Public Humiliation Dominatrix

Public Humiliation Dominatrix


Public Humiliation Dominatrix

Dominant Women Led Relationships are some of the most common arrangements in the BDSM community.
There are many couples who desire a relationship where the woman is in charge, and while there are many different levels of domination and submission, it is imperative that the woman takes command and puts strategies and practices in place to ensure the success of the relationship.
These strategies may vary depending upon the particular couple and their individual situation.
They set the boundaries and enforce the roles of dominance and submission in the relationship, making it easier for the woman to maintain control.
They also help the man to settle into and relish in his role as the submissive partner.
Without a clear set of strategies and practices, the female led relationship will dissolve and there will be discord and disobedience that makes the relationship difficult if not impossible.
So what should these strategies be to help women control the men in their Relationships?

The strategies employed in any Dominant Woman Led Relationship will depend upon the level of dominance and submission practiced by the couple.
For casual Dominant Woman Led Relationship couples where the woman is in charge of day to day life but the man is still a nearly equal partner, less strict, formal strategies are ideal.
For these couples, the best strategy is to have a clearly written list of requirements for each individual within the couple to follow, something that is clearly written out.
This list can include things like a daily list of chores, guidelines for how to address one another (Madame or Mistress, etc), and a basic schedule including when to eat, when to work, and when to play.
Consequences for both the Domme and Sub, should they chose to disobey or go against the house rules, may be listed out as well, and this plan should be closely followed by both parties.
If the Domme is more strict, she may detail these rules more thoroughly, crafting an hour by hour daily plan for the sub, however that is entirely up to the couple.
This type of strategy will help to ensure that both individuals in the couple know what is expected of them.
When boundaries and expectations are clear, it is easier for the individuals to follow along as there is no guessing or questioning involved.
It leads to greater obedience and greater harmony and can quickly make a casual Dominant Woman Led Relationship a comfortable, satisfying relationship.

When the Dominant Woman Led Relationship goes to the next level into something involving more control, more strategies need to be employed to retain control and harmony in the relationship.
Written rules and consequences are still a great idea, but because the level of commitment requirement to maintain harmony in this type of relationship is greater, other strategies need to be layer on top of these rules.
These deeper strategies are mostly to create obedience and compliance by the sub, particularly for things that are hard for him to control like physical desires.
Mental desires can easily be controlled with a strict list of expectations for behavior, but these other more primal desires need more than just a written list or agreement.

Hunger training is one such method.
The Domme will withhold food from the sub to teach him to deal with his physical urges.
He may be expected to please her in some other way while being denied food with the goal being that the sub learns to put the Domme’s desires before his own.
The Domme may also only serve food the sub does not enjoy to teach him to submit and relax into his life of servitude, and the food may be served on the floor without utensils to create a humiliating situation that sends home the message that his place is lesser than hers.
This type of training both reinforces roles of each individual and also helps the sub to learn to be a better servant, one that puts his Mistress’s needs before his own, making him a better, happier, more successful submissive partner.

Sexual denial and control is another strategy employed by many Women in a relationship.
Like hunger training, it is a way to recalibrate the sub’s reactions and desires so that they are more in line with his responsibilities as a sub.
The Domme may insist that the man does not become aroused, going as far as requiring him to wear a device that restricts his ability to have an erection.
At the same time, she may also require him to perform acts on her or others (depending on their relationship).
By denying his own desires and ability to climax, he can begin to learn to take care of his Domme’s needs first.
It can get to a point that he is so crazy, so desperate, that he will do anything in the world for his Mistress.
Over time, he will still want to do anything for her, even without the restrictions in place.
This type of strategy is excellent for couples because it helps the woman to control the man’s reactions, one of the most powerful human reactions, and allows her to create her ideal lover.

Finally, punishment is another strategy a woman can use to gain control over her sub in a relationship.
This may include things like whipping, slapping, and spanking as well as humiliation and embarrassment situations that are emotionally punishing for the sub.
When punishment is used to correct behavior, when the punishment fits the crime, it can curb bad behavior in the sub and help him to always respond positively, even in the midst of tough situations.
Punishment strategies work best when the punishments prescribed fit the crime and directly relate to the offense, and they can help the sub learn from his transgressions.
This strategy also helps to cast the female in the most dominant light possible, making her appear stronger and more powerful, inspiring her sub to follow her lead.

Any or all of these strategies can be employed to enhance the obedience of the sub, it just depends on each couple’s particular relationship.
Some couples will require many rules and strategies to maintain order and harmony while others will only require a few.
It may also take some experimentation to figure out which strategies work best for each couple.
But with a little practice and the desire to make the relationship work, these methods can really help to allow the woman to take charge and exert control over her submissive male partner.

Public Humiliation
Often a disciplinarian will use various forms of punishment and discipline to train a slave in obedience.
One such form of discipline is humiliation.
The humiliation may be private or public.
For many a submissive the use of public humiliation is a great training tool

Narcissists and Public Humiliation: How & Why Narcissists Shame You Publicly
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You are more powerful than you know! Survive, thrive and evolve with Narcissistic Abuse Recovery Support from Certified Life Coach, author and survivor Angela Atkinson.
Often, a narcissist will humiliate you in public as part of an active smear campaign – and while I’ve previously explained smear campaigns , today I’m going to go a little more in-depth on the public humiliation part of it – which, in my opinion, is one of the most traumatic parts of the whole smear campaign tactic. So, first off, I’m going to give you a few real-life examples of how toxic narcissists have used public humiliation to hurt the people who loved them.
One client told me her narcissistic ex-husband would use their children as bargaining chips and poison them against her. Then, he’d intentionally push, poke and agitate her to the point she’d get really upset and confused – and would then start videotaping her and threaten to use it to take her to court. He held the recordings over her head in order to continue to manipulate and control her even though they’d been divorced – which he did for several years before she came to me for narcissistic abuse recovery coaching .
In today’s digital world, nearly everyone can admit to having snapped a sexy photo for the one they love and even, in some cases, participated in on-camera sexual activities with that person.
And you know how narcissists are , right? Yep. SEVERAL of my clients have told me that their narcissists – both male and female – have either used or threatened to use nude or otherwise compromising photos of them in order to blackmail them into doing what they wanted.
Another way that narcissists like to manipulate and publicly humiliate their victims is through the use of flying monkeys – people who, willingly or otherwise, help the narcissist to manipulate you.
For example, a narcissistic wife of one of my clients managed to humiliate him by spreading gossip among his female co-workers about his sexual health – none of which were true, but all of which really changed the way his co-workers saw him.
Her intention, of course, was to ensure his fidelity as he worked alongside his attractive coworkers each day. But in her selfishness and lack of concern and empathy for her husband, this narcissist had managed to make sure that he felt completely isolated, alone, and humiliated in his workplace every day. The environment eventually became so toxic that my client moved on to a new company – and thankfully, he got divorced (and eventually moved on with a much healthier girlfriend).
In all three of those cases, there’s a similarity – and I’m not talking about the obvious one (the humiliation factor). I’m talking about the fact that none of these people recognized at first that they were even being abused – or at least, they couldn’t admit it.
So, how can you possibly “miss” the fact that you’re being abused?
The problem with abuse is that most relationships don’t begin with abuse. Instead, there are subtle shifts along the way, silent reprogramming until the abuser feels confident that they can control the relationship.
In most cases, by the time the abuse becomes recognizable, the victim has been so brainwashed that she or he (men can also be victims of abusive relationships) doesn’t recognize the actions as abuse and actually takes the blame for his or her predicament.
Victims often can’t be convinced that they’re experiencing abuse. They’re so busy justifying the behavior of the abuser that they don’t see it for what it is.
In many cases, the simple answer is that it’s hard to admit you’ve allowed this to happen. But if you recognize some of the following patterns in your own relationship, it’s quite possible that you are in fact, a victim of abuse.
Thoughts? Share them, along with your relevant experiences, in the comments below this video.
Angela Atkinson is a certified trauma counselor and the author of more than 20 books on narcissism, narcissistic abuse recovery , and related topics. A recognized expert on narcissism and narcissistic personality disorder who has studied and written extensively on narcissistic personality disorder and narcissistic abuse in toxic relationships since 2006, she has a popular narcissistic abuse recovery YouTube channel . Atkinson was inspired to begin her work as a result of having survived toxic relationships of her own.
Atkinson offers trauma-informed narcissistic abuse recovery coaching and has certifications in trauma counseling, life coaching, level 2 therapeutic model, CBT coaching, integrative wellness coaching, and NLP. She is a certified trauma support coach and certified family trauma professional. She also has a professional PTSD counseling certification. Her mission is to help those who have experienced the emotional and mental devastation that comes with narcissistic abuse in these incredibly toxic relationships to (re)discover their true selves, stop the gaslighting and manipulation, and move forward into their genuine desires – into a life that is exactly what they choose for themselves.
Along with her solution-focused life coaching experience, Atkinson’s previous career in journalism and research helps her to offer both accurate and understandable information for survivors of abuse in a simple-to-understand way that helps to increase awareness in the narcissistic abuse recovery community. Atkinson founded Narcissistic Abuse Recovery Support, the SPANily Narcissistic Abuse Recovery Support Groups and the Life Makeover Academy .
She offers individual and group coaching for victims and survivors of narcissistic abuse here at and at NarcissisticAbuseRecovery.Online .
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Can a narcissist be a good parent? While it may seem like an oxymoron, there is actually a very specific set of circumstances in which it’s possible. Dr. Robin Bryman, Dr. Zamecia McCorvey, Dr. Judy Rosenberg, and Angie Atkinson share thoughts on what it would take for a narcissist to be a good parent.
Shame plays a huge role in narcissistic abuse and victimization. However, it can be conquered. Learn more about overcoming shame in narcissistic abuse recovery now.
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Dominatrix spanks 'slave' on pub terrace in full view of diners
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Published: 11:54 BST, 8 September 2020 | Updated: 09:02 BST, 9 September 2020
A dominatrix has insisted that people should 'accept this sort of behaviour' after her and her 'slave' were barred from a gastropub in Cumbria for public sadomasochistic display.
Dominatrix Lydia Chadwick, 30, had tied her 'slave' to a roof beam with a dog lead and spanked the masked person with a paddle on Sunday evening at The Mill in Ulverston - in full view of other diners. 
Customers who witnessed the sadomasochistic session filmed the bizarre episode and shared it online.
But Lydia defended her actions, telling The Sun : 'People should get out of the dark ages and accept this sort of behaviour.
'Most people are just treating it as a laugh.' 
A dominatrix and her 'slave' have been banned from The Mill in Ulverston, Cumbria, after putting on a sadomasochistic session on the terrace in full display of customers
Lydia added that she had taken a friend from Camden, who identifies as a woman, into the pub because she wanted to be publicly humiliated.
She said: 'She said she wanted to be publicly humiliated so I was going to take her to a local beauty spot where the walkers go. 
'We thought we would give them something to laugh at. I did that for another customer before the lockdown. 
'But we were running out of time and decided to go for a drink in The Mill. 
'I was going to walk her on a dog lead, but she got embarrassed with everyone looking at us. 
'We signed in and went to the roof terrace, where I chained her to the rafters. 
'I blindfolded her and pretended to walk away and leave her as part of the humiliation. I was videoing it and we didn't think anyone else could see.'
In the video, the sound of the spanking could be heard above the soundtrack of Lovely Day by Bill Withers.
The 'slave' was dressed in black fishnet stocking and suspenders and red knickers, while the mistress wore a black dress as she beat his bottom with a black paddle.  
Lydia, who said being a dominatrix is 'just a job', said she did not mean to upset The Mill and will 'apologise to them', adding that her family were upset after the video was shared online. 
Phil Simpson, owner of The Mill (above), hit out at the couple, who he believes has ties to the Ulverston area, for seeking to 'embarrass small local businesses'
But the owner of The Mill has slammed the couple for their exhibitionism after the X-rated incident and barred them from the pub.
A picture on social media also shows a message allegedly written by a member of staff after the incident.
It read: 'I sat them upstairs on the terrace, these lads came down that were sat up there ten minutes later telling us to go up and see what's happening - and she has tied them up with a dog lead on one of the beams, whipping them.' 
Michelle Wood, general manager of The Mill, told The Sun that it was not 'behaviour that we wanted to encourage'.
She said: 'The couple signed in as all customers are asked to do for pandemic regulations and it was obvious that the man was dressed as a woman.
'But in 2020 if you turn men away because they are dressed as women then it is discrimination. 
'One of the other customers started filming what was going on and then came to tell the staff. 
'They just embarrassed us for her financial gain.'
Shocked customers who witnessed the spanking session shared a video online. The sound of the spanking can be heard above the soundtrack of Lovely Day by
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