Pussy Spanking Erotica

Pussy Spanking Erotica


Pussy Spanking Erotica

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Chapter One: The Morning After
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Author's note:
I write a lot of fictional stories on Literotica. I thought I would tell a true story for a change. I sat down and wrote this story a couple of hours after the experience, while it was still fresh in my mind. I think that helped me to better capture what was going on in my head while I wrote it all down. It was VERY hard to sit down after my...

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"So Katie did I meet you expectations?"
"Yeah and then some." She replied with a smile on her face. "When are you going to spank me then?...

Chapter One: Carol's First Spanking
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Erotic Spanking: The Ultimate Illustrated Guide
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After years or sometimes only months of sex with the same partner, the act of love can quickly grow stale.
Your once passionate romps have turned into a chore. Or maybe the passion is still there, but the flame has begun to fade.
Well I have good news for you: Your sex life doesn’t have to be vanilla.
There are plenty of ways to add the spark. But erotic spanking is one simple way to do so.
So whether you want to be strung up by the legs and paddled mercilessly, or you want to introduce your partner to the pleasures of pain, then this illustrated guide is for you.
Now, are you ready to paddle that posterior? Then read on!
Pain is, understandably, something that people aim to avoid.
So, why do so many people enjoy being spanked? The simple answer is, because of our brain chemistry.
When someone is spanked, the sting or burn that the spankee feels is a basic pain response. And when the brain registered that pain has been felt, it releases a cascade of chemicals to combat, or at least dull the pain.
These chemicals include endorphins (which activate opiate receptors), serotonin, and dopamine (a hormone believed to contribute to addictive behaviors). These bursts of hormone releases may be so subtle that you don’t even recognize it on a conscious level. But the subconscious does.
Another reason that spanking may be a popular kink is due to its connection to erogeneous zones. An erogenous zone is an area on the body that is particularly sensitive to sexual stimulation. There are obvious zones, such as the penis head, the clitoris, and the nipples. There are also less obvious areas of sensitivity, like the neck, ear lobes, and behind the knees.
The buttocks is the body’s largest muscle, which is also known as the gluteus maximus. Because of this, the buttocks contains quite a lot of nerve bundlings. This means that the buttocks is a particularly sensitive area, and one that can be stimulated during sex with pleasurable results.
You may think that surprising your partner with a pat on the derriere is sexy. There are a few things you should do before you add erotic spanking to your bedroom routine, though.
Before you do too much research on the subject, it’s a good idea to broach the idea of spanking with your partner. In a healthy sexual relationship, communication is key. You should feel free to express your wants and desires with your partner, and you should be receptive to theirs as well.
Whether you want to spank, or you want to be spanked, you should talk openly about this desire with your partner. You may be surprised by their own desire, or if they’ve never thought about it before they may be willing to give it a try.
If your partner is apprehensive, don’t push them.
They may come around to the idea if you’ve expressed yourself genuinely. Or they may never be interested in it, but that doesn’t mean there aren’t other kinks they wouldn’t be interested in trying. Just remember that the conversation should be a give and take.
Once your partner has given the green light, it’s time to talk boundaries. This includes tools you’ll use, intensity, and when the spanking will occur during the sexual encounter.
But you’ll also want to use safe words to be sure that you and your partner are always on the same page. You and your partner can use any words that you think will work best. One example you may find helpful, though, is the traffic light. ‘Red’ or ‘red light’ simply means stop. ‘Green’ or ‘green light’ means ‘keep going!’ or ‘don’t stop!’ And ‘yellow’ or ‘yellow light’ means ‘slow down’ or ‘hold on.’ You can adapt the terminology as you see fit, or use an entirely different set of words/phrases.
Speaking of boundaries , it’s important to set those ahead of your sexual encounter to ensure that both you and your partner have a good time. We talked briefly about these boundaries above, but let’s expand on them here.
First, let’s talk tools . If you’ve been thinking about spanking for awhile, you may already have a few ideas of your own. But your partner should get equal input on the matter. If one of you isn’t comfortable with a particular tool, then it should be off the table entirely. It’s okay to re-evalute in the future. We’ll expand on the various spanking tools below.
When it comes to spanking, you can’t talk about it without discussing intensity . The intensity of a spanking is often determined by the sting the spankee feels and by the mark the spanker leaves behind. You or your partner may wish to start with a low intensity. In fact, I strongly recommend it.
You can start with an open hand, or a padded paddle. With the right amount of speed, these can offer a low-intensity introduction to spanking. As you gain more experience, you may be willing to increase the intensity. This will often result in a harsher sting, and it can lead to light bruising or raised welts.
Whatever intensity you and your partner decide it, it’s important to respect it at all times. And keep in mind that you and your partner are always free to change your preference.
Lastly, let’s also discuss the when . Even once you and your partner have decided to spank, it doesn’t mean it’s a free-for-all.
There should be clear boundaries on when the spanking will occur during a sexual encounter to ensure that both partners are prepared for it.
You may decide that spanking is allowed whenever you and your partner are sharing an intimate moment in the bedroom. Or perhaps you prefer not to be spanked during sex, but before or after. Express your desires to your partner, and listen to their own.
We’ll discuss the many tools available for your erotic spanking sessions later. But before we get into that, we’d like to mention one thing: you should always test your tools on yourself to understand their intensity.
As discussed above, you and your partner will set clear boundaries on how intense the spanker is allowed to get during a session.
If you’re never been spanked yourself, though, you may not know just how intense a particular tool or spanking technique can be. To ensure that you’re always following your partners’ boundaries, it’s important to test each and every tool you use on yourself.
This may be a bit difficult to do yourself, so you may have to enlist the help of your partner. And even if you and your partner agree that you’ll be the spanker for the majority of the time, it’s good to have roles reversed even once so you can experience it from the other side.
The hand is a great ‘tool’ when you begin your foray into erotic spanking. But soon, you and your partner may want more. So, what tools are at your disposal?
When you first venture into the world of erotic spankings, the paddle will likely be the first tool you encounter in your research. A paddle is a flat (often rectangular) object on the end of a handle. The paddle can be made of various materials, including wood and leather. You’d be surprised at just how many paddle variations there are. A few of these include padded paddles, paddles with slots, paddles with ridged edges, and more.
If you’re ready to kick it up a notch, then floggers are the next tool to add to your arsenal. Floggers are handled sex toys that contain dozens of flexible, leather strips at the end. When the flogger is used, the strips make contact with the skin and the intensity can range from a tickle to a strong sting.
Floggers are a fun tool to add to your spanking sessions because of how diverse they can be.
The most basic of floggers will contain just plains straps, or tassels, while others will contain notches at the end of each one. You can get floggers with smooth straps, braided straps, and anything in between.
A step up from the flogger is the whip. So, how do the two differ?
As mentioned, a flogger is a handled object with dozens of straps on the end. A whip, however, is a handled object with just one light strip at the end. The strip itself is the whip and, when it lands on the skin, it can do anything from causing a slight tickle to drawing blood.
The great thing about whips is you can use them to spank your partner even when you aren’t directly behind them. This is because the strap is usually quite long, and this offers some versatility. You should experiment with whip variations, including handles, strap types, and materials, to find one that you and your partner like.
If you and your partner want to up the intensity, canes are one of the most intense spanking tools available. A spanking cane, sometimes referred to as a punishment rod, is a rigid object made from either wood, leather, plastic, or metal.
The cane can be used to deliver a swift swat to the ass, and it’s usually the most painful spanking toy on the market.
I’d recommend that you not use a cane until you and your partner have used a variety of other spanking tools. It can be easy to become too heavy-handed with the cane, and the pain it can cause is also often underestimated by the spankee. But when you and your partner are ready for the cane, just remember to use clear communication throughout the session.
If you’re just getting started, the sheer amount of tool options can be daunting.
The easiest place to start is with a paddle or flogger. These can be found at any sex store, or even on popular online marketplaces like Amazon. The paddle and flogger are great introductory toys for both the spanker and the spankee, and they’re quite versatile in uses.
When you’re ready for some more advanced spanking toys, then whips and canes are also available. You can pair these with other BDSM toys , such as ball gags and blindfolds. Just be sure to have some clear way to communicate with your partner at all times.
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