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Communities > Women's Health > air bubbles "popping" from vagina during the day

Ive got a really embarrassing problem, every day i get a strange air bubble like feeling popping out of my vagina, it happens when i sit down, or when i stand up, or when i walk.

Theres no discharge, and no extra lubricant.

Sometimes i can hear it, and im sure others can too... its similar to the sensation when air is pushed out of the vagina during sex, but a very mild  similar sensation.

Could there be anything the matter with my nether reigons?

I’ve had this for a long time now. Most of my farts come from the front. And they do smell so they are not “queefs” I was embarr...

Hey everyone —hoping someone on here has been through something similar and can weigh in

Dated a guy - serious monogamous relationshi...

So a bit of background: I’ve always shaved my pubic and anus area spotless and armpits etc and never had a problem minus the odd little s...

My app says my period is suppose to come in about 8 days. I have an irregular period so it could be a few more or less days until my peri...

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Mamma1109 1 min
I have been suffering daily with this for over 2 years and I can’t believe I figured it out!!! Doctors all thought I was possibly imagining the sensation. I just started really observing my pee, like very close, head near bowl because I noticed a small bit of mucus in it. As weeks went by I saw more and then a few tiny black specks.  I saw a tiny spec swimming around in toilet! I’m totally freaked out but at the same time relieved as I thought I’d be with this feeling forever. So it’s PAarasites!! No place on the internet did I find this to be a possible cause. Apparently it does happen and you can picks them up anywhere, swimming in a lake or even touching something that has egg left behind and touching your mouth. I thought it was probably Candida so I’ve been drinking tons of water everyday, that’s when I started seeing the dark specks and eventually the tiny swimmer! It has been one week of hydration and I’m seeing more and more thing appear, mostly barely noticeable until you get closer. Anyway the air bubbles are already decreasing significantly as I’m pushing out more stuff. I think they may be in my bladder and inside vagina as that’s were I feel the air bubbles escaping from. I’m going to doctor Monday morning, I’m hoping he can identify the type of parasite and treatment can knock it out completely. I don’t know if they are hard to diagnose in urine or if my doctors just didn’t check for them. I saw both Urologist and gynecologist and they were both stumped after running tests. I know this thread is way old but if anyone is still reading this I hope it can save them from this misery  too! I plan on taking whatever he tells me plus any naturopathic meds that will help keep it Gone!

Wow, and ick. I hope your doctors are able to catch what it is!!

Thank you me too! I feel so disgusting, doesn’t help that I’m already a germaphobe. I will update info when I learn more..there seem to be a good amount of people out there with these same symptoms that rule out fissures, BV, yeast, UTI etc..I’m not sure if doctors just aren’t looking for them in urine culture or they don’t always show up?

My nine year old daughter has been experiencing this for years.  I thought it was little odd and ignored it until now.  Now I am doing research and it seems that some people experience this.  I've never had the experience and after five children, I am guessing I won't.

Feb 08, 2018

Any update on what it might be my daughter just told me the same thing. Trying to research.

I have been suffering daily with this for over 2 years and I can’t believe I figured it out!!! Doctors all thought I was possibly imagining the sensation. I just started really observing my pee, like very close, head near bowl because I noticed a small bit of mucus in it. As weeks went by I saw more and then a few tiny black specks.  I saw a tiny spec swimming around in toilet! I’m totally freaked out but at the same time relieved as I thought I’d be with this feeling forever. So it’s PAarasites!! No place on the internet did I find this to be a possible cause. Apparently it does happen and you can picks them up anywhere, swimming in a lake or even touching something that has egg left behind and touching your mouth. I thought it was probably Candida so I’ve been drinking tons of water everyday, that’s when I started seeing the dark specks and eventually the tiny swimmer! It has been one week of hydration and I’m seeing more and more thing appear, mostly barely noticeable until you get closer. Anyway the air bubbles are already decreasing significantly as I’m pushing out more stuff. I think they may be in my bladder and inside vagina as that’s were I feel the air bubbles escaping from. I’m going to doctor Monday morning, I’m hoping he can identify the type of parasite and treatment can knock it out completely. I don’t know if they are hard to diagnose in urine or if my doctors just didn’t check for them. I saw both Urologist and gynecologist and they were both stumped after running tests. I know this thread is way old but if anyone is still reading this I hope it can save them from this misery  too! I plan on taking whatever he tells me plus any naturopathic meds that will help keep it Gone!

2 years of this and I finally have answer. Unfortunately it’s parasites. If the doctors don’t test for this, and even if they do and not see them it’s easily misdiagnosed or “all in your head”. I finally saw one tiny tiny parasite after I urinated. Bubbling feeling after I pee and sometimes randomly throughout day. Was tested for other stuff, im waiting to get results from doctor on which type parasite it is. From everything I’ve read the bladder parasites are picked up in water source, lake, creek, pond etc..they go directly into your flesh. Needs to be treated right away. Go to an infectious disease doctor and observe your urine closely watching for mucus, small black, rust or light color specks, small bubbles that attach together and fine strands that look like hair. I searched for the answer to this for 2 years. I spent one day walking in creek for a bit while sis was camping  a few months before symptoms started so I guess it most likely came from there. Let me know if you have any questions as im in the middle of getting this dealt with. Best of luck to everyone, oh and my mom discovered she has it too, she was in creek too.

I  know this thread is extremely old but I was looking for an answer for so so long. When I became pregnant and had my first pap since I’d been feeling like there was air escaping from my vagina or like there were “bubbles” popping from my labia, it just felt different than a queef. It was bacterial vaginosis without any of the regular symptoms. I swear it was one of the most uncomfortable things I’d ever felt in my life and totally thought there was something extremely wrong with me. No fishy or strong smell, no grey/yellow discharge, sometimes barely any discharge at all. So, ladies if you feel this way and don’t think there’s hope.... get a pap, make sure your cervix is healthy. My doctor told me I didn’t even need to go on antibiotics until I had given birth but I really wanted to know what the problem was.... the problem was 100% bacterial vaginosis

Seriously NO ONE has mentioned queef yet? It’s fairly common, heck I had a friend back in high school who could do it at will, and interrupt class.... but I digress. It can be awkward and embarrassing but anyone who says it hasn’t happened to them is lying or it just hasn’t happened yet.

varting...just like a Fart without any odor......Varts !  All women have 'em at one point or other .  I just chuckle when  it happens to me ..just Don''T SHAVE your pubic hair.- it is there for a REASON,  YOU TAKE it AWAY  you remove it's #1 barrier against foreign objects.  ok, maybe a bathing suit trim......y'all gotta' keep your hair !

Mar 08, 2018

I've been having this bubble feeling and itchiness around private area for 2 weeks plus,which was a week after menstruation. This week I notice the bubble feeling is lessening but the itchiness still there.  Then today i decided to meet doctor for a check up. The result i got was bad, the doctor said I've got a bad Yeast Infections in my private part. So if you still have that bubble feeling, i urge u to see doctor and don't keep on delaying (like me).

Mar 08, 2018

Doctor prescribe me tablet to insert in the private part n anti fungi cream. Oh and im gona take a blood test on Saturday. Will give u guys update abt my condition/results. :D

Wow, can't use quotes in here. Sorry for the weird typos.

Hello! So I have a..."fix" ...possibly. so when I wake up I get them too, I just squeeze my walls in and "blast" them out. It often comes out like vagina fatlrts..also known as queefs. Laying on my back and bringing up my legs and grabbing my feet "like a kid" also helps. Think of you v like a ...balloon ok? Sucking in and out and such. When we shift during sleep, sit back or even sit down out tunnel leading to that balloon moves. Sometimes we move in a way it opens the canal and sucks in a little air. That's all. Actually, if you learn to control it, it can be amazing during sex...if your open to it. I know it sounds weird..just a different sensation. Anyways, I hope this helps.

Oct 08, 2016

It's happening to me after I shaved the whole area.. I think it's just the meats down there rubbing against each other?

Hi there, i'm experiencing the same thing, only the bubble has gotten stuck and i've tried everything to get it out. Did your doctor recommend anything or have a name for this sensation?

I am experiencing the same bubbles.  This is not what many call a queef.  This is not from air that went up, somehow.  It's like tiny, quite farts.  I would not understand someone describing this unless I have felt it myself.  This is new, a few weeks.  I have never had children.  My pelvic floor is strong from yoga and other activities.  I just searched this today expecting an answer like pH imbalance, BV, or yeast infection; just a symptom I have never experienced.  I am going to the doctor now that I only have MORE questions.  I will update with anything productive.

Feb 08, 2018

Mar 08, 2018

I have had similar issues at various time in my life. You failed to mention your age, however the vagina goes through many changes over time. The PC muscles loosen due to hormone change, age degeneration, tec. I would suggest extra PC muscle contracting. (every woman should do these) Start by stopping your urine flow several times midstream. You shouldn't be discouraged if you can't stop it completely at first. Eventually your vaginal wall will resume it's younger strength and this issue should reolve itself. Hope I have helped.
                      Been There Myself

It has nothing to do with loose vaginal walls because children tend to get it. So it's quite the opposite. I myself had this embarrassing moment and I was 14.

For me I find it's the position that I'm in, for example I do yoga and there's one position that I do have to stick my bum up in the air and every single time when I come back to sitting or standing up straight the air bubbles rush out. What I hate the most is when it gets stuck in the labia and won't pop!!! When I lean forward it rolls back and when I lean back it rolls forward but it won't burst!!! ugh

i dont think theres anything wrong but u could go to the docs just incase,
if your not in any pain and no discharge then i think your okay but im not a doctor,
i have similar things but i can just feel air coming out, it doesnt make any noise and can happen when im walking

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I’ve had this for a long time now. Most of my farts come from the front. And they do smell so they are not “queefs” I was embarr...

Hey everyone —hoping someone on here has been through something similar and can weigh in

Dated a guy - serious monogamous relationshi...

So a bit of background: I’ve always shaved my pubic and anus area spotless and armpits etc and never had a problem minus the odd little s...

My app says my period is suppose to come in about 8 days. I have an irregular period so it could be a few more or less days until my peri...

John C Hagan III, MD, FACS, FAAO Jun 08

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Didn't find the answer you were looking for?

STDs can't be transmitted by casual contact, like hugging or touching.

Syphilis is an STD that is transmitted by oral, genital and anal sex.

Normal vaginal discharge varies in color, smell, texture and amount.

Bumps in the genital area might be STDs, but are usually not serious.

Chlamydia, an STI, often has no symptoms, but must be treated.

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