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Real men get everything, betas get nothing.
You, are always a Beta male, always a loser.
Staring at a clothed woman on your computer screen is much better than bothering real women in real life. And you can take comfort in the fact you'll never fuck either.
It’s a relief to tell you Beta perverts how pathetic you really are.
Pussyfree means absolutely no pussy for me!
I never reveal my pee pee to a woman out of respect, but if I did this is how I hope she'd react to it.
Always fun to feed my addicted little betas more brainwashing garbage.
It didn't really take brainwashing, just a little confirmation.
Oh, okay. I fully understand. No girl sees me as a man. It's just that sometimes women require non-sexual service and allow me to be of some use to them. That's all.
If your lifelong pussyfree status makes even one pretty girl happy, it is so worth it!
Pussyfree is the only way for me to be!
Really? I wouldn't know since no girl's ever done that for me. I hope you keep this one sexually satisfied with your big dick buddy so she doesn't dump me like my ex!
I'm glad you like them! She only wears them for you and will only let me see her in them when you snap me! So thanks! I hope you enjoy her since I'm not man enough to!
ich war schon jahrelang nicht mehr in einer pussy
Like most beta losers, I don't have a cock. I have a pee pee. And a pee pee should never go near a pussy.
You can just tell yourself your making a sacrifice for the benefit of beautiful women even if you have no chance of not being pussyfree.
It just wouldn't be fair if anyone was beneath me.
You should be proud. It's the only sexually useful thing you can do for a female.
I don’t think girls really want me to know.
Fortunately for all girls, I've never felt or even seen one in person.
Or in other words, betas must be pussyfree!
This is not my mine but I loved it and felt compelled to fix it.
Pussy doesn’t exist to subhuman betas like me.
Any pussy free beta lucky enough to serve a woman would be honored to humiliate himself for her amusement and reinforce his place in life.
That’s why we losers are to content to be pussyfree!
Time to find something new, sissy. 💙💖
It’s the one thing in life I am the least worthy of.
Please send a email to tumbex.com@gmail.com , with proof that this content belongs to you.
Please send a email to tumbex.com@gmail.com , and explain shortly why you want see that content removed.
You are offline, do you want to try reload the page ?
As many have noted, there are big problems with displaying images on the site.
The source of this problem is tumblr.com.
Obviously, they decided that my site was no longer acceptable and they set up specific rules so that tumbex users no longer have access to the contents of tumblr.
It's unfortunate, I loved tumblr, that's why I created tumbex. Using tumblr with an easy, clean and efficient interface was my goal. Because to be honest, their interface is really to be reviewed (otherwise you would not be here).
It is therefore with great sadness that I announce that you are living the last moments of tumbex, it was a great adventure, and a big thank you to all those who have followed me during all this time!
But don't worry, I'll be back soon with something even better;)

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masturbation captions or loser and censored sex for me. this is all I deserve
Nothing here yet. This user has no
posts. Perhaps in the future?

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Pause Unmute Fullscreen Fluid Player 3.5.0

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