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Public Agent Carolina

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The 12 Best Registered Agents In North Carolina – Reviewed And Ranked
Getting the best registered agent in North Carolina is crucial to business success. 
The right North Carolina Registered Agent will help your company meet all of its legal obligations including accepting service of process on behalf of your North Carolina LLC, keeping your personal information off the public record, protecting your business assets, and keeping your business in good standing with the Secretary of State. 
The wrong North Carolina Registered Agent will be costly to your business in several ways. Not only will they charge more for their services than they should, if they’re careless with your business information, you could be vulnerable to hackers and scammers. Even worse, you could be held liable for personal lawsuits. 
I've investigated over 60 North Carolina registered agents, rated the top 12, and then wrote detailed reviews of the best 3. Here are my picks for the best registered agent in North Carolina. 
Northwest Registered Agent is my number one choice for the best registered agent in North Carolina because they have a great list of service offerings, they charge the 2nd lowest fee on my list, and they provide the best customer service in the registered agent industry. 
As a full-service registered agent in North Carolina, you get all of the services you need for your business in North Carolina from Northwest Registered Agent .
They give you a street address in North Carolina that your corporation or Limited Liability Company (LLC) needs, accept service of process (from a process server), mail, and documents on behalf of your LLC during regular business hours, they scan ALL of your mail (not just the legal documents) and put in on an online portal for you to access with an online account and compliance alerts for things like your annual report to keep you in good standing with the North Carolina Secretary of State. 
Their signup process is quick and easy, and setting up their online system is pretty painless. It’s easy to use your online account to sign up for services in multiple states from the same portal. Because they’re a national registered agent, Northwest Registered Agent has offices in every state so they can grow alongside your LLC no matter which state your business expands to. 
Their best feature and the reason they’re in the top spot on our list is their customer service. 
Their excellent customer service is a breath of fresh air in the business world. Their customer service is based in the U.S. and consists of former lawyers, business owners and entrepreneurs who have enough experience and know-how to answer your business questions, not just your registered agent inquiries. Plus, if they don’t know the answer to your question, they’ll look it up. 
Northwest is the only North Carolina registered agent on our list with this level of customer service. Because of all of the challenges that any LLC faces and how many questions that every business owner has, it was pretty easy to choose Northwest as my number one choice for the best registered agent in North Carolina. 
They charge $125 per year for their registered agent services, which makes them the 2nd cheapest North Carolina registered agent on my list. So, there are lots of reasons to choose Northwest Registered Agent! 
Northwest’s best feature can also be its most annoying: its comprehensive customer service. 
There’s no way to get off the phone quickly with their customer service team. They ask lots of questions and go out of their way to understand your problem before they even bother to try to answer it or give you suggestions. While thorough customer service isn’t always a problem, it can be really bothersome if you want to have your question answered and then get on with your workday. 
It’s often a lot faster to just Google your question than to call their customer service team. 
This is a small complaint considering all of the other excellent services that Northwest Registered Agent provides, and the fact that even if it isn’t fast, their customer service is remarkable. The only time this problem really comes up is when you’re in a hurry. 
The best registered agent in North Carolina is Northwest Registered Agent . This is because they provide every registered agent service your business could possibly need, they have an easy-to-use system, the 2nd lowest fee on our list, and the best customer service in the entire North Carolina registered agent industry. 
If you’re looking for a North Carolina registered agent with great customer service, that can support your business no matter how far it grows, and only charges $125 per year, head to Northwest Registered Agent now .
ZenBusiness is the best registered agent service for those who haven’t started a corporate business yet. They’re our number one choice for the best LLC formation service. They provide you with a year of free registered agent service when you sign up for their LLC formation services.
The most eye-catching feature of ZenBusiness is their price. They charge $49 for their LLC formation service with one year of registered agent service included. This is half of what our best budget agent charges. 
They give you everything you need from an LLC formation service, like helping you draft Articles of Organization for your business, as well as the basic full-service registered agent services.
So, you’ll get a street address, they accept service of process from a process server on behalf of your LLC during normal business hours, they scan and forward your mail, and send you compliance alerts to remind you to file important documents (like your annual report) to keep you in good standing with the North Carolina Secretary of State. 
The biggest drawback goes hand-in-hand with their best feature: their price. While they charge $49 for their LLC formation service and their registered agent service is free for a year with that, their registered agent services cost $119 per year in subsequent years.
That is $6 per year less than Northwest Registered Agent , their customer service isn’t as good as that of Northwest. ZenBusiness will answer questions about LLC formation and registered agent services, while Northwest will answer any business question you have. 
The other drawback is that you can’t purchase services for your business through ZenBusiness without the LLC formation services. So, if you don’t need the LLC formation services, ZenBusiness isn’t really going to be very beneficial to your business in North Carolina. 
If you haven’t set up your LLC yet, and you’re looking for an affordable way to start it and obtain registered agent services, ZenBusiness can be a good option. 
They file your business’s Articles of Organization for $49 and provide registered agent services at no cost for a year. Even though they charge $119 per year after the first year, they’re still a great option for budding businesses. 
If you're interested in learning more about their services, please read our full ZenBusiness review . 
Harbor Compliance is third on our list because they provide your business with all of the services you need, at $26 less per year than Northwest Registered Agent . 
Harbor Compliance is a full-service North Carolina registered agent and LLC formation service. They provide you with a street address in North Carolina, receive service of process, as well as mail and legal documents for your LLC during business hours, and send you compliance alerts to remind you when to file important paperwork (like your annual report) to keep your business in good standing with the North Carolina Secretary of State. 
Signing up for their service is easy enough to get through, and you can sign up for their services in any state, and even multiple states at once through their computer system. Their best feature is their price. They only charge $99 per year for their North Carolina registered agent service. This makes them the overall cheapest North Carolina registered agent on the market. They’re $26 cheaper than Northwest Registered Agent. 
Their one major drawback is one that’s not easily apparent at first glance. While they’re good at everything they do, there’s nothing they’re really great at. 
They provide a wide range of services, but no premium services, their customer service is adequate, but it’s not as good as that of Northwest Registered Agent . 
So, while they’re good at everything, the only thing they really excel at is their pricing. 
Harbor Compliance is a good option for North Carolina registered agent service because they offer a wide range of services at a great price. They’ll definitely provide you with everything a registered agent must be to be compliant with the North Carolina Secretary of State.
If you’re willing to give up industry-leading customer service in order to get registered agent service for $26 per year less, you can get more information about Harbor Compliance here . 
LegalZoom is a commercial registered agent that provides a registered agent name that everyone in the business world will recognize. They’re the best of all of the premium North Carolina registered agent services I looked at, and there were a lot of unsatisfactory ones out there. 
They give you all the services a registered agent must. They provide your business with an office address in North Carolina, become your point of contact and receive mail and service of process and other documents on behalf of your LLC, scan and forward your mail, and send you compliance alerts to keep you in good standing with the North Carolina Secretary of State. 
They charge $299 per year, which is $175 more per year than Northwest Registered Agent . However, they don’t specialize in registered agent services, so this service is pretty neglected. Their online system isn’t really easy to use and their customer service isn’t as good as it should be for an online system so difficult to use. 
If you’re looking for a North Carolina registered agent that offers premium services and a big name, and you’re willing to pay more for the services, check out LegalZoom . 
IncFile is a North Carolina registered agent service that offers minimal services. They give you all the services that a registered agent must, like a street address in North Carolina, they receive mail and service of process for your business on business days, and more in order to keep your Limited Liability Company (LLC in good standing with the North Carolina Secretary of State. 
They charge $119 per year for their services. You can get a year of free services when you sign up for their LLC formation services. But, in the long run, you’ll wind up paying more for these services than they’re worth. 
If you’re looking for a North Carolina registered agent that charges as much as ZenBusiness without giving you premium services, you can check out IncFile here . 
Rocket Lawyer is a cheap imitation of LegalZoom.
As a North Carolina registered agent service, they give you some of the basic services, like a street address in North Carolina for your business entity, they accept service of process for your business and giving you compliance notifications to keep you in good standing with the Secretary of State. However, they charge $149 for the services they offer. 
You can find more information about Rocket Lawyer’s online legal services in our full Rocket Lawyer review . 
SunDoc Filings is a North Carolina registered agent service and LLC formation service that gives you minimal services. You get a physical street address in the state of North Carolina, as well as the acceptance of mail and service of process for your business entity to keep it in good standing with the Secretary of State. However, they charge $159 per year for their North Carolina registered agent services. 
InCorp is a North Carolina registered agent and LLC formation service that will provide you with the services your business entity needs. You’ll get the physical street address in the state your business resides in and they’ll accept mail and service of process on behalf of your business to keep it in good standing with the Secretary of State . 
They provided us with an interesting rating conundrum. They charge $99 per year for their services in North Carolina, the same as Harbor compliance does. However, their computer system is really hard to learn and navigate and it’s sure to cause a headache for your entire office, which is why it landed so low on my list. 
Swyft Filings is a registered agent that will provide your business in North Carolina with everything you need to stay in good standing with the Secretary of State. You get a physical address, and they accept service of process and other important mail for your business. However, they charge $149 per year to become your registered office. 
If you'd like to learn more about Swyft Filings services, please read our full Swyft Filings review .
CSC Global is a ‘premium’ registered agent that will provide you with basic services to keep your business in good service with the Secretary of State such as accepting service of process and other important documents on behalf of your business in North Carolina. 
Their ‘premium’ service includes the fact that they’ll cover any state filing fee you incur due to your change of registered agent in North Carolina. However, they charge $299 per year. For that price, you could purchase Northwest Registered Agent ’s services, pay the state filing fee you incur for the change of registered agent, and it still wouldn’t cost as much as CSC Global’s fee. 
Registered Agents Inc. is a registered agent in the state of North Carolina that will provide you with the same services as Northwest Registered Agent, such as providing your business in North Carolina with a registered office and accepting service of process on your behalf. However, they charge $200 per year for their North Carolina registered agent service, and they don’t have customer service that’s as good as Northwest Registered Agent’s, either. 
Jumpstart Filings is a North Carolina registered agent, as well as an LLC formation service. So, they can provide your business in North Carolina with a registered office. However, they charge $150 per year for their NC registered agent service, and they don’t provide you with free NC registered agent services for a year when you sign up for their LLC formation services, like many other registered agents on this list. 
Northwest Registered Agent is my number one choice for the best registered agent in the state of North Carolina because they offer all of the services your business could need, and they’re so much more than a registered office. 
They provide the best customer service in North Carolina. They have a team of former lawyers, entrepreneurs and business owners who make up their customer service team, and they’re experienced enough to answer any question you may have. They not only answer questions about their services, but also any business questions you may have. 
Their signup process is simple and quick, and setting up their online system on the computers in your office is easy. Their online system is easy enough to navigate enabling everyone in the office to use it.
They only charge $125 per year, which means they have overall the second-lowest price for registered agents in the state.   
If you need a new registered agent or are thinking about changing your registered agent and want the best customer service, not only in the state of North Carolina but in the registered agent industry, sign up for Northwest Registered Agent here . 
This is how we arrived at our recommendations on the best registered agents in North Carolina. 
I have spent more time researching each individual North Carolina registered agent business in the state, as well as the registered agent industry as a whole, than almost anyone else. 
I started by researching agents to decide which one to appoint for my two businesses. Then, my businesses closed and I began looking for a new project. While talking to other friends and business owners, I found out that I had more knowledge about registered agents than most business owners, and that due to the closure of my other two businesses I had more time to research them. 
So, I began giving people advice. That grew into a successful website people could access for information on different North Carolina registered agents, and I'm now able to give advice to people on the internet, like you. 
So, when I make a recommendation about a registered agent, you can trust that the one I favor will absolutely be the best North Carolina registered agent for your office. 
I started out with a list of over 60 North Carolina registered agent businesses in the state. I thoroughly investigated them and ruled out all but 12, then rated them in order of best to worst, writing detailed reviews about the top 3. 
Here is how my 4-stage investigative process was conducted. 
You can actually learn a lot about a business through online reviews. So, I read reviews from places like Facebook, the Better Business Bureau, TrustPilot and other places people could leave reviews. There were thousands, so I didn’t read every last one, in truth. 
I read the reviews that were longer than a paragraph or two – the ones that gave me a lot of details about their experience with the North Carolina registered agent in question.
These reviews informed me which of the registered agents in the state of North Carolina I could rule out entirely because they were obvious scams, or used deceptive pricing practices. (More on that later.) 
The next thing I looked at was each agent’s company website. I did a deep dive and combed through all the information on their pages. From this, I found a few things other than simply how each agent represented itself. 
I looked at the services they offered (were they simply a registered office?), their location (they had to be in the state of North Carolina), their business history, any awards they’d won, and how many different methods they listed to contact their customer support. 
There’s only so much information you can get from online reviews and company websites. In fact, many people won’t post a review online unless they’ve had either an especially positive or an overwhelmingly negative experience with an agent. 
So, I reached out to customers in the state of North Carolina who visited my site and chose to appoint a registered agent based on my suggestions. Input from those who already had a registered agent in North Carolina was useful as well because I was able to ask them about the service they had received from their specific agent and how satisfied they were with it. 
This gave me a much better understanding of not only the agents themselves but also of their services. I got the whole picture and not just what the agents guaranteed on their sites. 
The next stage was to contact the sales team of each of the North Carolina registered agents on my list in the state. Finding out how their sales teams reacted to the tough questions paints a better picture of the company’s sales tactics and customer service practices. 
I rounded up all of the negative feedback, comments and issues I found during our investigation
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