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Interview with Taylor Segraves, M.D., Ph.D., lead investigator for the Wellbutrin study and professor of psychiatry at Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine
A. In most women who are not experiencing sexual problems, libido and arousal are closely related and difficult to separate. Libido refers to a baseline interest in sex and might be redefined as sexual appetite. Arousal refers to the physiological response to sexual stimuli. Women with higher libidos generally have a greater response to sexual stimuli, or greater arousal. Physical manifestations of sexual arousal include vaginal lubrication and increased blood flow to the labia, clitoris and vagina.
A. One of the symptoms of decreased sexual arousal in women, is a reduced amount of vaginal lubrication. Over-the-counter vaginal lubricants can augment lubrication.
If a decrease in vaginal lubrication has been caused by menopause, hormone replacement therapy can help. This is the only approved drug therapy for this disorder.
and a class of medications called alpha-adrenergic blockers, such as Regitine (phentolamine), can also increase the vaginal lubrication response to sexual stimulation. However, it should be mentioned that study after study of Viagra for various female sexual problems have not shown an increase in sexual pleasure in women.
Aside from pharmacologic solutions, women can also choose behavioral therapy to help increase sexual arousal. Such therapy is aimed at enhancing sexual fantasies and focusing one's attention on sexual stimuli. For women in on-going relationships, the therapist would also look into the possibility of communication problems in the relationship, or lack of sexual stimulation by the woman's partner.
A. At this time, there are no approved drug treatments for low sexual desire. However, a recent study of 66 women, ages 23 to 65, with HSDD for an average of six years, found that Wellbutrin SR may be an effective treatment . Approximately one-third of women experienced doubled interest in sexual activity, sexual arousal, and sexual fantasies. Although Wellbutrin SR is an antidepressant, the women in this study did not suffer from depression and they did not have relationship difficulties. More studies are needed to support this preliminary data.
There have also been studies that indicate that testosterone can increase sexual desire in women whose low sex drive is a result of the surgical removal of their ovaries. Continual treatment with testosterone does have side effects and may lead to "masculine" side effects in some women (i.e., lower voice, hair loss, enlarged clitoris).
Another factor to consider is that for some women, feelings of guilt and shame learned in early childhood may interfere with adult sexual function and may affect one or more phases of the sexual response cycle. In these instances, as well as in cases of sexual abuse, psychotherapy may be beneficial. Marriage counseling or couples therapy can also be of value.
APA Reference Staff, H.
(2021, December 18). Female Sexual Dysfunction Part 2: Increasing Sexual Desire and Arousal, HealthyPlace. Retrieved
on 2022, August 21 from https://www.healthyplace.com/sex/female-sexual-dysfunction/female-sexual-dysfunction-part-2-increasing-sexual-desire-and-arousal

Medically reviewed by Harry Croft, MD
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2022 HealthyPlace Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Site last updated August 21, 2022

SEP 16-17, 2022 • In Person, Online, or at a Host Site
Pure Desire Summit 2022: All In
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Recovery Happens Best
...when you're all in.

Go all in with sexual health experts
Experience compelling teaching and engaging sessions that will catapult your healing to the next level!

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Attend in person, online, or at a Host Site, September 16-17, 2022!
For the lowest attendance cost, register today!

When you're all in, it equips you
...to help others

These Sponsors are All In
...with the Pure Desire Summit

When you first started this healing process, you likely thought, “ Give me the book, show me how to use the tools, and I’ll be healed in no time! ” And like many others, you soon realized that this process was more in-depth and would take longer than you initially planned.
Like you, men and women from all walks of life have entered this process motivated by hope: the hope of living free from the effects of sexual brokenness. It’s this same hope that inspires resiliency, persevering through obstacles and setbacks, keeping you steadfast on your journey.
Commitment is key to recovery and healing. It takes time and intention. This is a journey that will require more of you—and return more to you—than you ever expected. When you make a commitment and bring your whole self into the healing process, God will do an amazing work in your life!
For more than 30 years , Pure Desire has helped men and women around the world break free from sexual brokenness, heal the trauma of betrayal, and live a life beyond their expectations.
Our speakers examine and bring to life the following topics and areas of expertise:
When it comes to recovery, our motives play a huge role in either bringing us more life, or draining it away. Healing and recovery can be hard work, and so we must have a crystal clear focus on our “why.” If we lose track of this, recovery can quickly become just another humanistic self-help routine. But as we come to a deeper understanding of who we are in Christ and His heart for us, we gain the motivation we need to be ALL IN.
Learn how to incorporate a healthy view of God and faith into the recovery process. Escape from “trying harder,” performance-based living and rest instead in the all-encompassing Love of God!
Just as Christ revolutionized how we know God, we need to bring this revolutionary approach into recovery. Changed behavior is an outcome of relationship, not a prerequisite for it.
Too many people go through recovery attempting to quarantine behavior rather than seeing their brokenness as a roadmap to reclaiming desire. Understanding it is not a barrier, but a bridge to knowing the heart of God.
Jay’s session will explore the neurobiology of shame, how to outgrow unwanted behaviors, and what it means to desire again.
The stories of your deepest shame are not a barrier, but a bridge to going ALL IN on the life you desire.
Faith and recovery require us to examine how we see the world. Because of this, deconstruction and reconstruction are an inherent part of the healing process.
Join Robert as he invites you into a healthy, organic, thought process that has historically been viewed as unhealthy or even taboo.
You will learn how faith and recovery are interwoven, that deconstruction is a healthy response to a new paradigm, and reconstruction is about our unique identity in the context of relationship.
Most people have a difficult time combining the words “God” and “sex” in the same sentence. Yet, God created us as sexual people and cares deeply about our wounds, sexual shame, and sexual choices. Do you want to understand why?
Join Juli as she addresses the “why” behind God’s heart for sexual healing and redemption.
This session will help you identify your “sexual narrative” and will give a deeper understanding of the biblical narrative of sexuality and sexual wholeness.
There is a lot of backlash toward “purity culture” today. Perhaps a better way to understand a godly pursuit of sexuality is the concept of sexual integrity.
Integrity goes far deeper than our behaviors and gets to the heart of what matters most to us.
In this session, Juli will address aspects of sexual integrity including the link to identity, stewarding sexual desires, and addressing your wounds and shame.
Recovering from addiction and healing from betrayal is complex and sometimes overlapping.
Join Ashley as she shares her experience of navigating her husband’s betrayal while struggling with her own addictions. You will learn practical strategies and tools to help you engage in healing and recovery simultaneously.
Your betrayal is not less painful or important because you have your own struggles, too. You're worth going ALL IN for—you can experience freedom from betrayal and addiction.
Don’t allow fear and shame to keep you from living the life God has for you.
Attendees streaming the Summit will see a select four breakout sessions. In-person attendees can choose their four breakout sessions. All breakout sessions will be available as a replay for virtual attendees, in-person attendees, host site attendees, and watch party hosts.
As Pure Desire continues to grow and develop, we want to keep you informed about what's happening around the ministry.
Come and hear updates from our Executive Director, Nick Stumbo, about highlights from the past year, upcoming plans, and the future of the ministry. There will also be time for an open Q&A.
Learn how you can be personally involved—and get your church more involved—in moving the mission forward to help more men and women in the church and around the world.
For group leaders and members alike, there can be a variety of challenges, difficult lessons, and unhealthy core beliefs that drive harmful group dynamics.
In this session, you’ll discover the core beliefs that drive unhealthy group dynamics and the practical ways to address them, transforming your group experience.
Learn how to cultivate trust—trusting God, group members, and the recovery process—while navigating difficult seasons or situations in group.
Have you ever wondered what it would look like to take your individual story and integrate it into “our” story?
In this session, you’ll develop a personalized plan designed to support and foster a deeper sense of having an ALL IN marriage.
What does it mean to be ALL IN? Today, so many church leaders are experiencing burn out. Could it be that we are operating on a faulty premise of what it means to be ALL IN? Life is difficult, challenging, and at times, overwhelming. But Jesus said, “His yoke is easy and his burden is light.”
If being ALL IN for the cause of Christ leads us to burn out, maybe we’re going about it the wrong way.
This session will present a paradigm shift in what it means to follow Jesus and be ALL IN. You will learn it’s okay to let go of things that aren’t working, how to embrace our humanity as Jesus did His, and find enjoyment in leading yourself and others well.
Bring your questions and join the conversation.
How do we stay engaged and committed after the first year of recovery? It's easy to get sloppy or lazy after we've experienced some healing. So how do we maintain momentum once the crisis and difficulty dies down?
Recovery and healing has many chapters which require different approaches. This session will challenge you to stop focusing on avoiding behaviors and develop healthy habits you can do in place of your old unwanted behaviors.
When it comes to recovery and healing, you have to be ALL IN for the long haul.
Transitions in life are sometimes exciting, but most are difficult because they require risk and an adventure into the unknown. This is especially true for those who have chosen to embark on a healing journey through Pure Desire.
In this session, we will look at the problems and possibilities that occur in most life-changing experiences and how to best manage the transitions we all face. You will come away with “How Tos” in making the most of change as you navigate transitions.
Although it was once thought as only a man’s issue, today it is well recognized that women also struggle with unwanted sexual behaviors. But in this arena, what makes wome
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