Push notifications ios

Push notifications ios

Push notifications ios

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Push notifications ios

Well if you ask the folks at Apple, they will probably direct you to this page on their website where they describe notifications as follows:. I also see there: And this is exactly what we are going to do in this guide! Here is what you can do with APNs these days:. Way too many things probably but all useful. Still, as the title of the article goes, I am going to concentrate upon displaying messages, media and actions. Nobody likes a know-it-all anyways, right? However, before seeing any of the APNs magic happen, there is some configuration to be done! Step 1, project set-up: Like anything else you are probably learning these days about iOS apps, it all starts with creating a project. That is right, mine is named Unicorner. Step 2, enabling APNs: Step 3, get APNs certificate: There should be an Edit Button at the bottom, click it and find Push Notifications in that list again:. Properly fill in the Certificate Information and make sure you save the. Then you will get this screen:. Download the generated Certificate , double-click the. This step was a long one but worth it. Step 4, some code finally: Lengthy configuration, I know, but as mentioned earlier, security is security. Go back to the project and open the AppDelegate. On top of your AppDelegate. Then within the AppDelegate class, add this function:. Well, what is the code above actually doing? If granted, we call the registerForRemoteNotifications function of the shared application instance on the main thread. In that way, we make sure the user is asked to register for push notifications at the start of the application. Run the project to see this:. The picture is quite self-explanatory, so, do press Allow , and voila, notifications will be received when sent! We are not going to think about it now but such situation should be handled in a production app! Step 5, sending a notification finally: Open Pusher after installing it:. There is a drop-down menu where Pusher automatically detects what Push Certificates you already have in your Keychain Access. Click it and pick the one that corresponds to your app, like this:. Then in the next field, paste in your Device Token which you should see in the Xcode console on every start-up of your app when permission to send PNs is granted Please note that a device token may change when you delete and re-install the app on your device. What I got for a token in my console is this:. Luckily, Pusher comes with a super-simple default payload which is just a JSON dictionary with specific Apple-defined keys no worries, they can be more than three. All right, the app is built and running on our real device, the needed certificate is added, the device token too, lets press the Push Button in Pusher and see some magic happen:. Not very impressive because of no unicorns present. Eh, we will get there! If you want to know what a notification payload can carry, read here and here. Well, well, we made it to actually sending a notification with some alert in it. Not bad but surely, most of us have received more sophisticated notifications pictures, gifs, etc. So, how to do that? A Service Extension intercepts push payloads from apps, and gives you the chance to change content in the notification before it is presented. As it is written on the Apple website:. Enough jibber-jabber and more work! Click the Next Button and give it a name of your choosing. I am going to name mine NotificationService. What we are going to get is a new group of two files created for us:. Go ahead and open the NotificationService. Do take the time to checkout the code written for us by Xcode. Before that, we need to go to our payload aps dictionary and make sure we add this key-value pair if we actually want to use a notification extension of any kind:. It signifies that the OS should initiate the service extension of the app and do some extra processing. The other thing that I will add to the payload now is an example unicorn image URL. I will imagine that someone took a picture of a unicorn and uploaded it to the server and that is why I, as a user, am getting notified. This is the final payload:. Now it is time to go back to the NotificationService. Apple team did provide some code ready for us but I would like to change it so that it handles the transformation of just a URL to an image attachment properly. For that I will need from this particular function comments added on the side so it makes sense a bit more:. Well, we do have the function that will do the magic for us. This is what it should look like:. Well, good job till now I would say. Still, we want to make things even more fancier, like adding some custom actions? Ok, go back to the NotificationService. That same common category will go in the aps Notification payload we send from Pusher. And that is how the Notification Service would know what notification actions to show! Alright, try it out! If you do, you will see that when you use the force touch or pull down to see the bigger notification, you will see the custom actions show up there too, like this:. To be honest, we are not ready yet, because if you think about it, we are not handling these custom actions anywhere. The place to do that is in the AppDelegate. Just add this optional func before closing the AppDelegate class:. What it does is intercept the notification response for us. Within the response, we can check whether the user chose any of the custom actions provided and proceed with app logics based on that. The way I handled the actions, for demo purposes only, is just by printing out statements on the console, like so:. Go ahead, test it out and see some not so fancy prints showing up on the console and the concept I am explaining proven! Indeed, in a real app, you would want to have some real and thoughtful logics happen when a user chooses your custom actions. After so much work done, probably it is best to go for a short conclusion, right? And yes, I need to stress that when testing and building the app using Xcode, I used a development certificate. If you decide to release a beta version using TestFlight, or a production version in the AppStore, you need to use a production certificate and not a development one! Doing that has two main benefits:. Sign in Get started. What are remote Push Notifications? Well if you ask the folks at Apple, they will probably direct you to this page on their website where they describe notifications as follows: It is a robust, secure, and highly efficient service for app developers to propagate information to iOS and, indirectly, watchOS , tvOS, and macOS devices. What can Push Notifications do? Here is what you can do with APNs these days: Display a message Play a sound Set a badge icon on your app Provide actions the user can act upon with or without opening the app Show an image or other type of media Be silent but ask the app to perform some action in the background Way too many things probably but all useful. Simulators cannot receive notifications unfortunately. I am going to test things on iPhone 8 Plus with iOS 11 on it. Doing that has two main benefits: No need to re-generate the push certificate every year. Never miss a story from Flawless App Stories , when you sign up for Medium. Get updates Get updates.

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