Pussy Saga Porn

Pussy Saga Porn


Pussy Saga Porn
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The success of a porn video game depends, to some extent, on the story behind it. A good story means the player can feel empathy for the characters, much more than he or she would when watching any conventional porn video. That’s the strong point of the video game we’re about to present to you: get to know Pussy Saga as we review this incredible game and tell you everything about the game that will blow your mind, we’re sure of it.
In contrast to many of the not-so-good porn games on the internet, Pussy Saga has managed to mix multiple elements for a truly spellbinding experience. The art and the design of the characters are flawless, but so are the music, the gameplay and many other aspects. Instead of making a huge game which takes hours to download and is buggy, Pussy Saga is noticeably well-designed. Looks can be deceiving, and this dating simulator is astounding—we guarantee you’ll be hooked. Plus, you have to solve puzzles in order to enjoy beautiful Japanese-style girls who look gorgeous, so there’s an interesting gameplay aspect to boot.
You can play directly in your browser of choice, you don’t even have to register to start fucking! All you have to do is click on the button above and start playing. You’ll be greeted by a beautiful (and horny) fairy. In no time at all, her charms will envelop anyone in a world where there are tits, pussies and beautiful girls everywhere, all hoping only to satisfy your most erotic desires!
As we’ve said, a good story will make any game more intriguing and captivating. In the case of Pussy Saga, the story is simple, but interesting. Basically, a demon-like creature has been keeping and fucking the sexy little fairies for years. Somehow, one of them manages to escape, and you must help her and the others. The only thing that you can do to stop this demon creature is to squeeze as much juice out of their delicate pussy as possible. What a way to “fight evil”! Let’s hear it for whoever came up with such a brilliant idea.
The funniest thing of all is that to achieve this goal, all you have to do is solve a couple of puzzles. That’s more than enough to defeat the pretty little demon by getting her pussy wet!
Pussy Saga is full of lots of sexy babes that you have to get to go out with you, that’s the general aim. The vast majority of them are very nice, hot, and have a unique personality and style. There are, for example, women such as the stereotypical MILFs, busty and dominant, but who swallow cock whole. Then there are the ‘innocent’ ones with the sweetest faces, but they are usually the kinkiest and sluttiest of them all. And of course, you can’t miss the nerdy babes, who are usually the ones with the most unusual fetishes.
With each girl, you’ll be able to visit several different places for dates. If you are used to fucking on the first date, whether in real life or in video games, don’t expect the same from Pussy Saga! On the contrary, the aim of the game is to take things slowly and gradually. If you’re lucky and stand out on the first date, the most you’ll get is a couple of pictures of wet t-shirts. It won’t be until the sixth date that you’ll finally get to penetrate some chicks (if you do things right). That’s probably more than most of you would be willing to put up with in real life. But don’t worry—the dates are pretty short in real time!
As for the puzzles, the main one involves moving the pieces all over the place until you get three of them lined up, and they disappear (yes, exactly like Candy Crush). As they disappear, the pussy bar fills up. Eventually, it’ll be full, at which point you can have sex. Pussy Saga is a totally intuitive video game that you’ll soon get the hang of, and you’ll be hooked for a while.
All the activities in Pussy Saga require you to spend virtual money (don’t worry, no need to get your card out). Taking girls on dates and giving them gifts obviously comes at a price! For that, you’ll need money. Earn money by completing the puzzles you’re faced with quickly! You’ll need to be a pretty active player and enjoy adventure—you have to go to a lot of different places and complete different activities to get money and chicks.
To make money, it’s worth creating a business, which it produces the best profits. The concept of investment also applies. In fact, to get to the end of the game, the business side of the game must be fully completed, since you won’t make enough money by simply grinding puzzles.
Overall, we really think the design, the art, the music, and the overall atmosphere are pretty good. That’s why it has so many players all over the world. The music can be heard pretty much all the time, non-stop—fortunately, it’s cool and suits the game well. Likewise, the voices of the girls sound realistic and are incredibly arousing!
Pussy Saga is, for us, among the top porn games available today. For those of you who already have experience with this type of game, you will inevitably be transported back to earlier decades of Hentai dating simulators! It’s easy to get wrapped up in Pussy Saga, wanting to have more and more women to fuck, trying to stick your dick in the fairies and any pussy that comes your way.
Games get boring when they’re repetitive, but Pussy Saga has plenty of diverse content. There are dozens of locations, new dolls all the time, stats to improve, and much more. As far as we know, there seems to be no definitive ending. Maybe we’ll have to keep juicing the babes forever, who knows!
The whole game flows well, is intuitive, and the presentation is beautiful. Being a game so similar to the famous Candy Crush, most of you will be familiar with it or at least it’s style. The idea is to solve the puzzles to get to the porn as quickly as possible.
Only if you want to play this spectacular hentai game for free, click on the button below.

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Engaging and polished gameplay Great professional quality art Fun atmosphere The game requires Flash player, no HTML5 support Copies a lot of another game (Huniepop) After a couple hours the game slows down unless you spend money
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Hmm, PussySaga! Porn games are great. They are a lot more engaging than standard porn, and with a good story, you can really start to feel for the characters and get invested more emotionally than you ever could just watching porno.
There are plenty of downsides to porn games as well. First, the great majority of porn games suck ass. Whether it’s the art that some neckbeard drew in his basement, or the shitty coding by a bunch of Pajeets for $1/hour, unless you’re playing a popular hentai game you are going to have a frustrating time. Having to download the shit is a pain also.
Pussy Saga is a great game that doesn’t have any of those downsides. The art and music is great, and you won’t run into any lazy coding or bullshit game design. It’s a genuinely fun dating simulator that also makes you solve game puzzles to get you into these bitches panties.
Best of all, Pussysaga is played entirely in the browser. No downloading, no registration, none of that other bullshit. Just go to pussysaga.com, and you’ll immediately be greeted by a naked fairy bitch and soon you’ll find yourself in a happy big titty world surrounded by cartoon ladies wanting to please you.
Of course, not everything can be milk and honey. Pussysaga is a great game, but after a couple of hours, you will find that you need to start investing some cash to really get to the sexy parts. The game is designed so that as you keep playing, you start needing more “energy” and other things in-game to get what you want, and of course, this will all cost you some money.
The hilarious part about this game is that getting a bitch wet and ready to fuck is all about solving some puzzle games. This is a standard three-in-a-row where you need to move icons around to line up three in a row, after which the icons will disappear. Keep destroying these icons to fill up the pussy bar next to you, and eventually, you win.
Other than the puzzle game, most of the game is a pretty standard dating simulator. You go from screen to screen, choosing dialogue options that you think will get the bitch wet and have a nice life dedicated to getting poon. God, I wish my real world was like that, instead of being chained to some goddamn office desk with a fucking asshole boss…fucking…ahem.
Anyway, you’ll find everything super intuitive and easy to follow. This is a formula that’s been around since the porn games of the early 90s, and it still holds up to this day.
In the game, you’ll be going to various different locations as you go on dates. One thing to know is that there isn’t any fuck on the first date shit here. The game forces you to take things gradually. On the first date, if you do a good job, you might get rewarded with a wet T-shirt photo or two. Only after a few great dates will she get naked, and even after that, you’ll need to ace the puzzle game to get a chance at her goodies. You won’t get to fuck until your sixth date (five more than I typically tolerate in real life).
I also want to say that in addition to the art, the music and overall presentation is really good. This game is good enough that they could sell it ( which, in a way, they do through microtransactions). The music is nice and catchy, which is important cause you’ll be hearing it a LOT. All the bitches come with voice sound effects, and the art remains fresh and varied.
As the hero, you will need money. Money is used for taking girls on dates and buying them shit. You also need to be an active and adventurous man. This means going to all the different locations in the game, and doing different activities. All of these things will unlock new bitches for you to try to fuck, and there are a lot.
Another interesting part of the game is that you can run a business. Business is a source of steady income and introduces the concept of investment and shit like that. In the end game, you will need a ton of money, and having a business empire is your best bet.
Overall, energy, skills, and money are the in-game currencies you’ll need to succeed. This is where the microtransactions come in. In the beginning, you’ll have plenty of energy and money to introduce yourself to these cunts and start going on the dates. But after 4-5 dates…you’ll be so low on energy that you’ll find yourself taking out your credit cards to buy more.
There is a ton of content. I played a couple of hours and I think I only scratched the surface. There are a ton of locations, stats to upgrade, bitches to meet, and a lot more. I really wonder if an ending even exists in this game. Just how much pussy juice does that motherfucker need?
The presentation is also A+. The music is nice and doesn’t get too repetitive, and everything is smooth and intuitive. The puzzle game is like Candy Crush, so its pretty familiar territory for all of you and you’ll find yourself eager to finish it ASAP so you can get to the porn.
You know how when you’re on a date with a bitch, you’re just buying her food and waiting all goddamn night to bust a nut inside her walls? Well with Pussysaga, you’ll get a similar experience except you’ll be solving puzzles instead of spending cash. I prefer the puzzles, personally- at least those are mentally stimulating.
This is the type of situation you can get in with Pussysaga. As you get deeper into the game, you’ll find yourself needing better stats, better gifts, and more energy to nail these ladies. Let’s just say, there’s a long way to do it, and a short way and the short way will cost you dough.
Also, the game is only available on Android for mobile. If you have an Apple phone, just fap on your desktop computer my friend cause you are straight outta luck.
In the long run, you can find yourself dumping a lot of cash into Pussy Saga, especially if you want to see all the pussies. But even if you don’t want to spend money, this game is great for an hour or two. You’ll be entertained, you’ll get a couple of good fap sessions, and it's overall a good time. Nutaku hit a home run with Pussysaga, and I have no doubt they are making a pretty penny.

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PussySaga! I particularly chose this game, Pussy Saga because like I have confided in you my friends, am yet to smell a real woman's petal. And I was as I stared at the game’s title on ThePornDude’s directory, I couldn’t help but wonder what’s like to have a pussy saga. Wait! Wouldn’t you have too? I was thinking probably there’s some dude, Porn Dude kind, in some hot soup for probably impregnating his whole village or even probably his dick has magical sensational power that has girls across the world be lining up to have some.Well, fortunately, Pussy Saga turned out to be a great game created in the design of a dating simulator that has you solving game puzzles to get you to have some pussy pounding kind of fun with some hotties. As if that’s not all, I only had access to my mom’s old desktop computer and Pussy Saga is played entirely on the browser. Can you believe it? There’s no downloading hassle or even registration, only getting down to some serious continuous fun. I am pretty sure you’ll love it too so shall we? For starters
The moment you step into this site, you will find a naked fairy sexy babe with a dildo at hand and you will be faced with the choice to engage say perhaps; “my lady, can we try my natural dick?” Well, everything will depend on your choices however if you play your cards well, within no time, you will be surrounded by a horde of beautiful horny angelic beauties looking to have fun with you, something the pervasive looser in me was particularly excited about.For a second there, I even let myself feel loose and funky, until I got to the point where you have to start investing some cash to really get to the sexy parts. Now, I really really like the game but am jobless and the only money I can salvage is perhaps the change from my mom’s groceries. This basically means that I can only play to the end sometimes but it’s sure worth. This is because with more “energy” the game is more exciting, plus there are always new challenges arising; suites an idler like myself! The storyline basis
One day, a pretty fairy with huge awesome titties magically appeared and asked you for assistance. Once you accept to help, you are sent on a mission to collect pussy juices to fight a devilish monster who apparently is feeding on some goddess's for all of eternity, with the only thing that can stop him being a bottle of grade-A premium pussy juice!Interestingly, all it takes to get a bitch wet and ready to fuck is solving some puzzle games. There is also a standard in the form of three-in-a-row where you are required to shift icons lining them up to three in a row, as they disappear into the thin air. Destroying these icons will help you fill-up the pussy bar next to you, and eventually, have you win.Apart from the puzzle game, the rest of the game is basically a standard dating simulator. This means that you will have to maneuver from page to page choosing dialogue options that you imagine will help you get the hottie wet after which you will be given the green light to dig into her cookie jar and collect some more pussy juice. Don’t even think about it; I love this whole freaking hot idea….. I wish it was this easy, you know, pussy yields from simple conversations with hotties even half these fake toon babes in real life. Damnit! Pussy and more pussy!
Guys am dying to have pussy please and I love that there is plenty of it here. In fact, the whole game revolves around dating more than a couple of cartoon hotties on dating. And there is basically no beating around when it comes to talking them into sleeping with you because they also are horny and willing to fuck. Even better being that the babes have distinctive personalities; from dominant, playful all the way to the bluntly submissive, adding some very much needed spice to the game.Since there is no sex protocol here, on the first date, if your performance is impressive, you might end up with a wet T-shirt photo or two as a reward. It is only after a few more that she will get naked and the puzzle game will remain as the only gateway to her wet coochie, imagine that? Five more dates and you are back into her pussy, better than real life for some of us but for guys like my porn guru, The Porn Dude, am not too sure!To top it up, the art, music and overall presentation is awesome, notwithstanding the endearing music rhythm that you will get accustomed to quite easily. And so as the babe’s voice sound effects, however, the graphics remain fresh and varied. The only tricky being that you actually need money to be able to take the girls out on dates but at least here unlike out there, pussy is and remains a sure deal. Your adventurous nature will also have you unlocking lots of hidden erotic prospects as well as diversifying the sort of activities you’ll be involved in.I found this particular new and intriguing; the game has you running a Business as your steady source of income and even introduces the concept of ‘investment on pussy'. However, as you draw nearer to the end of the game, your empire will not be able to give you the much-needed influence and 'energy' which you will need to purchase with some actual money this time. Freemium, huh!
Since Pussy Saga is free, they sort of devised a way to siphon some dough from gamers. Now, it’s a freemium model but still, you pay some cash to advance a little faster into more interesting sections of the site. The good news is that it’s optional and the decision to pay or not to pay is entirely yours.In the case that you decide to make the purchase, however, I am sure you will be interested to know that all the major cards are accepted, including Diner’s Club, JCB, and Maestro: you can also charge with PayPal and Paysafecard if you’d prefer. Payments are processed by Epoch, which is a huge player in the game, the more reason to trust the system I guess. Possible concerns
Lacks authenticity; you might find the game a little too familiar with others out there simply because it’s practically the same; a dating simulator into the form of a hentai/cartoon and a storyline that doesn’t need super brains to figure out.Down the gameplay, there is a need to purchase ‘energy' to advance faster; I am sure nobody likes the idea of being manipulated to pay for shit especially not by a game that prides itself as freemium. However, these folks down along the game will sink you deeper into the fun, get slower and right in the heart of the action start demanding for money leaving you no choice for those who would like to continue. However, for those who are financially impaired like myself, I think that will basically mark the end of your journey in frustration. Recommendations
Don’t blackmail, try informing; the site should not be driven towards angering or frustrating their fans, I mean, the paying thing, there is nothing wrong with it apart from the fact that it’s completely unexpected and they should at least give heads up to gamers before they embark on thes
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