Pussy Express

Pussy Express


Pussy Express
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Wild nights of an escort aboard the pussy express.
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Lara was single and bored. She had a job that didn't pay well, a small apartment, some friends and little else. One of her friends was a part time escort, a job that paid very well and Lara had joined her on a couple of 'double dates', the reviews were good and she was considering doing more escort work. It was Erica who found a mystifying, brief advert on Craig's List and shared it with Lara, they decided to call and see what it was about.
Women wanted call – this number- no chancers, no amateurs, will be paid well.
That was very interesting she thought, and exciting – she would love to compete with professionals, if the professionals were who she had in mind.
"Spress." A male voice said, she couldn't tell if he was drunk, high or simply spoke fast.
"Hi, my name is Lara, I'm calling in response to the Craig's List ad?" She spoke as if she was asking if she had called the right number, more horrifically; she wasn't trembling – she was shaking like a leaf! Hell, she thought, what possessed me? And she almost put the phone down, but the man had begun speaking.
"Hang on. Due to the nature of the arrangement, if you wish to participate, I must inform you that you will need to sign a non-disclosure agreement and you will have to present a social security card for insurance purposes. All payments will be made in cash, ten percent upfront and the remaining ninety percent on completion. This is not negotiable... H'lo? You still there?"
"Yes...Yes..." She stuttered, not sure what she was agreeing to if she was agreeing to anything. "I'm... I'm sorry, could you repeat that please?" She asked politely.
"Don't you bitches listen the first time?" He said rudely, after a pause he continued and she realised he was reading from a sheet of paper.
"Due to the nature of the arrangement, if you wish to participate, I must inform you that you will need to sign a non-disclosure agreement and you will have to present a social security card for insurance purposes. All payments will be made in cash, ten percent upfront and the remaining ninety percent on completion. This is not negotiable." She was ready this time.
"Because those are... what? What did you say?"
"I said 'I agree'. Who's not listening now?"
"Don't be a cheeky bitch. Are you a pro? I don't think so."
"If you're looking for a drug mule, yes I would be an amateur. If you're looking for an escort, I'm a professional. Do you want references?" Lies, lies, lies and damned lies! She looked at Erica who was looking at her with eyes opened wide in shock. Silently her friend punched the air and laughed.
"You're still being a cheeky bitch. Some guys might like that, I'm not one of them. Remember who's doling out the dough here, doll."
"Okay, sorry." She was insincere and she meant it. They put their heads together so that Erica could also hear and with Lara's hand cupped over the phone they giggled.
"Works like this, I email you a contract, you sign it and email it back. You get your ass to St. Joe in Missouri by six pm Missouri time on the date in the contract. I don't pay to get you here, I pay you back when you make it here, so make sure you keep slips, however you get here. The rest is in the contract. You get ten percent of your fee in St. Joe, the rest after the job in Sacramento. Got it so far?"
"The rest is you doing your job doll. Easy money, rich clients. What's your email address or do you have to get to an internet café first?"
"Um, no...but can you send to two addresses? One is for a friend."
The man sighed. "No. Give her the number, she can call me. So shoot, what's your address?"
"What's your name? Just in case I need to know."
"You don't need to know, call me Buffalo Bill." He laughed at his joke and put the phone down. Fifteen anxious minutes later, in which they had discussed what 'their job' would entail, an email appeared in her inbox. Lara took a deep breath and opened it. There was a letter attachment and instructions and then the contract.
'Please find herewith the attached contract for you to sign and the instructions you need to follow should you choose to accept the proposal as stated below.
Your services are required from June the tenth until June the twentieth. This is a business trip arranged for discriminating clientele who wish to re-enact the travels of the Pony Express. We require eighty escorts for eighty clients with various tastes. Departure is in St. Joe, Missouri at eight pm, arrival is scheduled to be in Sacramento, California on June twentieth at six pm. Transport is by luxury coach, custom made for privacy.
We require the attached information and two recent photographs (one full length, one head and shoulders) additional to the contract. Your attributes and skills will ensure you a place. The signed contract and information must reach us at the address specified above within forty-eight hours of us sending the contract. Responses after the time limit is reached may re-apply to same number as the advert you responded to, however no escort's place guaranteed until you are extended a formal invitation to join us, indicating your application has been successful.'
Erica phoned immediately, she rolled her eyes at Lara as 'Bill' read his sheet of paper again and she gave him her email address. Lara printed the contract and the attachment and together they filled it in. She emailed it back – Attention: Buffalo Bill. Erica reported to Lara the following day that she had also sent her signed contract back. The next fortnight was torture, each time they spoke they speculated on this misadventure and wondered if they'd ever hear back from Buffalo Bill, as he'd designated himself.
The second Wednesday after she had sent back the contract she was sending an email to a friend when a new email appeared in her box.
You are cordially invited to Buffalo Bill's Pony Express. Date and time of departure and arrival are as discussed. We are delighted to have you on board. See you there!'
That was it. The whole 'formal' invitation. She read it three times before it finally sunk in and then she jumped out of her chair, screaming "Yes!" An onlooker would be forgiven for thinking she'd won the lottery. Two months, she kept repeating to herself, two months and I escape this prison. She called Erica and told her to check her mail and Erica phoned her within an hour, she had also been accepted. That was a reason to go drinking and to plan strategy. Both women immediately began a strict diet and exercise regimen. They played around with their make-up trying to achieve a sultry, slightly slutty look. Lastly, both of them bought revealing negligees.
By the beginning of June both Lara and Erica were beside themselves with excitement. They looked good, they felt good and they were ready to be wined and dined and be an escort for a rich man for ten nights straight. On the tenth they threw their bags into Erica's car and drove down to St. Joe, when they arrived at the hotel and conference centre, they followed the signs reading Pony Express and came to a room which was open. In it a man who was certainly trying to look like Buffalo Bill and a woman Lara guessed would be Annie Oakley were sitting behind a desk drinking coffee, they was a open pizza box between them with two triangles of pizza left inside.
"Hi, we're here for the Pony Express." Erica spoke because she felt a lot more confident than Lara.
Buffalo Bill signed and picked up his clipboard, simultaneously licking a crumb off his fake mustache.
"Erica Devries." He scanned his list and found her name.
Erica fumbled in her purse a little and then produced it, handing it to him. He gave it to the woman and she made a copy of it. He waved Erica on and spoke to Lara.
"Lara Foust." She said demurely. She reached into her purse before he could ask and when he checked her name on his list she had already handed her card to the woman. The man got up and dug in a box behind him. He took out two plastic packs and handed one to each of them.
"That's your welcome pack. Everything you need to know is inside. All traveling pay outs will be done here between four and five pm. You girls can wait on the buses or wherever you want. I'll come by just before six and do a role call on all the buses and then the clients will be finishing their lunch inside and then we'll be off. He jerked his finger to the hotel as he spoke about the clients.
"Okay, thanks, see you later." Erica said and they left the office. They found a spot in the gardens outside the centre and sat on a low brick wall. They opened their welcome packs.
It was very much like a welcome pack from an airline, black silk eye-masks, for better quality sleep. Not that they expected to do much sleeping. Black satin slippers; size - generic – too bad for those with big feet, or small feet. A pair of white wool socks. A toothbrush, toothpaste, comb, face cloth and hand towel. There was a box with six condoms in, a large plastic bottle of water based lube. Two plastic bottles from St Jerome, one was a face and hand moisturizer the other was a perfumed body wash. Two clear plastic bottles from Lily of The Valley, one - a body lotion, the other - a body oil. There was also bottle of Tylenol and a large tube of bruise ointment. The last item could be termed an in-flight magazine, a glossy brochure beginning with a brief history of the Pony Express. Further in the brochure they learnt that there would be 'dress-up' nights, the places they would visit and a list of names. Their clients could pick pseudonyms from this list, they were also reminded of the non-disclosure agreement they had signed.
Lara held up the bottle of Tylenol.
"I guess this is where the shit gets real." Erica merely nodded.
They walked around a while and saw a group of women standing at a corner smoking, all held welcome packs. Erica and Lara walked over and introduced themselves. At four pm most of them drifted back to the office to get their travel expenses. Lara and a few others walked over to the coaches which were standing open and got into one.
"Holy..." Someone said behind her. The coaches were double wide and the inside had been custom built. The aisle was on the left, right next to the windows, the other side of the aisle had been closed up to make cabins. Each was custom fitted with a king sized bed, there was low lighting built into the walls of each cabin and the windows were not only tinted, they had been tastefully draped. In front of each bed was a chaise longue which could double as a spanking bench. To the side of the bed was a small dining area with a round table and four chairs, adjacent to that was a door which opened into a bathroom, luxuriously appointed with a bath tub in each one. It was a five star hotel room – in a bus.
More people were arriving and getting in and out of the buses. Lara noticed that the eighty escorts required for the eighty clients weren't all women, there were a few men in the crowd. Whoever arranged this certainly did try to satisfy each clients' tastes. The crowd grew bigger and at five-thirty Annie and Bill came to the buses, clipboards in hand. Bill stuck his fingers in his mouth and whistled shrilly for silence.
"Okay, this is how it's going to work. You've already been matched with a client for tonight, I call your name, you go to the bus with the name and number assigned to you. Tomorrow you get matched again. Perform badly and you will be thrown off and someone not here tonight will take your place. Your motivation is the ninety percent you get in Sacramento." Lara was here for the hell of it but she was sure many people were here for the money. Ninety thousand dollars, that was the ninety percent she'd get in Sacramento. She assumed they were all being paid the same amount, there would be trouble among those here for the money if they weren't.
The next thing she knew, her name had been called and she picked up her bag and hugged Erica quickly, then set off after Annie Oakley. She lead her to a bus called Majors and told her she was to wait in cabin C. Annie gave her an envelope and told her to count the money in front of her. She opened it and counted ten packs of one thousand dollars. Cabin C was second from the back and Lara entered it, put her bag on the floor and her pack next to it. She took a seat on the chaise and waited nervously.
She wondered if she knew any other escort on this bus and was thinking of having a look when a large man filled the doorframe. Lara stood up automatically. He was dressed like a cowboy in brand name clothing with a black Stetson and sunglasses. Even though he was wearing sunglasses she could feel his eyes looking her up and down – appraising her. Lara kept quiet because she had no idea what to say to him, power seemed to emanate from him like a wave and she knew this was a dominant man. To try to be a dominant woman would be foolish. He stepped into the cabin and pulled the door closed without turning around.
"You can call me Joe." He said taking his sunglasses off, revealing intense gray eyes that pinned her to the spot. She nodded.
"And you are?" He asked, his mouth was slightly open and he was running his tongue over his bottom lip, as if he could taste her.
"Lara." She managed. She couldn't understand why she feared him, but she did.
"Strip. I want to see what you look like." It was command, not a request. She slowly pulled her tight t-shirt over her head and dropped it on the floor, she wasn't wearing a bra. She stood still looking at him for a second and realised he meant strip everything. She looked down to her zipper and zipped down her jean shorts, she stuck her thumbs in the sides of her g-string and pulled both down at the same time, wiggling her hips a little because the shorts were a tight fit. She bent down and let her shorts and g-string fall to the floor from her knees, she stepped out of them and had the sudden compulsion to cover her breasts with her arms, she resisted the impulse with effort. She felt like an object on display at an auction and he was the buyer.
"Get on the bed." Another order. She obeyed and laid on her back on the bed. She could not bring herself to lie with her legs spread, so she laid with her arms at her sides, as if her hands were keeping her legs closed. His tongue was on his lip again, tasting the air.
He took off his hat and flung it on the chaise, not taking his eyes off her. He continued staring at her breasts and her bald mound and unbuttoned his shirt and shrugged it off, letting it fall to the floor behind him. He loosened his belt with a huge silver buckle and pushed his pants down. He had an erection which bobbed out when he pushed his pants off his hips. He let his hand fall to his cock and he began to stroke himself idly.
"Spread your legs Lara." She did as she was told.
"Wider.' She dropped her knees to the outside of her legs and bent them in, this was as wide as she could get. He was still stroking himself slowly and she could see the pre-cum on the tip of his cock.
"Rub your pussy." Damn, couldn't he just fuck her and get it over with? She moved her hand between her spread legs and began to slowly rub her pussy, trying to make it look as titillating as possible. She couldn't look at him anymore, so she closed her eyes, pretending that touching herself was too exhilarating to keep her eyes open. She heard his breath becoming more ragged. And then she heard him moving closer to where she was lying on the bed. She wanted to open her eyes to see where he was, but she didn't dare. When she felt his weight on the bed, she did open her eyes. He had his hands and his knees on the bed and he slowly moved on top her, not once taking his eyes from hers, she took her hand away from herself and as he lowered himself she could feel his cock at her entrance. He thrusted hard and suddenly and she was filled by him. Lara instinctively pushed her head back into the pillows as her back arched with the pleasure of his thrust and she gasped. As he thrusted his cock into her, he grunted.
He was one of those guys who started off with a fast rhythm and fucked relentlessly until they moved to a frenzied pace when they climaxed. Within the first ten seconds she had wrapped her legs around his back and was hanging on for the ride. And ride her – he did. She felt her climax coming and she stiffened her legs and arched her back and thrust her pussy at him as hard as she could and then she felt herself explode. She heard his balls slapping against the wetness of her cunt and Joe grunted and pounded harder sending her into another climax, she cried out loud as she came again and heard him grunting in her ear. He moved into that frenzied pace and grunted even louder as he pounded, shuddered and jerked his climax out of his cock.
When he was done he collapsed on her and just as quickly rolled off her, his cock was still hard when he pulled out. They lay there panting, not saying anything. Lara didn't really want to talk to him and was dreading the rest of the night. He was so detached, even when he was fucking her. Maybe it was because he was married, she had seen the wedding band. Joe sat up and swung his legs off the bed. Now he had his back to her. She didn't know what was worse, him staring at her like a tiger looks at prey or the complete dismissal of her that was clearly the message now. He zipped his pants up and walked to the wall on the opposite side of the bathroom. He slide back a panel and revealed a closet inside. She could see his clothes hanging on hangers. He took out a t-shirt and pulled it on. Still completely ignoring her, he walked over to the dining table and sat down on a chair. She hadn't noticed the tray next to it, on it was a cigarette case. He took out a cigarette and lit it. As an afterthought, he turned to look at her and she nearly looked away, or down or anywhere but at him.
"No, thanks. I don't smoke." He nodded and picked up a laptop from the tray and opened it. A few seconds later he began tapping at the keyboard. Back to work. She had been unaware until now that the bus was moving, but now she could hear the soft hum of wheels on the tar road.
Lara sat up and then hesitantly interrupted Joe's focus on his laptop.
"Would you mind if I took a bath please?" She asked.
"No. Go ahead." When he spoke to her he looked her in the eyes with his piercing gaze and his handsome, but serious face.
"Thanks." She smiled and he turned back to his work, dismissing her again. Lara fled to the bathroom as fast as possible. She shut the door and leaned against it, sighing heavily. Joe had an awkward presence and her stomach was in a constant knot from the vibe he gave off. He didn't do anything, she figured it was just how he was. As the water jetted into the tub, she casually wondered about his wife. She shook her head in dismay if this was the extent of his wife's sex life. Joe – she thought, if that's what you're giving her, she's there for the money. I can guarantee it. The thought gave her no pleasure.
Lara had a long relaxing bath. When she couldn't extend it further, she reluctantly got out and dressed in a negligee. She doubted it would have any effect on Joe. She stepped out the bathroom and put her bag in the corner of the room, when she turned around he was staring at her over his laptop. He'd been staring at her ass and his eyes were now between her legs. She stopped moving and stood still. Afte
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