QURAS ICO (QRS Token Sale) — For Smart Investors

QURAS ICO (QRS Token Sale) — For Smart Investors

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I welcome you my dear subscribers and readers. Today we will talk about a very technological and interesting platform, Quras, that is all set to establish a decentralized anonymous and smart contract platform for clouds and IOT.

Quras is a project I’ve been following for sometimes now, and this is what I can say about it:

it has a great team with a lot of relevant experiences, very attractive business model with a good dividend token use case, cap limits are within a reasonable range, professional content, good looking materials, secured, focus on the relevant networks and has a great road map.

Let talk about their product and the solutions they offer.

Quras, if you haven’t heard of it already, it’s a decentralized anonymous and smart contract platform for clouds and IOT. The next generation in smart contract platform for untraceable privacy-oriented transactions, from a secure platform to anonymous clouds and IOT.

By utilizing the Quras chain platform, any individual who needs to take an interest to use big data for different purposes can either use the Quras token or make and work his/her own savvy contracts on the block chain that we work. Thusly, Quras will help with lessening the expense of gathering, putting away and dissecting information from IOT gadgets. It will center around three issues of IOT gadgets.

Accounting and Auditing Financial proclamation reviewing is a zone where Quras might cause a noteworthy disturbance. Reviewing organizations like KPMG, Deloitte bargains with terabytes of bookkeeping articulation and review information which should be broke down also, confirmed. Characterized as an open, appropriated, and permanent record,

Quras innovation could possibly be utilized for the accompanying inspecting purposes:

  • Trace review trails as each square contains a timestamp and connection to Past Square
  • Automate the review procedure
  • Identify the proprietor of a specific resource
  • Immutable property

QURAS likewise has keen Contract, and if obscurity is OFF, you can execute this agreement with zero exchange charge, so it will demonstrate its capacity in applications like IoT. Obviously, Smart Contract can be performed notwithstanding when namelessness is on.

Additionally, utilizing savvy contracts in unknown chains is another field in any case, so it is normal that you won’t consider how to utilize it any longer.

Likewise, there are Ethereum, NEO, Cardano, Lisk in the chain receiving Smart Contract can utilize unknown innovation as long as it winds up mysterious innovation which is the offer of QURAS.

A genuine mishap on the off chance that it is hacked like IoT is kept secure.

In QURAS, we will utilize the accompanying mysterious advances to give finish security assurance.

Zero learning verification: Anonymous innovation utilized in Zcash (ZEC)

Ring mark: Anonymous innovation utilized for Monero (XMR)

The point that QURAS is neighborly to the earth should likewise be added to the quality of QURAS.

Presently, numerous mysterious monetary forms utilize Proof of Work (PoW) as an agreement calculation.

This requires tremendous estimations. This requires a square of recognizing or Right Square is recorded in this square.

In this manner, from the perspective of natural security, PoW is immaculate fiendishness.

Then again, QURAS utilizes the agreement calculation called Proof of Importance (PoI).

PoI is an agreement calculation NEM (XEM), so no futile power cost is connected. It is a component that holds numerous QURAS tokens and gives impetuses for endorsement work to hubs adding to the circulation of tokens.

In any case, in QURAS, exchanges are taken just in exchanges with secrecy turned ON, so motivating forces are gone into mysterious exchange endorsement assignments.

QURAS is still in the usage organize, execution testing of the DAG convention will start 1Q of 2019.

Blockchain and Quras’s Security:

Quras’s instruments and services provide unique solutions on the basis of blockchain, which has no extant analogues in the world and offers revolutionary solutions regarding the consolidation of the world of cryptocurrencies and classical finance systems. Blockchain technology is widely used in Quras business processes which makes it impossible to substitute or lose financial data. The security system of Quras is unparalleled. It takes into account potential threats of all kinds which could compromise the data or lead to theft of funds. Through blockchain technology the whole platform will be fully transparent to the users. Using Smart contracts makes Quras a reliable and impartial guarantor of fulfilling obligations to the investors of the project.

  • Any client of QURAS can characterize and create occasions that will trigger the essential exchanges.
  • QURAS chain underpins both deterministic what’s more, non-deterministic brilliant contracts (such as those in light of IOT information).
  • QURAS depends on Tangle, a progressed innovation that developed from blockchain and presents substantial advantages for IOT stages.

QURAS is a platform for smart contracts and crypto-tokens that utilize the blockchain technology to facilitate a secure anonymous platform to share data between IOT devices and use these data to generate a more intelligent response from IOT devices by applying machine learning.

Recommendation (Based On Personal Conviction):

I personally have done a lot of digging on Quras and I am yet to find any major red flag that would make me give up on investing in their ICO. The team is absolutely amazing and they have been working on Quras as a whole for sometimes now. I have tracked the records of various members of the team and I can say that they are incredibly professional.

Quras’s reputation speaks for itself and is strongly supported by various facts and by real business model that works every day. By investing (cryptocurrency) in the project you can be 100% sure of the reliability of your investment, as you invest into business with real assets and real people.

QRS Token and Quras ICO:

QRS Token is a valuable digital asset, Quras platform’s token, which will be used/tradeable at/on the biggest crypto currency markets. With the help of ICO Quras plans to attract the investment resources at a wide range. As suppose, the token sale will be interesting for the owners of digital assets, who would like to transfer them into the more secured investment tool and not to tremble anytime they hear the news about the possible Bitcoin rate falling.

In other to participate in the ICO, follow these steps below:

• Purchase the tokens: Quras will issue a number of tokens during the ICO.

• Receive dividend payments: As a token holder, you have the right to receive payments equivalent to shareholder dividends.

• Convert your tokens into shares: As a token holder, you also have the right to convert your tokens into Ordinary Shares.

You can utilize Smart Contract Since it isn’t blocked, you can not alter the substance of the agreement.

ICO is the most clear case of Smart Contract. In ICO, on the off chance that you exchange ETH to the location of Smart Contract, the token is consequently dispersed by the measure of ETH.

In conclusion, if Quras ICO piques your interest then it’s meant for you. The ICO still ongoing and will come to an end soon. The good news is that it’s not too late to take part in this one of a kind investment opportunity.


Please, never make your final decision based only on what you’ve read here. I advise you to do your own due diligence on the project and have personal conviction before making the final call.

For more info:

Website : https://quras.io/

Whitepaper : https://quras.io/whitepaper.pdf

Telegram: https://t.me/QurasOfficialGroup

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/QurasOfficial/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/qurasofficial

Author: Cryptocraz

Bitcointalk Address: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1698372

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