Публикации коллег Карла Роджерса на английском языке

Публикации коллег Карла Роджерса на английском языке

Kirillova E.I. Application of Intent-Analysis to Therapeutic Discourse in the Analysis of the Professional Activity of Psychotherapists // Current context of education and psychology in Europe and Asia. May. 2021, Vol. 9, SPE(3), e1199. [Читать]

Kirschenbaum H. On Becoming Carl Rogers. N.Y.: Delacorte Press, 1979. 444 p. [Читать]

Meadows E. E. Person-centered Approach in Organizational Relationships // Organizational Psychology. 2014. Т. 4. № 2. P. 46–52. [Читать]

Merry T. A guide to the person-centred approach. Loughton: Gale Centre Publications, 1990. 52 р. [Читать]

Orlov A. B. Person-centered approach as a variant of essential therapy // XI INTERNATIONAL FORUM FOR THE PERSON-CENTERED APPROACH. 2010. [Читать]

Orlov A. B. The Phenomenology of Anxiety in the Process of Client-centered Psychotherapy, in: 10th Conference of the World Association for Person-Centered and Expiriental Psychotherapy and Counseling. July 8-12, 2012 – Antwerp, Belgium // Ed. by L. Neven. Antwerpen : Universiteit Antwerpen. 2012. P. 117–117. [Читать]

Orlov A. B., Orlova N. A. The psychological status of the therapist: individuality vs. individity, in: Anaıs do XII forum ınternacıonal da abordagem centrada na pessoa e do X forum brasıleıro da abordagem centrada na pessoa: Desdobramentos contemporâneos do pensamento de Carl Rogers. // Cumbuco : Universidad de Fortaleza. 2013. P. 19–21.

Orlov A. B., Orlova N. A. The psychological status of a psychotherapist // Psychology. Journal of the Higher School of Economics. 2014. Vol. 11. № 2. P. 136–149. [Читать]

Orlov A. B. Psychotherapy is nonpolitical otherwise it is non psychotherapy: Person-centered aapproach as funfamentally and essentially nonpolitical enterprise or person-centered approach: the temptation of politics // Под общ. ред.: В. Ю. Меновщиков, А. Б. Орлов / Ежегодник по консультативной психологии, коучингу и консалтингу. Институт консультативной психологии и консалтинга (ФПК-Институт). 2018. Вып 5. С. 67–76. [Читать]

Positive Regard. Carl Rogers and Other Notables He Influenced / Suhd Melvin M. (Ed.) Palo Alto, CA: Science and Behavior Books, 1995. 457 p. [Читать]

Rogers N. Emerging Woman: A Decade of Midlife Transitions. Santa Rosa, CA: Personal Press, 1980. 201 p.[Читать]

Rogers N. The creative connection for groups. Person-cепtered expressive arts for healing and social change. Palo Alto, СА: Science & Веhavior Воокs. 2011. 452 p. [Читать]

Santos A. Miracle moments. The Mind’s Healing Power In Psychotherapy and Relationships // USA, 1997, 350.

Seeman J. A study of preliminary interview methods in vocational counseling // Journal of Consulting Psychology, 1948, 12, 321- 330.

Seeman J. A study of client self-selection of tests in vocational counseling // Educational and Psychological Measurement, 1948, 12, 321-330.

Seeman J. Psychotechnology and psychotherapy in vocational counseling // Personal Counselor, 1948, 3, 16-21.

Seeman J. An investigation of client reactions to vocational counseling // Journal of Consulting Psychology, 1949, 13, 95-104.

Seeman J. Some thoughts on research in psychotherapy // Personal Counselor, 1949, 4, 6-12.

Seeman J. A study of the process of non-directive therapy // Journal of Consulting Psychology, 1949, 13, pp. 157-167. [Читать]

Seeman J. Recommended standards for training counseling psychologists // A report of the APA Division 17 Committee on Counselor Training, Sub-committee on Ph.D. Training. I was one of the sub-committee members. American Psychologist, 1952, 7, pp. 175-181.

Seeman J. Research perspectives in client-centered therapy; in Mowrer, O.H. (Ed.) // Theory and Research in Therapy, 1953.

Seeman J. Organizing a thesis proposal // The American Psychologist, 1954, 9, pp. 794-797.

Seeman J. Child therapy in education: Some current trends // Education, 1954, 11, pp. 794-797.

Seeman J. Counselor judgments of therapeutic process and outcome; in C.R. Rogers and R.F. Dymond (Eds.) // Psychotherapy and Personality Change, 1954. [Читать]

Seeman J. Developing a program of research in psychotherapy; in Rogers and Dymond (Eds.) // Psychotherapy and Personality Change, 1954 [Читать]

Seeman J. Turning outward and turning inward. An analysis of counseling // Peabody Reflector, November 1954, 27, pp. 18-20.

Seeman J. Toward a concept of personality integration // American Psychologist, 1959, 14, pp. 794-797. [Читать]

Seeman J. Psychotherapy and perceptual behavior // Journal of Clinical Psychology, 1962, 18, pp. 34-37.

Seeman J. Teacher judgments of high and low adjustment, Journal of Educational Research, 1963, 57, pp. 213-216.

Seeman J. Personality integration as a criterion of therapy outcome, (with Edyth Barry and Charlotte Ellinwood), Psychotherapy: Theory, Research and Practice, 1963, 1, pp. 14-17.

Seeman J. Perspectives in client-centered therapy; in B.B. Wolman (Ed.) // Handbook of Clinical Psychology, 1965. Pp 1215-1229 [Читать]

Seeman J. Personality integration in college women // Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 1966, 4, pp. 91-93.

Seeman J. The psychological center: A historical note // American Psychologist, 1968, 23 (7), pp. 522-523. [Читать]

Seeman J. Deception in psychological research // American Psychologist, 1969, 11, pp. 1025-1028. [Читать]

Seeman J. Ends and Means? A review of the Goals of Psychotherapy, Alvin R. Mahrer (Ed.) // Contemporary Psychology, 1971, 16, pp. 646-648.

Seeman J., Murphy Th. Personality integration and cognitive processes // Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 1972, 24 (2), pp. 154-166.

Seeman J., Seeman L. Emergent trends in practice of clinical psychology // Professional Psychology, 1973, 4 (2), pp. 151- 157.

Seeman J. On the supervising of student research // American Psychologist, 1973, 28, pp. 900-906.

Seeman J. The Dialectics of Humanistic Psychology // Contemporary Psychology, 1979, 24, 521-522, (Book Review).

Seeman J. Personality integration and maximal use of biofeedback information. American Journal of Clinical Biofeedback, 1982, 5, pp. 111-122.

Seeman J. Personality Integration: Studies and Reflections // New York: Human Sciences Press, 1983. [Читать]

Seeman J. Personality integration in children and adults: Some developmental continuities // Peabody Journal of Education, 1983, 60, pp. 29-44.

Seeman J. The fully functioning person: theory and research. In R.F. Levant and J.M. Shlien, Client centered therapy and the person-centered approach. New York, Praeger, 1984. [Читать]

Seeman J. Personality integration. In R.J. Corsini (Ed.) // Encyclopedia of Psychology, 1984, 3, pp. 18-19.

Seeman J. Rediscovery of the self in American psychology // Person-Centered Review, 1988, 3, pp. 145-164.

Seeman J. Self-actualization: A reformulation // Person-Centered Review, 1988, 3 (3), pp. 304-315.

Seeman J. Experiential supervision: Case illustrations. In L.J. Bradley (Ed.) Counselor Supervision. Muncie Indiana: Accelerated Development Publishers, 1989.

Seeman J. Toward a model of positive health // American Psychologist, 1989, 44 (8), pp. 1099-1109.

Seeman J. Theory as autobiography: The development of Carl Rogers // Person-Centered Review, 1990, 5 (4), pp. 373-386.

Seeman J. Conceptual analysis of client and counselor activity in client-centered therapy // Person-Centered Journal, 1994, 1, pp. 5-10 [Читать]

Seeman J. On validity: A credo // Person-Centered Journal, 1996, 3, pp. 51-54. [Читать]

Seeman J. The power of the brief encounter. In B.A. Farber, D.C. Brink, and P.M. Raskin (Eds.) // The Psychotherapy of Carl Rogers. New York: Guilford Press. 1996 [Читать]

Seeman J. Congruence: A human-system approach. In G. Wyatt, Congruence. U.K.: Ross-On-Wye, 2001.

Seeman J. Looking back, looking ahead. In D.J. Cain (ed) and J. Seeman (Assoc ed) // Handbook of Humanistic Psychotherapy. Washington, D.C.: APA. 2001. [Читать]

Seeman J. Humanistic Psychotherapies: Handbook of Research and Practice. Washington, D.C.: American Psychological Association, 2001.

Seeman J. Client-Centered Play Therapy with Implications for Parent-Child Relationships // Psychotherapy and the Fully Functioning Person. Bloomington, IN: AuthorHouse, 2008, pp. 45-62. [Читать]

Seeman J. Psychotherapy and the Fully Functioning Person // Bloomington, IN: AuthorHouse, 2008. [Читать фрагмент]


Seeman J., Barry E., Ellinwood Ch. . Interpersonal assessment of play therapy outcome // in The Child: A book of readings, 2nd edition, Jerome M. Seidman (Ed.), Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1969, pp. 559-563. [Читать]

Seeman J., Bixler R. Suggestions for a code of ethics for consulting psychologists // Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 1946, 41, 486-490.

Seeman J., Butler J. Client-centered therapy and the field of guidance // Education, April 1950, pp. 1-4.

Seeman J., Compton W.C., Norris R.C. Predicting hardiness // Medical Psychology, 1991, 4,121-130.

Seeman J., Cooley R. Personality integration and social schemata // Journal of Personality, 1979, 47, pp. 288-304.

Seeman J., Davis E., Miller J.W. Applications of research to education, Peabody Journal of Education, 1977, 54, pp. 133- 134.

Seeman J. Dymond R., Grummon D.L. Patterns of perceived interpersonal relations // Sociometry, 1956, 19, pp. 166-177.

Seeman J., Edwards B. A therapeutic approach to reading difficulties // Journal of Consulting Psychology, 1954, 18, pp. 451- 453.

Seeman J., Green H.R., Hanson J.J. A stereophonic sound system for play therapy observation // Journal of Consulting Psychology, 1957, 21, pp. 211-213. [Читать]

Seeman J. Greenberg H., Cassius J. Personality changes in marathon therapy // Psychotherapy: Theory, Research, and Practice, 1978, 15, pp. 61-70.

Seeman J., Hearn C. B. Personality integration and perception of interpersonal relationships // Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 1971, 18 (2), pp. 138-142.

Seeman J., Hunt C. A study of women’s recovery from alcoholism // Person-Centered Review, 1990, 5 (2), pp. 233-248. 746.

Seeman J., Murphy Th. Criterion measures for therapy outcome: A study in personality integration // Psychotherapy: Theory, Research and Practice, 1971, 8 (1), pp. 26-29.

Seeman J., Odom L., Newbrough J.R. A study of family communication patterns and personality integration in children // Child Psychiatry and Human Development, 1971, 1 (4), pp. 275-285.

Seeman J., Pear H.J. Experimental psychotherapy: Effectiveness of therapist response under two conditions of threat // Journal of Clinical Psychology, 1973, 29 (1), pp. 100- 103.

Seeman J., Shames G.H., Rubin H. Client-centered therapy // Stuttering then and now. Columbus, Ohio, Charles E. Merrill, 1986. [Читать]

Seeman J., Williams P. Applied research and public policy // Community Mental Health Journal, 1971, pp. 99-106.

Shapovalov R. A., Kolpachnikov V. V. Manifestations of psychological maturity and immaturity in men’s attitudes toward seeking professional psychological help // Person-Centered and Experiential Psychotherapies. 2022. Vol. 21. No. 4. P. 367-384. [Читать]


Standal S. W. The need for positive regard: a contribution to client-centered therapy // Doctoral dissertation. University of Chicago. 1954 [Читать]

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