Publishing A Book

Publishing A Book

I had to skip some parts of the process so as not to be redundant in some way. But, in essence, when you feel confident that your book has gone through editing, front cover and back cover design, and all the requirements. Then this is the time to book publish it.

You can either upload the book on Amazon KDP  or any other book publishing platforms or seek an agent who would help you with this. If you’re opportune to go directly to the publisher, then do so.

How to Publish Book

If you desire to be an author, you have to know this; getting acquainted with book publishing is essential. We all have fallen into this scenario when we have an idea for a book, but to put it on paper or write it down on the computer screen and sharing our ideas on the internet can be pretty tricky for us.

Well, you don’t need to worry; there are various platforms presently, which you can write, share and publish a story—not forgetting to interact with an audience. So, it doesn’t matter if you are plying the route of a traditional publishing experience, which is complete with an editor, publisher, and agent, or you are looking forward to self-publishing your book yourself; in all, they are all within your grasp. All you have to do is decide the things that work best for you and follow the tread. You can also take a look at my post on How to Write a Book in 7 Simple Steps. It will be helpful if you have not written a book before.

Now, this article was made to guide you in the book publishing process, and I can confidently say we’ve started on reasonable grounds. But knowing everything without having an idea on what self-publishing or traditional publishing means would take you anywhere, so shall we?


There are many publishing models, which include vanity, self-publishing, print-on-demand, and subsidy.

When we talk of a vanity publisher, they are also known as a book manufacturer; they are known to publish on anyone’s work only if they have the money to pay for their services. The manufacturer goes through the process of binding, editing, marketing, and even promotional assistance.

Self-publishing needs an author to invest their cash to produce and distribute, market, and warehouse the book. This can be a huge commitment, and the process can be more cost-effective than subsidy or vanity publishing.

POD is known to cut back on costs and removes the need for space as a form of storage for unsold copies. In addition, it’s known to include proofreading, editing, marketing at an additional cost. It helps make money off royalties from sales. And in terms of the rights, you can go to the Print-on-demand publisher for a specific amount of time, but this can vary depending on the publisher.

For a subsidy publisher, this is similar to a vanity publisher. The said author has to make payments for the printing and binding process of the book. Nonetheless, this kind of publisher is known to contribute a good portion to editing, distribution, warehousing, and even marketing. Moreover, a subsidy publisher is known to own the book’s full rights till they are sold, and the author is known to get payments from them. I have a detailed post on 18 Powerful Steps to Becoming a Best Seller Author that is if you are looking forward to becoming a best seller author in your niche.

How long does it take to self-publish or book-publish presently?

Well, lucky you! It can take a few hours to just a few days. Then, all you have to do is make an account with a publishing house and prepare your book in the format needed. Some sites even format your book for free on the internet. Also, your book agent can handle all the formatting for you.

Traditional Publishing

This is when a book publisher does offer the author terms of agreement or contract and proceeds to print, publish, and sell your book through the various channels and all other retailers. The publisher is known to purchase the right to book publish and pays you the needed royalties from the book’s sales.

Now, if you desire to book publish traditionally, you’ll have to find an agent. And to get one, you’ll have to find just the correct category for your writing. My blog post on 5 Best Websites For Book Printing Services highlights most of the top online platforms you can use for your book printing services.

Now, suppose you wish to be a nonfiction writer. You’ll need to submit a given book proposal with a synopsis and three sample chapters in that case. And if you are writing fiction, you must have the complete manuscript.

Once all of the steps are duly done, you’re set to write your query letter. This is a letter that you prepare and send to prospective agents willing to have your work. It’s essential to mention the various parts which make up the query letter. And it would help if you were pretty sure to mention the synopsis of your book, the audience, the chapter summary, description of yourself, and all that’s required of you at this stage.

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