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In this image provided by Moscow Traffic Control Center Press Service, ambulance and police work at the site of an incident after a taxi crashed into pedestrians on a sidewalk near Red Square in Moscow, Russia, Saturday, June 16, 2018. Police in Moscow say at least seven people have been injured when a taxi crashed into pedestrians on a sidewalk near Red Square. (Moscow Traffic Control Center Press Service via AP)
Two Mexican World Cup fans were among those hit

The suspect in a taxi crash near Red Square that injured two Mexican soccer fans and six other pedestrians as Russia hosts the World Cup told interrogators he fell asleep at the wheel, Moscow city police said Sunday.
The police released a video of an interrogation session with a man the Moscow force identified as the taxi driver. In the recording, he says he briefly dozed off and accidentally hit the gas. It was unclear whether the man spoke under duress.
The man in the video says he hadn’t slept in 20 hours and wasn’t drunk, and ran away after the accident because he was afraid that angry bystanders would kill him. He was later detained.
The Moscow city traffic authority identified the driver as 28-year-old Chyngyz Anarbek, who is from Kyrgyzstan.
Speaking to The Associated Press from the town of Muras Ordo in Kyrgyzstan, Anarbek’s older brother said only had been working as a taxi driver for a month. He said his sibling was in “stress, shock, horror” after what happened.
“Let people say what they want, but my brother is clean, not guilty. He was never and could never be a terrorist,” Almazbek Anarbek said.
The younger Anarbek won a bronze medal last year in the world championship of Pankration, an ancient sport combining skills of boxing and wrestling
Videos circulating on Russian social media and some news websites after the incident showed the taxi veering onto the sidewalk Saturday and striking pedestrians. The accident took place on Ilinka Street, about 200 metres (650 feet) from Red Square and Moscow’s famous GUM shopping arcade, an area popular with tourists.
Viktoria Geranovich, who works nearby and filmed the fleeing driver on her phone, described her shock.
“I called the ambulance right away,” she told The Associated Press. “I was trembling. It is not a thing you see every day, when a taxi drives right into the crowd.”
Moscow police would not comment on whether the crash would affect security measures for soccer’s World Cup, which is being held in 11 Russian cities over the next month. Among the security concerns has been the possible use of vehicles as weapons.
Russia has also been working with law enforcement from other countries to secure the tournament.
“The sense we are getting is that (the taxi crash) is not football-related,” Mark Roberts, head of U.K. soccer policing, told the AP. “At the moment, everything we are being told is that it was just a run-of-the-mill event.”
A spokeswoman for FIFA told The Associated Press that World Cup organizers regretted what happened, but referred security questions to Moscow authorities because the crash took place outside stadiums or fan venues.
The spokeswoman, who was not authorized to be publicly named, said World Cup organizers were in regular contact with local authorities on security.
The Mexican Embassy said the two injured female fans met with embassy representatives and were not hospitalized. The Mexican national soccer team plays against Germany on Sunday in Moscow.
The head of the Moscow health department, Alexei Khripun, was quoted by the RIA Novosti news agency as saying the other injured people were in satisfactory condition. Three Russians remained hospitalized Sunday, but were expected to be discharged in coming days, Khripun said.
International soccer fans in Moscow shared information about the crash, but didn’t appear to let it dampen their enthusiasm.
“It is pretty horrible that something like that has happened,” said Mexican supporter Julio Domingues. But, he added, “there are crazy people everywhere.”
Fellow fan Fernando Ibarra said: “We hope our countrymen are OK! Big hug to the families too. Viva Mexico!”
Altynai Sagydykova in Kyrgyzstan, Rob Harris in Volgograd and Amer Cohadzic in Moscow contributed.
Angela Charlton, The Associated Press
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Published: Jun 17, 2018, 06:49 AM(IST)

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An ambulance is parked near a damaged taxi which ran into a crowd of people in central Moscow.

A taxi drove into a crowd of pedestrians near Moscow's Red Square on Saturday, injuring eight people including two Mexicans in the city for the soccer World Cup which Russia is hosting, officials and eyewitnesses said.
The incident took place as residents and visiting soccer fans from around the world thronged the centre of Moscow on a balmy summer evening.
Moscow's traffic management authority said the taxi driver had a driver's licence issued in Kyrgyzstan, a mainly Muslim ex-Soviet republic.
The authority cited the driver, who was in police custody, as saying he had not driven into the crowd on purpose.
Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin said in a post on Twitter: "There was an unpleasant incident with a taxi. The driver lost control of the vehicle."
The city's police said they had opened a criminal investigation into suspected violation of the traffic code.
Moscow city's healthcare department issued a statement saying eight people were hurt and had been taken to hospital. It said seven were in a satisfactory condition, while one woman was seriously hurt.
The Mexican embassy in Moscow said two Mexican women had been lightly injured. Also among those hurt were a Ukrainian and two Russian citizens, Russia's TASS news agency quoted a source in the emergency services as saying.
Video of the incident posted on social media showed the yellow Hyundai taxi pull sharply out of a line of stationery traffic, accelerate and mount the narrow pavement, which was packed with pedestrians.
The vehicle drove for about 10 metres along the pavement, bowling over pedestrians, with some of them being carried along on the bonnet of the car.
The taxi came to a partial halt after hitting a traffic sign. As bystanders tried to pull open the driver's side door, the driver, dressed in black trousers and black T-shirt, jumped out and sprinted away.
More bystanders chased after him and could be seen trying to tackle him to the ground as the footage ended.
A witness at the scene told Reuters that some of the people hit were wearing Mexican team colours. Mexico take on Germany on Sunday in their first World Cup match at Moscow's Luzhniki stadium, and thousands of Mexican fans are in the Russian capital.
A second witness at the scene told Reuters about the driver of the taxi: "He was pulled out of the vehicle, he ran off but bystanders apprehended him. He was shouting: 'It wasn't me'."
Another witness, Viktoria Geraimovich, said she called the emergency services on her mobile phone.
Describing the actions of the driver, she said: "He ran into a group of Mexicans. There were shouts, moans. He was only stopped because he hit a traffic sign."
"Someone gave him a punch in the face. He stayed in the car, people came up to him, said what are you doing, punched him in the face, he opened the door and tried to run away."
"It's scary that it was in the centre (of Moscow) and I was right opposite," she said.
Interfax news agency cited a source as saying that the driver was drunk at the time of the incident. A medical source cited by Interfax said none of the people hospitalised was critically injured.
Russian authorities have vowed to host a safe soccer World Cup, which is taking place in 11 cities until July 15.
In central Moscow, authorities have installed heavy concrete blocks across the entrances to pedestrianised areas following a spate of incidents in European cities in which vehicles were used to mow down people.
The U.S. State Department on Friday updated its travel advice on Russia, saying terrorist groups were plotting attacks.
"Terrorists may attack with little or no warning, targeting tourist locations, transportation hubs, markets/shopping malls, and local government facilities," the travel advice stated.
The Moscow traffic authority posted on Twitter a copy of what it said was the taxi driver's licence. It gave his name as Chingiz Anarbek Uulu and said he was born on April 22, 1990.
It gave his birth-place as the town of Kochkor-Ata in Kyrgyzstan, near the border with Uzbekistan.
An account on Russian social media platform Odnoklassniki for someone with the same name and date of birth was last updated two years ago.
The last video he posted on his page depicted chapter 82 of the Koran, Islam's holy book, which discussed judgment day. There was nothing on the page to suggest any links to, or sympathies with, Islamist militant groups.
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