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About Quras

QURAS is a platform for smart contracts and crypto-tokens that utilize the blockchain technology to facilitate a secure anonymous platform to share data between IoT devices and use these data to generate a more intelligent response from IoT devices by applying machine learning.

By using the QURASchain platform, anyone who wants to participate to utilize bigdata for various purposes can either utilize the QURAS token or create and operate his/her own smart contracts on the blockchain that we operate.

By doing so, QURAS will assist in reducing the cost of collecting, storing and analyzing data from IoT devices. It will focus on three issues of IOT devices.



The Quras project has been evolving and expanding its reach to provide a smart and secure solution for a wide range of different applications. It began with a passion to create a secure, anonymous blockchain for the healthcare industry, by achieving a level of previously unobtainable security and efficiency – helping healthcare service providers revolutionise their data storage – Quras is now ready to change the way businesses and individuals define “secure”. Utilising an open source approach, Quras gives the user complete control over the management of their own rights, data and assets, while ensuring the utmost protection from any external interference.

How it works

Instead of the global blockchain, there is a DAG that is called the tangle. This tangle graph is the ledger for storing transaction. Each node in the DAG is comprised of cpu that issues a transaction. In order to issue a transaction, a node must approve previous two transactions. The approved transactions are represented as edges in the graph. So transactions issued by nodes generate a set of tangle graphs. All the approved transactions can be traced back to the “genesis node”.


  • Decentralized and open source
  • You can protect your own rights, assets, and data yourself
  • Initiatives for Token Issuers
  • Approach to Technology


  • Any user of QURASchain can define and generate events that will trigger the necessary transactions.
  • QURASchain supports both deterministic and non-deterministic smart contracts (such as those based on IoT data).
  • QURASchain is based on Tangle, an advanced technology that evolved from blockchain and presents tangible benefits for IoT platforms.

Smart contracts are contracts, or series of steps and operations that execute themselves. The simplest and most basic smart contract includes the definition of a transaction and an event that triggers that transaction. By using smart contracts, no trust issues that involve human intervention and creation of trust between parties are necessary to trustfully carry out operations over the blockchain (for example, transfer of funds between parties). The QURASchain platform addresses the need for a platform of smart contracts for the IoT services. The QURASchain will enable users to create and to operate smart contracts that cater to the needs of IoT services and the IoT and BigData developer community. The smart contracts can be developed, programmed and operated over the QURASchain platform, utilizing its embedded tangle technology. The QURASchain platform supports both deterministic and non-deterministic smart contracts. Its support of deterministic smart contracts enables creation and processing of contracts that are based on the information that is internally stored in QURASchain and can utilize it. Additionally, the QURASchain platform supports the generation and the execution of nondeterministic smart contracts that require inputs from sources that are exterior to the blockchain.


The Quras isn’t settled in a high-control devouring PoW, rather there is no understanding of mining. At the point when a square is made, GAS is given as a profit to the Quras holder as per its holding sum. At whenever a token holder can get pay, including the mysterious settlement expense.

Ongoing information spills and the presentation of the general information insurance direction (GDPR) in EU nations have revived enthusiasm for protection and data security around the globe. With an expanding number of interconnected gadgets supporting and controlling clients day by day lives colon the requirement for protection agreeable innovations is more prominent than at any other time. Quras.io has built up a suite of blockchain-based advancements to keep clients’ touchy information secure and private in cloud and IoT situations. The opening of and enlistment for Quras’ underlying coin offering (ICO) will be reported at https://quras.io

Technical Details

The consensus problem requires agreement among a number of processes (or agents) for a single data value. Some of the processes (agents) may fail or be unreliable in other ways, so consensus protocols must be fault tolerant or resilient. The processes must somehow put forth their candidate values, communicate with one another, and agree on a single consensus value.


The QURAS coin uses a decentralized QURAS platform to reward patients and dentists based on their contribution to the community. It expects to significantly improve dental health from participating individuals. QURAS Tokens are tokens that are functional for the use of the QURAS platform and to pay compensation. The QURAS platform and QURAS coins are not for investment or temporary business. Although the QURAS coin has an uncertain value Just like a common currency that can go up and down, the QURAS coin owner will have the privileges determined by QURAS. in using the QURAS Coins it is intended to be held or used by groups or individuals who are experienced and knowledgeable in deeper blockchain, especially regarding cryptography, their use and activities to obtain services and offers improvised by the platform of Quras


When users use the QURASchain platform such as using P2P chat, real trading, social functions, users will get QURAS coins. So that the coin can be used and transferred by the user. In the case of providing compensation to several contributing parties in helping the community such as doctors and patients handled, the decentralized QURAS Platform (QURAS coins that use a decentralized platform) compensates those who contribute.

Conclusively, Quras came into the world pool of cryptcurrency and with the innovation of quras assuring all clients for a guearanteed of safe, secured and encrypted cloud storage. Users can use Drive-share and Meta Disk applications to rent out their free space on their hard drive to the QURAS system. QURAS's role can be a substitute for cloud storage systems in general, such as Google Drive or Dropbox. For some companies such as hospitals, health care, insurance and so on can use the QURAS platform where subscription databases, health records, can be stored permanently on the network.


For more information about the Quras Project, please visit the site below:


Author: Sixa

Bitcointalk Profile Link: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2225617

ETH Address: 0x0925bF518cfc72B18eDc703251827FBEb0611649

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