



Production series
Belorussija Class

Cruise Line
Black Sea Shipping Company








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The vessel formerly known as “Gruziya” has changed its name on several occasions: The ship was firstly renamed “Odessa Sky” and then operated as “Club Cruise I” for two years; it then sailed the seas as “Club I” and “Van Gogh” before being renamed “Salamis Filoxenia” in 2010.
A total of five ships in the Belorussija Class were completed at the finnish shipyard, today MEYER TURKU, and delivered to the former Black Sea Shipping Company from 1975 to 1976. The prototype was Belorussija, and the other vessels were also named after constituent states of the USSR: Azerbaydzhan, Kazakhstan, Gruziya and Kareliya. All the structurally identical ships were originally built as ferries. They could transport almost 900 passengers and around 250 vehicles. The Russian sister ships were then converted into cruise liners following the dissolution of the USSR.
The vessel formerly known as “Gruziya” now embarks on cruises in the Eastern Mediterranean for Salamis Cruise Lines in Cyprus.

Reference Encyclopedias almanacs transcripts and maps Gruziya
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^ "Gruziya" . wrecksite.eu. 22 December 2009 . Retrieved 22 December 2015 .

Shipwrecks and maritime incidents in June 1942
MS Gruziya was a Soviet passenger ship that was sunk by a German air raid in the Black Sea while she was travelling from Novorossiysk to Sevastopol with 4,000 troops and a cargo of ammunition on board.

Gruziya was constructed in 1928 at the Friedrich Krupp Germaniawerft A. G. shipyard in Kiel , Germany . She was completed in 1929. The ship was 115.9 metres (380 ft 3 in) long, with a beam of 15.6 metres (51 ft 2 in) and a depth of 5.8 metres (19 ft 0 in). The ship was assessed at 4,857 GRT . She had two diesel engines driving two screw propellers and the engine was rated at 3,000 nhp . [1]

On 13 June 1942, Gruziya was travelling from Novorossiysk , Russia to Sevastopol , Ukraine with 4,000 troops and a cargo of ammunition on board when she was spotted by German aircraft. She was sunk by the German air raid after one of the bombs exploded in the cargo room where all the ammunition were stored. The explosion that followed killed around 3,500 men and quickly sank the ship. Only 500 men survived the ordeal and were rescued later.

The Soviets tried to salvage Gruziya in 1949, but after the wreck surfaced, the salvors found a large number of unexploded gas shells and bombs in her cargo hold which had not exploded when the ship sank seven years earlier. After deciding it was too dangerous to salvage the wreck, the salvors placed the wreck gently back on the sea floor.

However, the Soviets tried to salvage the wreck again in 1956 or 1960. But when she was being lifted to the surface, the ships weak structure after 14 years of exposure to the elements broke in two and sank to the seabed again. All attempt to salvage the ship and her cargo have been abandoned and her wreck and dangerous cargo still lay on the bottom of the Black Sea.

Friedrich Krupp Germaniawerft A. G.
Sunk after a German air raid 13 June 1942


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GEORGIA. The name of one of the original states of the United States of
America. George the Second granted a charter to Lord Percival, and twenty
others, for the government of the province of Georgia. It was governed under
this charter till the year 1751, when it was surrendered to the crown. From
that period to the time of the American revolution, the colony was governed
as other royal provinces.
    2. The constitution of the state, as revised, amended, and compiled by
the convention of the state, was adopted at Louisville, on the 30th day of
May, 1798. It directs, art. 1, s. 1, that the legislative, executive, and
judiciary departments of government shall be distinct, and each department
shall be confided to a separate body of magistracy.
    3.-1. The legislative power is vested in two separate and distinct
branches, to wit, a senate and house of representatives, styled the General
Assembly." 1st. The senate is elected annually, and is composed of one
member from each county, chosen by the electors thereof. The senate elect,
by ballot, a president out of their own body. 2d. The house of
representatives is composed of members from all the counties, according to
their respective numbers of free white persons, and including three-fifths
of all the people of color. The enumeration is made once in seven years, and
any county containing three thousand persons, according to the foregoing
plan of enumeration, is entitled to two members; seven thousand to three
members; and twelve thousand to four members; but each county shall have at
least one, and not more than four members. The representatives are chosen
annually. The house of representatives choose their speaker and other
    4. - 2. The executive power is vested in a governor, elected by the
general assembly, who holds his office for the term of two years. In case of
vacancy in his office, the president of the senate acts as governor, until
the disability is removed, or until the next meeting of the general
    5. - 3. The judicial powers of the state are, by the 3d article of the
constitution, distributed as follows:
    Sec. 1. The judicial powers of this state shall be vested in a superior
court, and in such inferior jurisdictions as the legislature shall, from
time to time, ordain and establish. The judges of the superior courts shall
be elected for the term of three years, removable by the governor, on the
address of two-thirds of both houses for that purpose, or by impeachment and
conviction thereon. The superior court shall have exclusive and final
jurisdiction in all criminal cases which shall be tried in the county
wherein the crime was committed; and in all cases respecting titles to land,
which shall be tried in the county where the land lies; and shall have power
to correct errors in inferior judicatories by writs of certiorari, as well
as errors in the superior courts, and to order new trials on proper and
legal grounds Provided, That such new trials shall be determined, and such
errors corrected, in the superior court of the county in which such action
originated. And the said court shall also have appellative jurisdiction in
such other cases as the legislature may by law direct, which shall in no
case tend to remove the cause from the county in which the action
originated; and the judges thereof, in all cases of application for new
trials, or correction of error, shall enter their opinions on the minutes of
the court. The inferior courts shall have cognizance of all civil cases,
which shall be tried in the county wherein the defendant resides, except in
cases of joint obligors, residing in different counties, which may be
commenced in either county; and a copy of the petition and process served on
the party or parties residing out of the county in which the suit may be
commenced, shall be deemed sufficient service, under such rules and
regulations as the legislature may direct; but the legislature may, by law,
to which two-thirds of each branch shall concur, give concurrent
jurisdiction to the superior courts. The superior and inferior courts shall
sit in each county twice in every year, at such stated times as the
legislature shall appoint.
    6. - 2. The judges shall have salaries adequate to their services,
established by law, which shall not be increased or diminished during their
continuance in office; but shall not receive any other perquisites or
emoluments whatever, from parties or others, on account of any duty required
of them.
    7. - 3. There shall be a state's attorney and solicitors appointed by
the legislature, and commissioned by the governor, who shall hold their
offices for the term of three years, unless removed by sentence on
impeachment, or by the governor, on the address of each branch of the
general assembly. They shall have salaries adequate to their services,
established by law, which shall not be increased or diminished during their
continuance in office.
    8. - 4. Justices of the inferior courts shall be appointed by the
general assembly, and be commissioned by the governor, and shall hold their
commissions during good behaviour, or as long a they respectively reside in
the county for which they shall be appointed, unless removed by sentence on
impeachment, or by the governor, on the address of two-thirds of each branch
of the general assembly. They may be compensated for their services in such
manner as the legislature may by law direct.
    9. - 5. The justices of the peace shall be nominated by the inferior
courts of the several counties, and commissioned by the governor; and there
shall be two justices of the peace in each captain's district, either or
both of whom shall have power to try all cases of a civil nature within
their district, where the debt or litigated demand does not exceed thirty
dollars, in such manner as the legislature may by law direct. They shall
hold their appointments during good behaviour, or until they shall be
removed by conviction, on indictment in the superior court, for malpractice
in office, or for any felonious or infamous crime, or by the governor, on
the address of two-thirds of each branch of the legislature.
    10. - 6. The powers of a court of ordinary or register of probates,
shall, be invested in the inferior courts of each county; from whose
decision there may be an appeal to the superior court, under such
restrictions and regulations as the general assembly may by law direct; but
the inferior court shall have power to vest the care of the records, and
other proceedings therein, in the clerk, or such other person as they may
appoint; and any one or more justices of the said court, with such clerk or
other person, may issue citations and grant temporary letters in time of
vacation, to hold until the next meeting of the said court; and such clerk
or other person may grant marriage licenses.
    11. - 7. The judges of the superior courts, or any one of them, shall
have power to issue writs of mandamus. @prohibi tion, scire facias, and all
other writ's which may be necessary for carrying their powers fully into
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