Public Humiliation Nudity

Public Humiliation Nudity


Public Humiliation Nudity

What was your most humiliating or embarrassing naked moment?
Former Director at GoTopless · · Wed ·
Ladies, have you ever had an ENF (Embarrassed Nude Female) moment. If yes, what happened?
As a teen girl, what was your most embarrassing nude moment with a younger boy?
As a child, did you ever see a teen girl naked?
What was your most embarrassing naked moment in front of a girl as a teenager?
As a boy, were you ever given naked corner time in front of girls? Did they end up touching your penis?
15+ years in event planning, recreation & tourism · Author has 52 answers and 173.5K answer views · Updated 4 y ·
Ladies, have you ever had an ENF (Embarrassed Nude Female) moment. If yes, what happened?
As a teen girl, what was your most embarrassing nude moment with a younger boy?
As a child, did you ever see a teen girl naked?
What was your most embarrassing naked moment in front of a girl as a teenager?
As a boy, were you ever given naked corner time in front of girls? Did they end up touching your penis?
Which is your most embarrassing childhood “shame shame” (naked) picture? What is the story behind it ? How do you feel if someone sees it now?
What is your embarrassing naked moment? Can you show your picture?
As a teenager, what was the most embarrassing nude moment in front of your friends?
Has any girl experienced any humiliating or embarrassing naked moment?
Has any girl experienced a CFNF (cloth female naked female) moment?
Have you slept naked in front of your Indian family (in case you're a teenager)?
What was your most embarrassing naked moment in front of a large group of people in public?
Has any girl remained naked in front of boys?
When is the last time you saw your adult sister nude? Why/how did it happen?
What was your embarrassing naked experience as a teenager?
Ladies, have you ever had an ENF (Embarrassed Nude Female) moment. If yes, what happened?
As a teen girl, what was your most embarrassing nude moment with a younger boy?
As a child, did you ever see a teen girl naked?
What was your most embarrassing naked moment in front of a girl as a teenager?
As a boy, were you ever given naked corner time in front of girls? Did they end up touching your penis?
Which is your most embarrassing childhood “shame shame” (naked) picture? What is the story behind it ? How do you feel if someone sees it now?
What is your embarrassing naked moment? Can you show your picture?
As a teenager, what was the most embarrassing nude moment in front of your friends?
Has any girl experienced any humiliating or embarrassing naked moment?
Has any girl experienced a CFNF (cloth female naked female) moment?
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It was during the Annual GoTopless Parade on August 26, 2014.
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It may not look so from the above photo, but I was pretty nervous. This was the first-ever GoTopless Parade. Several celebrities were invited, but few cared to participate. I have had particularly high hopes for Miley Cyrus, whom I had invited in this open letter, to which she did not reply.
I did have the experience of baring my breasts to strangers before since I had been working as a part-time escort to supplement my earnings as a dancer. Yet those were intimate occasions. To walk topless in fro
It was during the Annual GoTopless Parade on August 26, 2014.
© . All rights reserved.
It may not look so from the above photo, but I was pretty nervous. This was the first-ever GoTopless Parade. Several celebrities were invited, but few cared to participate. I have had particularly high hopes for Miley Cyrus, whom I had invited in this open letter, to which she did not reply.
I did have the experience of baring my breasts to strangers before since I had been working as a part-time escort to supplement my earnings as a dancer. Yet those were intimate occasions. To walk topless in front of a crowd that ran into possibly hundreds of thousands was an altogether different thing.
Then came the cameras. I thought I would be shot by the official GoTopless photographer and maybe by a handful of onlookers, but thousands of shutter-happy people, mostly men, took photos without asking for permission. I am okay with it now, but I am saying so eight years after the fact.
At that juncture, being ogled by such a vast number of men and keep on walking pretending I did not hear the catcalls and whistles was indeed the most humiliating naked moment ever.
I had been dating my boyfriend for a few months. We had decided to stay the night at his dad’s home after having a few too many drinks that night. One thing led to another and we ended up in his room having sex. After, I had to go to the bathroom, which was down the hall. I took a blanket and wrapped it around myself and walked out the bedroom door. Standing right in fromy of me was my boyfriend’s dad. The thing is, I had only wrapped the blanket around my bottom half… so my top was completely naked. In my drunken stupor, I made my way down the hall to the bathroom. The door was closed but I o
I had been dating my boyfriend for a few months. We had decided to stay the night at his dad’s home after having a few too many drinks that night. One thing led to another and we ended up in his room having sex. After, I had to go to the bathroom, which was down the hall. I took a blanket and wrapped it around myself and walked out the bedroom door. Standing right in fromy of me was my boyfriend’s dad. The thing is, I had only wrapped the blanket around my bottom half… so my top was completely naked. In my drunken stupor, I made my way down the hall to the bathroom. The door was closed but I opened it and walked in, to see my boyfriend’s stepmother sitting on the toilet. She saw me, and my blanket only covering my belly button and below and sweetly said, ‘Oh sweetheart, let me help you.’ pulling the blanket up over my shoulders. I went to the batheroom and went back to bed. When I woke up later that morning to the smell of bacon cooking, random pieces of the night before crossed my mind. And then it came back to me and I was MORTIFIED. I have always been the ‘good girl’ cop kid that never breaks the rules or does anything unbecoming…. and I did THAT!? Praying it was a dream I woke my boyfriend….who assured me it was NOT a dream. And to make it worse, he was cracking up remembering how everything transpired. I guess after I walked out of the bedroom with my chest in full view, my boyfriend’s dad went into his son’s room and said, [Son’s name]! I just saw Macey’s t*ts! My boyfriend being intoxicated as well said, ‘So did I!’ Needless to say breakfast was the most uncomfortable, eye contactless breakfast I have ever had.
** I think it's worth noting that eight years after this incident, I married the guy and have been married for 9 years now. My inlaws will never let me live that night down.

A discussion area specifically for survivors who suffered physical, emotional, and verbal child abuse. This forum can also be used for Members who suffered sexual abuse at the time of physical, emotional and verbal abuse.
I have major issues with my body. I am, even at my age with 3 kids, in pretty good shape. I was always skinny and athletic. I always had bigger than average boobs and a sexy, curvy butt. My husband adores my body and has never said anything otherwise. The problem is that I feel a deep, deep shame when it comes to my body. I think it was because my parents used nudity as punishment.

I was spanked and spanked brutally, as I have mentioned before, my whole life. When I was little the nudity aspect of the spankings were no big deal. As I got older, they got worse. I remember feeling shame with my clothes off and being bent over around age 8. It was the first time it felt like the embarrassment was part of the punishment, which was one of my parents favourite phrases. The older I got the more humiliating the positions I was spanked in got and the more shame I felt for my body. A standard, happens every week, spanking as a teenager was pants and underwear down or off over one of their laps for the hand the then grabbing my ankles for the belt. Not only was my private and butt hole showing when I bent, they would comment on things like my pubic hair or the color of my butt hole. It was always made known that they saw everything. Worse spankings were done totally nude, with even my boobs on display, and in positions like all 4's on the bed or even the diaper position with my laying on my back and holding my knees to my chest.

I think the most blatant use of nudity was when they made me be naked around the house for 24 hours. This happened a few times, but the one that haunts me the most was when I was 16. I got badly spanked, something like fifty each with the paddle and belt, for a speeding ticket. I was then told I had to work around the house for the next 24 hours and had to be naked. That is humiliating enough at 16, but one of the pastors and his wife was coming for dinner. I was naked, with my badly spanked butt out there for all to see, while they came over for dinner. Not only did they agree with my parents punishment but my mom specifically let them look at, touch the welts on, etc. my butt to show them how good of a spanking I was given. I sat at the table, cleaned the table and did dishes naked in front of them all. I was humiliated more than words can say.

My parents, to this day, believe that nudity and humiliation were part of breaking my will of disobedience. To ask them, they'd do it all the same again.

I think this is why I have some issues with my body even though, not to be arrogant or anything, but I have always been very physically attractive.
Hi juliewr

I'm sorry for what happened to you, the way your parents treated you. It makes sense that their treatment of you would lead you to struggle with body image. Good on you for recognising this. Have you thought on what you could do to help with your body image struggles?

Do write more if you want to, if helpful.
Showing parts was shameful and humiliating. Their comments on top of it crushed me.

They would comment on my pubic hair, my boob size and shape, my butt hole color, my butt cheek is and shape, they would say nasty things like "looks like you don't wipe this nasty crack" or "your butt hole stinks/is so dirty" - though none of that was true.

Humiliation was part of their punishment and it haunts me still.
Hi juliewr. I wrote in one of your other posts and was triggered by the story. I also read your story trying to protect your niece. I am not sure what could be useful to you at this time. To me it was useful to read your story. As always, trauma memories come to me as if they were made up, invented by my imagination. So, remembering what happened to me (spanking, forced sex, etc.) was "unhappy".

I guess I want to say that there is a choice, at least to some degree, of what you think and feel. Their purpose being to humilliate you and your decision not be humilliated. (you could decide to be angry, for example).

In my situation, (a french family) I remember thinking of them with disdain. In this situation they spanked me nude and then ordered me to stand facing the wall (their idea was to make me feel embarassed as other people where around). I had a strong tendency to be very stubborn and proud, so one, I did not really stayed still against the wall, and two, I was not humilliated at all. I was part of this french family for a few years in my late teens and early twenties. (the story is long and horrific, but I am just telling you this one incident). (nudity, spanking, sex, and exposure, were mixed in a confusing way, such as that I did not know if the actions were for sexual pleasure, were a game, or were revenge and hatred, or just the values they had of domination, arrogance, power over, cruelty, etc).

The idea that someone will want intentionally to harm, humilliate, submit, destroy, crush, someone they claim they love to me is confusing, to use a mild world. Love is not related to any of the above words. One of the problems that I find in common for us who have been in the receiving end of abuse is that the abusers' words become bigger than our own voice. And that is something that we have to undo. And the undoing is more like taking off the blindfold, seeing things as they are, stop being dellusional believing the abuser and the medical system that label us as having disorders, and society at large who want to deny, look the other way, blame us, reject us, or simply do not want to hear about it.

Hope this makes some sense to you.
For my parents as I got older the humiliation aspect was raised to meet the physical aspect.

For example, by the time I was a teenager the physical aspect had raised to the point where my butt was bruised and welted with every single spanking...which occurred at least twice a month. I cannot remember much time between ages 8 and 18 where my butt wasn't marked in some way.

To match they raised the humiliation to more nudity, sometimes naked or allowed just a bra...or more humiliating positions like all 4's on the bed, the diaper position, grabbing ankles and spreading legs apart...and also doing more spankings in the kitchen, living room or other places where my siblings would also see them. The humiliation included staying in positions after the spanking ended for a period of time and them talking openly about my spankings with their friends. There were times when I was made to show the marks to their friends and plenty of times when they allowed other people to spank me.

They always said my privates, my boobs, my butt - all belonged to them. My mom's famous saying "If your underwear covers it, it belongs to me as long as you live in my house"
How terrible untruth that you belonged to your mother, or any part of you did!

Last edited by Jonesy on Thu Oct 12, 2017 6:36 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Hi juliewr,

I feel sad for all you went through in childhood. It was truly terrible. Wishing you comfort and clarity as you remember and process it.

That was abuse, and you shouldn't have been treated like that.
Part of this is that the made sure the nudity wasn't just them seeing me. To this day I really struggle with that.

It was one thing got my sisters to see me, they did a lot and I saw them too. It was another for my friends, there were several friends I was spanked with or in front of.

The worst was when other adults saw me. The parents friends who spanked me of course saw me. A few different times I remember part of my punishment was being naked for 24 hours in the house. Once I was 11 and once I was 16. The time I was 11 a friend of my mom's was over all day as I was made to do chores naked around the house with a very badly spanked butt. When I was 16, another couple came over for dinner and I was naked with a beaten butt too. I remember my parents basically showing off their spanking skills by having me show the marks on my butt to the couple. I talked about that above.
Hi juliewr

My heart hurts for what you have been through. The way you were treated was deliberate shaming and very abusive. It doesn't surprise me you are struggling with all this now.

Do you have someone, like a T, to share these things with?

Keep writing, as much as helps you.

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by juliewr » Wed Oct 11, 2017 7:05 pm


by Ashia » Wed Oct 11, 2017 7:33 pm


by juliewr » Wed Oct 11, 2017 8:51 pm


by rosa123 » Wed Oct 11, 2017 10:08 pm


by juliewr » Thu Oct 12, 2017 1:18 pm


by rosa123 » Thu Oct 12, 2017 3:57 pm


by 1000miles » Fri Oct 13, 2017 6:30 am


by quixote » Sun Oct 15, 2017 1:54 am


by juliewr » Mon Oct 16, 2017 1:40 pm


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ENF, CFNF and CMNF images and videos

Last modified date
September 29, 2021

Monty Python fans will know that no one expects the Spanish Inquisition . The reason for this is, of course, that their weapon is surprise. In much the same way many females do not expect the ENF community for precisely the same reason. We can see the result of unexpected ENF ninja incursions in this gallery of sudden ENF gifs. I find that embarrassed nude females are made all the more enchanting when they are also astonished by the shameful situation in which they suddenly find themselves. Sometimes the shock is so great that they quite forget to cover themselves up in that classic ENF pose we all love so much. Hopefully you will be as amused as I am as you watch these discombobulated babes being overcome with shock and horror as well as shame as sudden ENF events are unleashed upon them. My own particular favourite from this batch is the ginger beauty whose top suddenly vanishes: the way her boobs bounce and jiggle before she clasps them to recover her modesty is simply enchanting. That said there is plenty of variety on offer in this smorgasbord of embarrassment with abashed babes being rendered topless, bottomless and fully nude for your entertainment so you can all pick a favourite of your own.
As part of ENFdaily's remit to bring you embarrassed nude females in diverse situations from various epochs here is a rare example of Wild West ENF taken from the 1970 film The Ballad of Cable Hogue in which the titular hero, having been betrayed and left to die in the…
No doubt all ENF lovers have at one time or another been tempted to play some sort of ENF prank on an unsuspecting female and here is an awesome example of how such a jape might play out. This is a clip from the 1972 horror film The Flesh and…
ENF can manifest itself in a dizzying array of ways and here is one of the more eccentric scenes from the world of ENF cinema as a girl seemingly falls victim to an outbreak of ENF madness, leading her to expose herself to everyone in sight. This clip is taken…
Good selection, that red haired one was a very good use of ENF as a video game advert (racing game I think) and always been fond of it. One of the things I love about enf is the expressions, when the moment of realization hits and their reaction to their exposure
I’m totally agree with you. One of the exciting things of ENF is when the girl realizes that she is naked and try to cover herself. Specially when she can’t decide if she want to cover her boobs or her pussy and one of those remains exposed. Or when the boobs are so big that she can’t cover them with the arms.
From the gifs, I love too the first one. How the redhead is so confuse watching her bare breasts as if the first time that she sees them. And the way that the boobs bounce is very hot.
I also like the one where the air move
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