Pussy Riot Girls

Pussy Riot Girls


Arrest for hooliganism
On February 26, 2012 a criminal case was opened against the band members who had participated in the Moscow cathedral performance on February 21. On March 3, Maria Alyokhina and Nadezhda Tolokonnikova, two alleged members of Pussy Riot, were arrested by the Russian authorities and accused of hooliganism. Both women at first denied being members of the group and started a hunger strikein protest against being held in jail away from their young children. The …
Arrest for hooliganism
On February 26, 2012 a criminal case was opened against the band members who had participated in the Moscow cathedral performance on February 21. On March 3, Maria Alyokhina and Nadezhda Tolokonnikova, two alleged members of Pussy Riot, were arrested by the Russian authorities and accused of hooliganism. Both women at first denied being members of the group and started a hunger strike in protest against being held in jail away from their young children. The defendants were held without bail. On March 16, another woman, Yekaterina Samutsevich, who had earlier been questioned as a witness in the case, was similarly arrested and charged.

Defense attorney Nikolai Polozov said that both Tolokonnikova and Samutsevich were also members of the Voina group, and both had previously staged disruptive protests in the Tagansky Court building, where they would be judged. He argued that their two previous attempts to disrupt proceedings would bias the judge, and preclude a fair outcome at that location. "I believe that the judge will certainly remember my clients, and could easily take offense to it, and therefore could not make an objective decision". The three detained members of Pussy Riot were declared political prisoners by the Union of Solidarity with Political Prisoners (SPP). On March 25, Amnesty International named them prisoners of conscience due to "the severity of the response of the Russian authorities".

Speaking at a liturgy in Moscow's Deposition of the Robe Church on March 21, Patriarch Kirill condemned Pussy Riot's actions as blasphemous, saying that the "Devil has laughed at all of us … We have no future if we allow mockery in front of great shrines, and if some see such mockery as a sort of bravery, an expression of political protest, an acceptable action or a harmless joke." The church's membership varied in its opinions on the case; a petition calling for the women to be forgiven was signed by approximately 5,000 lay members. Patriarch Kirill spoke of "his heart breaking with bitterness" when he heard that some Orthodox Christians sought mercy and forgiveness for the women.

Formal charges against the group were presented on June 4, the indictment running to 2,800 pages. By late June 2012, disquiet over the trio's detention without setting a trial date and concern over what was regarded as excessive and arbitrary treatment, led to the writing of an open letter. It was signed by leading opposition figures, as well as by director Fyodor Bondarchuk, a supporter of Putin, and actors Chulpan Khamatova and Yevgeny Mironov, both of whom had appeared in campaign videos supporting Putin's re-election. Singer Alla Pugachyova appealed on the women's behalf, stating that they should be ordered to perform community service rather than imprisoned. Meanwhile, Nikita Mikhalkov, head of the Russian Cinematographers' Union, stated that he would gladly sign an open letter against them.

On July 4, the defendants were informed that they would have to finish preparing their defense by July 9. They announced a hunger strike in response, saying that two working days was inadequate time to finish preparing their trial defense. On July 21, the court extended their pre-trial detention by a further six months.

Trial, conviction, and sentencing
The trial of the three women started in Moscow's Khamovniki District Court on July 30, 2012. Charged with "premeditated hooliganism performed by an organized group of people motivated by religious hatred or hostility," they faced possible sentences of up to seven years in prison. In early July, a poll conducted in Moscow found that half of the respondents opposed the trial while 36 percent supported it; the rest being undecided. Putin stated that while he saw "nothing good" about the band's protest, "Nonetheless, I don't think that they should be judged so harshly for this."

The defendants pleaded not guilty, saying that they had not meant their protest to be offensive. "We sang part of the refrain 'Holy shit'," Tolokonnikova said in court. "I am sorry if I offended anyone with this. It is an idiomatic expression, related to the previous verse — about the fusion of Moscow patriarchy and the government. 'Holy shit' is our evaluation of the situation in the country. This opinion is not blasphemy." Their lawyers stated that the circumstances of the case had revived the Soviet-era tradition of the show trial. On August 15, 20 protesters wearing balaclavas gathered in support of Pussy Riot at Christ the Savior Cathedral, and held up placards reading "Blessed are the merciful". Cathedral guards quickly moved against the protesters, trying to detain them and taking off their balaclavas.

Pussy Riot said their protest was a political statement, but prosecutors said the band was trying to "incite religious hatred" against the Orthodox Church. In "Putin Zassal", Pussy Riot had stated "The Orthodox Religion is a hardened penis / Coercing its subjects to accept conformity", among other examples of the group's antagonism to the Church as an organization, which it views as corrupt. Thus central issues of the case were the definition of "hatred" against a religion, and whether blasphemy can exist in a secular state. Pavel Chikov, Chairman of the Agora Human Rights Association, said that defense lawyers were able to maximize publicity by creating "a huge public outcry over the case", but at the expense of defendants' liability.

All three were convicted by the judge and sentenced to two years in a penal colony on August 17, 2012. The judge stated that they had "crudely undermined the social order" with their protest, showing a "complete lack of respect" for believers. Mark Feygin, a lawyer for the trio, stated that they would appeal the verdict, but that "Under no circumstances will the girls ask for a pardon [from Putin] … They will not beg and humiliate themselves before such a bastard". Tolokonnikova stated that "Our imprisonment serves as a clear and unambiguous sign that freedom is being taken away from the entire country."

Both supporters and critics of the band demonstrated at their sentencing hearing. Opposition leader Sergei Udaltsov, who was protesting in support of the band, was detained by police. Former world chess champion and long standing opposition member Garry Kasparov, who tried to attend the reading of the verdict, was arrested and beaten.

Former Finance Minister Alexei Kudrin described the verdict as "yet another blow to the court system and citizens' trust in it", harming the country's international image. Putin responded that religious organizations should be protected, because "the country has very grave memories of the initial period of Soviet rule, when a huge number of priests suffered. Many churches were destroyed and all our traditional faiths suffered huge damage."

Appeal to the Moscow City Court
On October 1, 2012, an appellate hearing was postponed in the Moscow City Court (a regional court, similar to the supreme court of a republic) after Samutsevich informed a panel of three judges that she wished to terminate the representation of her defense attorneys as "My position in the criminal case does not coincide with their position."

In an interview for his 60th birthday broadcast on October 7, shortly before the appeal was heard, Putin said that Pussy Riot had "undermined the moral foundations" of the country and that they "got what they asked for". In response, Pussy Riot lawyer Violetta Volkova accused Putin of putting pressure on the court.

On October 10, Samutsevich's new lawyer, Irina Khrunova, argued that her client had not in fact committed the acts of hooliganism in the church as she was prevented from accessing the soleas by church security. The court appeared to accept this argument, and released Samutsevich on two years' probation. However, the judges rejected the appeals of Tolokonnikova and Alyokhina, upholding their convictions and sentences.

Writing for The New Republic, Russian-American journalist Julia Ioffe commented that by arguing that Samutsevich was innocent because she had not participated, Khrunova's defense had implied that Tolokonnikova and Alyokhina had in fact committed a crime, and had cut off "the one path to redemption that the group actually had: ignoring the court's proceedings and denying its legitimacy". Some commentators saw Samutsevich's unexpected release as a divide and rule tactic on the part of the authorities. Details later emerged of an alleged Nasedka ("mother hen"), a prisoner who spies on fellow inmates and manipulates them into co-operating with the authorities in return for privileges and early parole. A convicted fraudster named Irina Orlova was placed in the same cell as Samutsevich, where she apparently gained her trust and persuaded her to change lawyers. Any alleged agreement with authorities would have required Samutsevich to publicly denounce her former lawyers.

Initial reports suggested that the women would serve their sentence in one of three provinces. The decision upon a general-security women's corrective labor colony (the most common type of prison in Russia) in the Republic of Mordovia, approximately 400 kilometers from Moscow, was later confirmed by Tolokonnikova's husband. The women asked authorities to let them serve their sentence at the pre-trial detention facility in Moscow. Their request was denied, and Tolokonnikova and Alyokhina were then dispatched to penal colonies in Mordovia and Perm Oblast, respectively.

The IK-2 and IK-14 penal colonies in Yavas, Zubovo-Polyansky District, Mordovia, are the most common destinations for women prisoners sentenced in Moscow. It is the former location of the Dubravlag labor camp complex of the Gulag system. Tolokonnikova was incarcerated in IK-14, whereas Alyokhina was sent to IK-32 in Perm. The latter is a colony for first-time offenders, which houses a sewing factory, and an experimental vocational program to re-train women prisoners to become digital cartoon animators. Conditions in IK-32 are relatively favorable, and neither prisoners nor human rights monitors have filed complaints about its conditions. Meanwhile, IK-14 has a harder reputation.

In November 2012, Alyokhina requested to be voluntarily placed in solitary confinement, citing "strained relations" with her fellow prisoners. Tolokonnikova also has experienced friction with inmates at IK-14, who have regarded her "at best with contempt, at worst with hostility", according to a report by Aleksey Baranovsky, Coordinator of the Human Rights Center "Russian Verdict".

On September 23, 2013, Tolokonnikova announced that she was staging a hunger strike in protest of alleged human rights violations in the prison. A translation of her letter describing the prison conditions was published in The Guardian. On September 27, 2013, she was placed in the medical ward after not eating for five days.
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Толоконникова об аресте Юлии Цветковой, этике и нравственности
Women in Russian punk band face trial for hooliganism
Prisoners of Conscience Or Hooligans?
Church vs Art
Inheriting The Voina Mantle
The Church and The Cathedral
Wider Ripples
The Song
and Now…?
The Pussy Riot story has long since become more than just an art event; it has acquired political overtones and even Amnesty International has recognised the girls as prisoners of conscience. Some days ago one of the Pussy Riot girls went on hunger strike in support of her demand to b…
Годы: 2011 — настоящее время
Жанр: панк-рок, хардкор-панк, Oi!
Место создания: Москва
Страна: Россия
Каждую из своих акций группа сопровождает либо «нелегальным туром», состоящим из серии выступлений, включающих в себя необычное освоение пространства и живое исполнение песни под аккомпанемент электрогитары, либо единственным выступлением в таком же формате. Несанкционированность участницы считают необходимым условием выступлений и сущностным компонентом своего творчества .

Съёмки …
Каждую из своих акций группа сопровождает либо «нелегальным туром», состоящим из серии выступлений, включающих в себя необычное освоение пространства и живое исполнение песни под аккомпанемент электрогитары, либо единственным выступлением в таком же формате. Несанкционированность участницы считают необходимым условием выступлений и сущностным компонентом своего творчества .

Съёмки выступлений затем используются для создания видеороликов с наложением студийной аудиозаписи, публикуемых затем на YouTube. Тексты и музыку пишут совместно все участницы группы .

«Нелегальные туры» группы активно проводились в Москве с осени 2011 года до февраля 2012 года. После ареста трёх участниц группы в марте 2012 года первое выступление двух женщин, одетых в яркие платья и балаклавы, прошло 19 июня 2012 года на Вацлавской площади в Праге. Директор чешской неправительственной организации «Opona» Павла Кантнерова подтвердила, что выступавшие являются оставшимися на свободе участницами движения Pussy Riot .

Своими предшественницами в истории искусства и феминизма Pussy Riot считают суфражисток, Эммелин Панкхёрст и её соратниц, эсерок, советских авангардных художниц Степанову, Мухину, Розанову — с их попыткам противостояния мачизму в искусстве, Нину Хаген, ОРЛАН (фр.), Сару Лукас, Guerrilla Girls, Валери Соланас, Катрин Брейя, Веру Акулову .

«Освободи брусчатку»
Исполнение записанной в октябре 2011 года песни «Освободи брусчатку» сопровождало первый нелегальный тур группы. Песня была посвящена выборам в Государственную думу 4 декабря 2011 года и содержит слова «Египетский воздух полезен для лёгких // Сделай Тахрир на Красной площади // Проведи буйный день среди сильных женщин // Поищи на балконе лом, освободи брусчатку», предвосхитившие декабрьские митинги в Москве .

Исполнение песни, также посвящённой предстоявшим декабрьским выборам в Государственную думу, проходило в ноябре 2011 года в модных магазинах, барах и других «местах скопления богатых».

«Смерть тюрьме, свободу протесту»
Песня «Смерть тюрьме, свободу протесту» исполнялась 14 декабря 2011 года на крыше спецприёмника № 1 Москвы, где содержались протестовавшие граждане РФ, подвергшиеся административному аресту после прошедшего 5 декабря митинга против результатов выборов в Государственную думу, в том числе политики Илья Яшин и Алексей Навальный. Песня содержит такие слова: «Прямое действие — будущее человечества // ЛГБТ, феминистки, защити отечество // Смерть тюрьме, свободу протесту!» . Участницы группы называют это своё выступление одним из лучших, наравне с акцией на Лобном месте Красной площади .

«Путин зассал»
20 января 2012 года песня «Бунт в России — Путин зассал» (краткое название — «Путин зассал») была исполнена на Лобном месте Красной площади . Это была самая большая по количеству участниц акция: на Лобное место взошли восемь молодых женщин. Позже все они были задержаны Федеральной службой охраны, две участницы подверглись административному штрафу.

Площадка была выбрана из-за близости к Кремлю — символу власти и как продолжение традиций акционизма 1990-х годов на Красной площади (включая акцию «Движения Э. Т. И.» 1990 года), а также в память акции «За вашу и нашу свободу» 1968 года (тогда к Лобному месту также вышли восемь человек) . Сама песня «Бунт в России — Путин зассал» была вдохновлена митингом 24 декабря 2011 года на проспекте Академика Сахарова в Москве. По словам Шайбы — участницы группы — стотысячный митинг сопровождался полётами вертолётов и приведением в готовность войск вокруг Москвы, что говорило о том, что режим, символом которого является Путин, в тот день «зассал» .

2 июля 2012 года оставшиеся на свободе участницы движения выступили в ходе концерта американской группы «Faith No More» в московском клубе «Stadium Live», прокричав слова песни «Путин зассал» и добавив к ним фразу: «Президент Путин зассал, бросил наших сестёр в тюрьму!» Завершая концерт исполнением песни «We Care a Lot», солист «Faith No More» Майк Паттон выразил свою поддержку Pussy Riot, появившись на сцене в оранжево-зелёной балаклаве и футболке с символическим изображением участницы Pussy Riot .

«Богородица, Путина прогони!»
Акция, которую группа назвала панк-молебном «Богородица, Путина прогони» состояла из двух эпизодов. Съёмка первого эпизода состоялась 19 февраля 2012 года в Богоявленском соборе в Елохове, второго — 21 февраля 2012 года в храме Христа Спасителя. Эти два эпизода были использованы для создания видеоролика с наложением студийной аудиозаписи. Публикация видеоролика в Интернете повлекла возбуждение уголовного дела .

В Богоявленском соборе во время, когда служба в нём не велась, и прихожан было немного, участницы группы сначала выступали без звука, а как только «начали что-то кричать», были замечены и выведены охранниками из придела.

По словам протоиерея Всеволода Чаплина, этот эпизод не получил широкого освещения в СМИ, так как «девушки не успели пропеть кощунственные слова» .

В храме Христа Спасителя участницы поднялись на амвон и солею храма, где в течение 20—23 секунд совершали характерные «панковские» движения, символизирующие протест, осеняли себя крестным знамением, стоя на коленях, а в остальное время пытались произнести слова песни, пока не были удалены охранниками. В целом нахождение на амвоне продолжалось 41 секунду .

По словам ключаря храма, осквернения алтаря не было, и повторное освящение храма не потребовалось .

Песня «Богородица, Путина прогони!» критикует связь руководства Московского патриархата, включая патриарха Кирилла, со спецслужбами («Чёрная ряса, золотые погоны», «Глава КГБ, их главный святой // Ведёт протестующих в СИЗО под конвой») и Путиным («Патриарх Гундяй верит в Путина. Лучше бы в Бога, сука, верил»).

По мнению Марка Фейгина — адвоката участниц, в тексте песни нет обсценной лексики и «никаких откровенно оскорбительных призывов» . В свою очередь, глава Синодального отдела по взаимодействию Церкви и общества и член Общественной палаты Российской Федерации прото
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