Psychologists feel that the APA has become too politically correct and is promoting ideology at the expense of science and objectivity.

Psychologists feel that the APA has become too politically correct and is promoting ideology at the expense of science and objectivity.


In recent years, there has been growing criticism of the American Psychological Association's (APA) increasing focus on "wokeness" or political correctness. Many psychologists feel that the APA has become too politically correct and is promoting ideology at the expense of science and objectivity.

This trend has led to some psychologists leaving or avoiding the APA altogether. According to a recent article in National Review, some psychologists feel that the association has become too focused on issues like social justice, diversity, and inclusion, and has lost sight of its original purpose of promoting mental health and advancing the science of psychology.

Critics of the APA's wokeness argue that it has led to a decline in academic freedom and a stifling of dissenting viewpoints. They point to examples like the publication of a controversial article on "toxic masculinity" in the APA's journal, which was widely criticized for its lack of scientific rigor and reliance on ideology.

Some psychologists also feel that the APA's focus on wokeness has led to a neglect of important issues like clinical practice and research. They argue that the association should be more focused on addressing the growing mental health crisis and advancing the science of psychology, rather than promoting ideology.

Despite these concerns, there are many psychologists who continue to support the APA and its focus on social justice and diversity. They argue that these issues are vital to the field of psychology and that the APA has a duty to address them.

However, the debate over the APA's wokeness is likely to continue for some time. As the field of psychology continues to evolve and face new challenges, it will be up to the association to strike a balance between promoting social justice and advancing the science of psychology.

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