bering 45,000 years ago (with archaic Picosa and Oshara cultures as prototypes). At that point and between 12,000, vast thawing of the ice age that enabled the strait crossing allowed for several clans, tribes and eventual cultures to form and then become ecologically sedentary until forced removal. But that is one of the finest bases for being Indigenous, lithic technology and acequia, or the use of stone and wood and irrigation farming. Being native New Mexican, my one world view is the deepest part of me, is my reverence for my ecology, my Mother Earth. Whether in the southwest, Spain, or Oregon, that resonant spirit has existed from birth, knowably acknowledged by other family. That is my perceived kinship which transcends time and political uncertainties.

As for being Filipino-American, this is more of a hypothesis. My maternal family expresses Asian characters, including my great, great grandfather, his daughter my great grandma, my grandma, and two of my uncles, one more than the other. I only used the Philippines because of their known Spanish persecution and descent, their deeply Catholic heritage, and the knowledge that Spaniards ruled during the same time as they did the Americas. But from 1519, there was slave trade across the Pacific, and my family was a part of that as victim and violator. But there is very little traditional Asian, Indian or Islamic expression in any of my family since then. 

Finally, I’m most easily called European-American. For one, I’m lighter-skinned than most African Americans, but also darker-skinned than most European-Americans. At least according to my yellow-red melanin-value range. Being a Gen-Y/Millennial, I also get grouped with homogenized, popular American culture, that which is capitalist, affluent, entertained, and uneducated. Except, I’m an educated person, over-educated for my name, traits and status. So that also places me into a category with uneducated people who are systematically underrepresented groups, like the ones I’m a part of by appearance as well (forget being called “gay” and “faggot” for years). As I mentioned, I’m from the Iberian Peninsula, so my best analysis, and one I traced during my 20’s, is Aurignacian culture, or Cro-Magnon. I’m a predator, hunter and carnivore because of this, probably dominantly because of this, and this is the main trait I battle each and every day, in favor of advancements for the same lineage of western European and Near East thinking and expressions at the root of modern subjugation. 

Of course, these are simply instinctive snippets of a greater tale that each of us must discover about ourselves, then treat as praxis and actionable. There are two ways that are always assuaged by the modern human, mind and body. Convince both and you have what the third is, whatever you wish to be called or possess or have. If it is a soul, yes. If it is spirit, yes. If it is a role, an identity, as mom or dad or caretaker or sister, then yes. If it is as micah or Summer or they or them, then yes. But that is the choice you must defend to the end, that is the only last we have and THEY are warring to take even that away, to absolutely use as a natural resource from head to toe. The revelation may become dire, and while the playful conspiracies of our youth are fun, there are HUMANS behind this plan, as always, and as always they serve what they do not know. I can only hover around the plan because I’m an angel on the outside of their guarded mausoleum, the bunker layered over mind, body and nature, from which chaos waits for them.

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