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Ten Political Platforms of All People Act Together (APAT)

The trend toward democracy is unstoppable. The death of Communist authoritarianism is inevitable! At the dawn of this great change, the critical transformation in China, All People Act Together (APAT), we declare our political platforms, to gather strength with consensus, to unite the pro-democratic collective forces and to tear down the Communist Iron Curtain once and for all and build a new China for all Chinese people!

1)  Farmers own their farming land. Re-appropriate the farm-land so that it is privately owned by the farmers and shall not be confiscated by force by anyone or any Government agencies.

2)  All should have a roof over their heads. All privately purchased houses and the land belong to their owners, no individual or institution can demolish it by force without consensus. Government has a responsibility to build low-income housing for all needed.

3)  Free Health care for all. There will be a nation-wide free to low cost medical care and pharmaceutical needs for all Chinese citizens.

4)  A safeguarded Senior Care System. The State shall provide equal care and benefits for all senior citizens regardless where they live and what type of work they performed.

5)  Equal public education for all. The State shall provide equal educational resources and opportunities for all school age children. 15 years of free public education from elementary to high school for all Chinese citizens and lawful residence.

6)  Abolish “Household Registration” and prohibit discrimination.  All citizens are free to migrate and live within China. People from rural areas or countryside are entitled to all the rights to work, education, migration and all social aids, as enjoyed by urban people.

7)  Abolish monopolies and support fair competition for all enterprises. All industries shall be open for private sectors. Revoke all privilege for state-owned enterprises to establish mechanism of fair competition.

8)  Uproot corruption, punish the corrupted severely. By establishing the “Property Declaration System” that mandates all public officers, and whistle-blow channel, all public employees convicted of corruptions shall face severe consequences governed by laws.

9)  Protect freedom and human rights. All citizens are entitled to freedom of physical safety, speech, beliefs, gatherings, as well as their rights to be shielded from fear and hunger, their rights to personal properties, peaceful protests and public referendum. All rights above are sacred and must not be violated at any time in any way.

10)  To establish democracy from the bottom up, to form a society with the rule of law. All rights belong to people, and nobody is above the laws. Popular elections to elect high officers in executive, justice, and all judicial members. Military detaches itself from any political party or alliances. Judicial system is independence from any political party or influence. All localities achieve self-governance and true automation. Chinese Communist Party will be forever banned from political participation. People have the right to referendum. We are our own masters. We, free people of China, establish a United Free Will People States.

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