Pussy Pump Blog

Pussy Pump Blog


Pussy Pump Blog
Pussy pumps , I didn’t even know there was such a thing until a few weeks ago.. But what are they for? Who uses them? and most importantly, how can they spice up our sex lives.
I have decided to take a look at the Doc Johnson plus size, its a pussy pump for larger ladies but the basic principle of a pussy pump is the same regardless of which one you choose. It is a vacuum enlarging device. I discover that this refers to the measurements of the vagina not the size of the lady. The purpose of a pussy pump is to create a vacuum over the labia and clitoris which will in turn make the tissue swell, encouraging more blood to flow and making the skin much more sensitive. Whether you use a pussy pump alone or with a partner, the unique sensations and the engorged look of the area are for some a gigantic turn on.
It isn’t the kind of toy you can leave lying around with out having to explain yourself. It looks like it might drop out of the ceiling in a troubled plane. The resemble a hard cup (phalate free, bodysafe ABS plastic) , measuring 6 inches long , 3 inches wide and 2 inches deep. It is a shame it has to be hard as that’s potential pretty uncomfortable, but if it wasn’t it would be impossible to create an effective seal. The cup has a 16 inch hose and finger pump which attach. The hose is put together in two parts because there is a quick release button to let air back into the cup quickly in case you get sore.
The most important thing when using a pussy pump is to get one that fits. That’s why Doc Johnson has two sizes. It is a useless piece of junk if it doesn’t fit. I am usually good at thinking outside the box when it comes to uses for sex toys, but I give up with this one. You need to create a seal with all of your bits and pieces inside or it wont work. So please… MEASURE the pussy, before you purchase the pump!
 Here is how you do it, firstly measure from just above the top of the clitoris ,(Where the fatty part of the pubic mound begins) right down to your perineum, (Just below your vaginal entrance.) You can also measure the width from one side of the bikini line to the other.
Once you have picked the right size you are ready to go. I will explain how you use them, then go into a bit about what you can expect from them. You begin by lubricating the outside edge of the pussy pump using a water-based lube to help to create an air-tight seal. Make sure that the quick-release valve, located on the hose , is closed and only allowing air out, not in. Spread your legs wide , it helps to lift your pelvis. Press the pussy pump plus chamber over the whole vagina area – making sure that you achieve a firm seal. Keeping your fingers through the pump trigger pull it until you feel suction.
Now you would think that the suction would be most obvious as you were pulling the trigger but the real suction happens when the trigger is released and the vacuum is created, so let the air out slowly. The pump chamber should be able to be held in place via suction only and it should not come away from the skin unless specifically pulled. If it hasn’t yet sealed against your skin, continue to hold it in place and keep pumping. Carry on pulling and releasing the trigger of the pussy pump until you can feel and see the clit and labia swelling in the chamber. Once your skin is pressing against the chamber, you will find it hard to pump any further – this is the maximum you will be able to pump.
You can then give it a rest for a while and start again . It will take around 30 minutes of on/ off pumping to get any sustainable swelling. but it will feel super sensitive before then. It depends what results you are hoping for.
The reason people put themselves through this are many and varied. It actually feels great to have all the blood pumped to the area, and makes it super super sensitive to the touch. Every touch and sensation is heightened. You will need lots of lube though because the vacuum can create dryness. Pussy Pumps are popular with people practicing BDSM . as there can be significant amounts of pleasurable pain enforced. It’s always best to let the girl play her self first to establish levels of comfort. Too much continuous pumping can leave the labia very swollen, even the following day. Some people love this hangover from a kinky night as it’s a sexy reminder of the night before. Others would probably prefer not to be getting their knickers twisted around their labia all day. The pussy does eventually return to normal, with regular pumping the effects only really last a hour or so.
Some partners love the aesthetics of the pumped vulva and the feel of it during oral and intercourse. There are lots of movies dedicated it! although I don’t think you can get the results you see in those with the Doc Johnson plus. It is definitely an introduction and something new to try.
For more information on pussy pumps why not visit this website dedicated to pussy pumps , their use and safety.

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Jennifer works marketing at Adultsmart an online sex toy shop . She has a non-judgemental approach to sex, sex toys and sexuality. Her favorite saying is if it feels good and right and is not illegal then why not!
Pussy Pumps are sex toys used for vagina enlargement. Pussy Pumps are also known as Vagina Pumps. Pussy Pumps work in the same way as Penis Pumps. They accelerate and promote blood flow to the area that the suction device is placed upon. For women, using a Pussy Pump can…
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I have something so exciting to show you guys today, some of you may already be well acquainted with pussy pumps and just want to know which of these things I recommend and others maybe like, Jess, what on Earth is a pussy pump and why do I need it?
Whatever your reasoning for reading this article, I hope you enjoy it because trying out pussy pumps has been eventful but I have found the one I love and I am going to tell you all about it as my loyal readers know, there is no holding back here.
Are you wondering what is a pussy pump ? There’s probably a much more technical term out there, one that explains what a pussy pump is in exquisite detail.
Generally speaking, a pussy pump is a device that you place over your pussy which in turn draws blood into your labia and clitoris area making it more sensitive and more responsive to vibrations, tingle, and touch (It increases blood flow). When removed it also gives your pussy a puffy appearance which is so hot and a unique turn-on for some people.
A pussy pump is an aid for those who want to heighten the sensitivity of the pussy and for those who love the puffy enlarged appearance it delivers.
Price checked the cheapest place to buy this pussy pump (one of the best pussy pump s ) on 29/06/2022 .
I wanted to try out pussy pumps because one of my favorite bloggers had been using one and she couldn’t rave enough about it and in all honesty, curiosity got the better of me if she had one I wanted one. I was also urged to buy one after seeing an erotic picture where the woman had been using a pussy pump and her pussy looked incredible.
The only thing I knew was that women used them when alone and with partners and that they were even sometimes used during bondage which intrigued me as me and my boyfriend are big bondage lovers ( a bondage kit we can’t get enough of ).
It arrived and I had done my research, by that I mean I had watched women applying the pussy pump so I knew what I had to do (I suggest you do this too!). Below is a video of one being used on a fake pussy and you can see how easy it is to use.
This is one of the first times that I didn’t use my new sex toy on my own, my boyfriend was with me and we just whipped it out of the box to give it a try. I never do this, we both usually always try out our sex toys before using them with one another and I never fail to mention this in every article I write about sex toys. The reason was that we were both at home, horny and we didn’t see it as a ‘sex toy’.
I had been previously warned to use lots of lube ( the lube I use ) on the outside rim of the pussy pump as the pumping can possibly be a little irritating without it. I always use lube anyway so it wasn’t that big of a deal to apply and plus having a wet pussy as the machine is pumping away is so hot.
I easily slipped the pussy pump over my pussy, held it in place and began pumping away. It was really easy to do and it suctioned to my pussy really quickly. I instantly felt the plumping taking place and seeing my pussy swell up inside of the pump was incredibly visually arousing for us both.
Word of caution: Ensure your pussy pumps aren’t too low down that it will catch and pull the skin of your anus, this can actually hurt.
I pumped the air myself and then handed it to my partner, we both kept a steady flow of pumping and then took it off to find my pussy deliciously plump and sensitive. The first time we didn’t usea pussy pump it for long but I have since been working my way up for longer and longer times and it has been amazing.
I have read and heard contrasting opinions on this but for me and my first few sessions I could feel the effects after about 30 seconds and I could leave the pussy pump on comfortably for around 10-15 minutes, however, the more I have been using it the more time I can keep it on for. You can get the blood flow going with just 5-10 minutes of using it even on your first time.
Personally, I wouldn’t pump for any longer than 2 hours max but it really depends on what you feel comfortable with. I would say that everybody is different and for you to feel happy with the plump look you may want to leave it on for an hour and others may only need 15 minutes, it all depends on your sensitivity, the look you desire, and how it makes you feel.
If you choose to buy my favorite pussy pump or even if you find one you like the look of better, always make sure to read the instructions and follow their guidelines.
Honestly, I didn’t know what to expect when using pussy pumps, I did think it would be uncomfortable as suction anything to your skin and it can start to hurt but I am really struggling to describe the sensation as it didn’t feel like anything I had ever felt before.
It feels different from what you might expect but it feels really intense especially if you leave it on for a prolonged amount of time. For me, it’s like an intense ‘suck’ that doesn’t feel uncomfortable it’s just intense and a little arousing, when I removed the pussy pump I really felt and reaped the pumping benefits.
Oh my God! I loved how my pussy looked and so did my boyfriend, it was so swollen and plump, it was such a turn on and my boyfriend even said it was a new kink of his that he never even knew he had.
My pussy was also incredibly sensitive when using my favorite vibrator ( this Is the wand vibrator I always cum with ) the vibrations felt like they were magnified and so much more intense than they usually were. I think a pussy pump is ideal for anyone looking for something different but such a great thing to buy if struggle to orgasm due to lack of sensitivity, heck even if you don’t struggle with lack of sensitivity you will be impressed with how it 10x your orgasms.
My boyfriend also commented on how my pussy felt different on the inside, he couldn’t quite explain it he just said it felt tighter and like he was with another woman, I guess the visual difference was incredibly hot to him.
I also want to mention that when I left it on for a good while the effects did last for a good few hours after I had removed the pussy pump it wasn’t an instant deflation. I was still really sensitive and my pussy remained ‘pumped’ for ages, it was great to know that it wasn’t going to just go away after a few minutes.
I think it’s safe to say that I loved the sensitivity of my pussy after using the pump, everything was heightened and every sex toy, touch, and lick felt amazing and does for ages after.
It’s worth mentioning that I think it’s important to listen to your body and know when you have had enough pumping but if you start with small sessions (15 minutes) and keep on building on that you will soon find the pussy pump becomes accommodated to you and you can test your sensitivity to the max.
Whenever my boyfriend and I have extra time and I am looking for an extra boost I will 100% use the pussy pump now, it feels amazing and makes sex toys feel even better than they already do. It’s also fun to fool around whilst pumping. it’s kinky and makes me desperate to be touched.
I think it’s interesting that the pussy pump has been associated with BDSM and even sometimes on some sex toy sites you can find the pussy pump in the BDSM category.
After using the pussy pump for some time I can totally see how it has been put into that category, it’s so intense and can push that boundary between pleasure and pleasurable pain.
Of course, if you aren’t into BDSM then this won’t matter you don’t have to associate your pussy pump with BDSM but if you are a fan then let me explain.
Using a pussy pump as an aid to BDSM is a wonderful idea, I was tied with my favorite under the bed restraints and my boyfriend used the pussy pump on me whilst I was totally a slave to him and his wishes. He played with my nipples, my ass, and even let me touch him whilst he was pumping my pussy for what felt like hours.
When he finally removed the pussy pump my pussy was so aroused and every touch after that was electrifying and he brought me to orgasm almost instantly. This whole time I was restrained and it was such an intense feeling to know I had no control over anything.
Also, the pleasurable pain thing is when the pussy pump is left on for a prolonged amount of time the swelling can start to ache, it isn’t a bad thing at all but it does teeter into that BDSM world.
I also briefly mentioned that when your pussy is confined to the pussy pump you are able to fool around doing other things (anal, oral, BJ) and I think this restriction is really kinky and definitely a power play, a desperation technique and it builds up your need to be touched which I would say definitely fall slightly into the BDSM category of things.
– Start with small sessions (15 minutes max)
– Use lube to stop any discomfort and dryness
– Getting one of the best pussy pumps!
– Occupy yourself by playing with your ass, nipples, and partner
– Use the pump and align it perfectly before keeping it on for a prolonged time
– Don’t go down too low or you will risk pulling the skin near your ass and it hurts!
– Have sex toys at the ready for when you remove the pussy pump
– If your partner has control of the pump, have a safe word
– Read all of the manufacturer instructions
– Don’t pump too hard at first, work your way up slowly, it should feel like a light tug, not a painful pull.
– I found in missionary position with your legs apart is the easiest way to pump
I’m Jess and I’m a woman in my twenties. I created this blog to share my sexual experiences along with the experiences of people from all walks of life. I am actually quite introverted, but my boyfriend and I have a semi-open relationship and it’s really helped me open up and experience things I never thought I would and that’s one of the biggest reasons I created this. I hope you enjoy my blog as much as I enjoy writing for it. Read more about me .
Look forward to sharing these with my fiancé
Thank you so much for your comment! Jess xx
Can’t wait to get one. I really love a swollen clot and pussy.
Excellent article and covered everything very well ..
Great description of how to use it !! Thanks !!
I love using a pump, I release and pump release and pump and when it comes off it’s Niagara Falls. You can see my pussy juice fill the cup it’s such a turn on to feel it sucked out of the opening of your pussy too
This is the best feeling. My pussy is cuming into the cup. Its almost as if im squirting.
Thank you so much for this information! I was scared to leave mine on for too long but wasnt getting the results I wanted. Cant wait to try again with all these tips!!
How long does your pussy stay puffy after you remove the pump?
How long will she have plump lips for ?
How do you know the size pump to buy? Every pump seems to be a different size

Not only are there penis pumps and vaginal pumps but there’s also a range of clitoral pumps as well. Using a good quality vacuum pumping system can help in a size increase for your clitoris . The size increase has numerous benefits, firstly there are many people that find enlarged clitoris to be aesthetically pleasing and attractive, however the general approach with enlarged clitorises is that it can create all sorts of sensory thrills for you and your partner. Clitoral pumping, and female pumping, lends itself to all sorts of fun, exciting and intimate activities including gender bending and gender play, BDSM and medical scenes/roleplay as well as it being fun and cheeky for those who love the latest in sexual development and technology.
A clitoral pumping system will consist of a small clear cylinder around ¾” by 4” which will be attached to a flexible tube which is in turn connected to a powerful hand regulated and operated vacuum pump. Now this vacuum pump, through intense suction, will help in the promotion of blood flow by pulling blood into the clitoris and surrounding genitalia. As the clitoris, the clitoral hood, parts of the labia and vagina become engorged with blood you will see and feel the clitoris “grow” from being sucked into the clitoral chamber.
Some people will find that the resulting tugging sensation is enough to induce an orgasm, where some people will be reduced to writhing around in sustained pleasure. However, what is the point of clitoral pumping? Clitoral pumping varies between individuals in much the same way as other pumping fetishes do in terms of that there’s generally a myriad of reasons as to why they’d like to pump up a specific body part. For clitoral pumpers, they might be interested in an enlarged clitoris that is big enough for penetration, for others they might just enjoy the thrill of playing with a swollen engorged clitoris which is extremely sensitive during pumping play and pumping sessions. Other people might prefer the sensation that is applied to the clitoris after the pump has been removed. This intensity is not for everyone, and some people might find it to be too intense. Here are the basics on how to do it:
A clitoral pump will work best if the area has been warmed up with a damp cloth and warm water and good blood flow has been massaged into the area. For clitoral pumping, it does help to be in a state of arousal. With all this is mind it might be beneficial to have a bath and a shower first, as well
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