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Psilocybe в Дне

Psilocybe в Дне

Psilocybe в Дне


Psilocybe в Дне


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Psilocybe в Дне

Golden Teacher is the most popular strain among Psilocybe Cubensis psilocybin mushrooms. This is due to the simplicity of its cultivation and the value of its biochemical composition, namely the 'philosophical insight' that these 'golden teacher mushrooms' carry! From spore impression to fruiting bodies, there are several stages to growing these miracle mushrooms:. Spore print can be easily purchased online from many spore and seed stores. Spore print should be as fresh and dark as possible without fail. A barely light or old dry print will not have enough energy to grow in the mycelial substrate. You will need:. Observance of sterile conditions does not hurt, so we recommend the following actions. Wear sterile gloves or wipe disposable gloves with alcohol and use a face mask. Wipe the table within the working radius with alcohol. If possible, work cm from the flame of a burner or stove, but it is not necessary. Using a sterile syringe, draw sterile water, which is poured through the puncture into the bag with the print. Without taking out the needle, light movements on the print, wash off the spores from the carrier. At this point you will see the quality of the print. If the spores are easily washed off the print with water, and the touch of the needle completely removes the spores, then the print is fresh and fully suitable for sowing. If, however, you have to scrub the spores with a needle to wash them off, then it is better not to use the print in the first place! Once the spores have been washed off, draw the spore-water mixture back into the syringe and only then take the needle out of the bag and put the cap back on quickly. This syringe with the spore suspension is placed in a dry, dark place at room temperature for hours. It is better to let the spores hydrate, i. It is better to make a flush of spores in the evening, the next day also in the evening begin to deal with the substrate for mycelium, namely its soaking overnight. You can use wheat and oat grain as a substrate, but they are prepared differently. Soak in clean water for 6 - 12 hours. This is done in the evening, on the second day after the spore print work. On the morning of the next third day, we drain the rest of the water, add clean water and cook the grain in a pot. For oats, drain the water with the empty grains that floated to the surface of the water after a night of soaking. Oats are cooked for 5 minutes after boiling. After boiling, both types of grain are rinsed with clean water. Then pour the grain from the drushlag onto a clean cotton or paper towel, so that the excess water is absorbed even more. Dry for another 10 minutes. There is an option for additional microwave drying - twice for 4 minutes at watts, shaking after each time. But this option is not necessary if you have strained the water well through a colander and a towel. Microwaving unnecessarily over-dries the grains. In empty jars pour 1 cm of vermiculite on the bottom. Put the prepared lid on top. Put a cotton disk on top and cover it from the outside with tape on all sides, leaving open only tentatively the place where the lid was punctured. Cover the jars with grain and lids with foil and with your hands as 'dumpling molding' tuck the foil around the lid, on top of the jar. At the bottom of the pressure cooker put a piece of cotton cloth in layers, put the jars on top and pour hot water to the level of grain in the jars! After boiling first the pressure cooker hisses with air and then the valve snaps shut the grain in the jars is sterilized for 1 hour! After an hour, do not open the pressure cooker, but carefully transfer it to cold water in a basin or bathtub. So the pressure cooker should stand until it cools down completely. If you did this in the morning, then by evening the grain will be ready for inoculation. At the same time, the spores in the syringe will already be approximately 48 hours. This is the evening of the third day from the beginning of work. Dry substrate will prevent spores from germinating. At this stage it is most important to observe sterility, so we work in gloves, face mask and on a surface wiped with alcohol. If possible, within the radius of the burner or spirit. Nearby no one should not walk, windows should be closed, the air conditioner is turned off - the air should not move You will need:. The syringe needle is ignited in a flame and dipped in alcohol to cool down for a second. Then we pierce a cotton disk with the needle and inject the spores into 4 locations of a liter jar, namely on the two opposite walls of the jar and two injections into the grain itself. Jars, after inoculation, put in a dark warm place necessarily 30 degrees for weeks. The time of overgrowth of the jar strongly depends on the strength of the spores, the humidity of the grain if the grain is too dry you can add directly to the jars of sterile water, through injection from a sterile syringe , the temperature in the cabinet low temperature - long will overgrow, high temperature - burn or covered with mold. Only at the end of th day appear the first rings of mycelium on the walls of the jars, by the end of days mycelium takes over the substrate. This step is also characterized by an increased need for sterile conditions that are similar to mycelium inoculation. In the morning we prepare the substrate and sterilize it, and in the evening we inoculate the coconut substrate with Golden Teacher mycelium. Fill coconut substrate in briquettes with water It is better to pour less water than to pour too much. The benchmark for moistening coconut substrate - when you squeeze the wet substrate in your fist should be only drops of water! Excess water will have to banal squeeze. Cover the jar with a screw-on metal lid without holes. On the bottom of the pressure cooker put a piece of cotton cloth, put the jars on top and pour hot water, up to the level of the substrate in the jars. After boiling closing the pressure cooker valve sterilize for 30 minutes. After sterilization, put the pressure cooker in cold water until completely cooled. If you do this in the morning, then by evening the substrate will be ready for sowing. Next, work under sterile conditions!!! In plastic cases with a volume of 2 liters poured from the cooled jars of a mixture of coconut substrate and vermiculite leaving part for the cover layer , there pour mycelium from other jars. Leveling, not tamping! On top pour sterile substrate 1. Each case is closed with a lid or put in a garbage bag, which is tied at the tip of the bag. The case itself should not be transparent or it should be wrapped with foil on the outside, pressing as tightly as possible against the walls. In this form, we put the cases in a dark closet at a temperature of strictly degrees Celsius. Every day open and ventilate, removing carbon dioxide. If overdue, the mycelium will grow and cover the substrate with a crust mycelium overlay , which will not allow the formation of primordia - the rudiments of fruiting bodies. Then comes the equally important stage of fruiting. Put the cakes in the same place. There must be a distance between them for better evaporation of moisture. Then you need to create the following conditions and strictly monitor their fulfillment throughout the growth of mushrooms:. The first wave is harvested when the 'skirt' of the mushrooms has stretched and begins to burst. In fact, mushrooms in one cake grow 'who wants to' and in fact for harvesting, all the same 'integrity of the skirt'. But still, it is better to collect ripe mushrooms, and not overripe or not ripe But for the creation of the imprint of spores is extremely important that the hymenophore remained with spores. In the photo below, a mushroom that is not suitable for making an imprint and a mushroom that is ideal for spore collection are crossed out. The black spots on the caps are the spores that have already exuded from neighboring mushrooms. The collection of the wave should be simultaneously on the surface of the whole cake, you can not collect each mushroom individually! The photo below shows two photos - where the mushrooms are not ripe yet and where the cake is ready for wave picking. Mushrooms only need to be twisted clockwise out of the cake, and never cut with a knife. After collecting all the fruiting bodies from the cake, it should be cleaned of any remaining mushrooms and mycelium. Scraping is done with the tip of a knife, by scraping the surface. It is necessary to peel qualitatively, but without fanaticism Below is a photo after peeling the cake after the first wave. The peeled cake, after picking the wave is immersed completely in water and placed for hours in the refrigerator!!!! This creates cold shock and hydration to stimulate the next wave of mushrooms. To keep the cake fully submerged, it can be pressed down on top with a weighted plate. After refrigeration, the cake is not placed in its plastic container, but placed on top of it! This is how the second wave of mushrooms will grow. It is advisable to harvest a total of 3 waves of mushrooms. The creation of the cast is done with a sterile knife and sterile needle. The needle is made a puncture in the middle of the cap, the knife is cut under the skirt and the needle is transferred to a sheet of paper, which lies in a clean, dry plastic container. The container is closed not tightly and put in a dark dry place for 2 days! After the expiration of time, the cap is carefully removed and can be dried, and the print is immediately sent to a clean bag on a zipper. The spores are stored in a dark, dry place. After a month of storage, you need to check the spores. On the back of the paper should be perfectly clean, if there are hints of mold, then such a print is immediately thrown out. Drying of mushrooms takes place at 30 degrees and ventilation. The degree of drying is determined only experimentally - the mushroom should break with a crunch when bending, not bend. Drying at a higher temperature is not allowed - all substances will be lost! Mushrooms must be stored under oxygen-free conditions! This is possible if the mushrooms are ground in a coffee grinder and packed in a vacuum packer with sealed end. It is easier to pack g in one bag. Stored so mushrooms can 2 years without losing their properties. Further mushrooms also do not disappear, but it may be necessary to increase their amount in one go. From the imprint of spores to the first wave of Golden Teacher mushrooms Psilocybe Cubensis takes The article is of an introductory nature. It is intended for educational purposes in the process of training mycologists! For a better understanding of what psilocybin mushrooms are, how and why to use them, you can read a review informational article, including on wikipedia. Home Страны Таиланд. For inoculation of the second jar, sterilization of the syringe needle is repeated. You will need: Liter jars with metal screw-on lids, no holes! Golden Teacher mycelium keiki. The containers under the cakes should not be transparent or should be wrapped in aluminum food foil. You can spray the walls of the container with water several times a day, but it is important that not a drop of water gets on the cakes!!!! You can also hang a cotton cloth on the walls and sprinkle it, so that it holds moisture better. Ventilation is extremely important at this stage - you need to ventilate times a day, to remove the carbon dioxide formed. But immediately after ventilating, you need to create humidity. Airing can be done by gently waving a piece of paper around the cakes like an opahal. The thing is that carbon dioxide is heavy and is located at the bottom, to remove it, you need to create air movement. Ideally, of course, you need to automate this process by installing a fan at the bottom. The temperature should be degrees, in no case higher, otherwise will continue to grow and mycelium and will be overlay. Lighting should be diffused. The first primordia will begin to form in a couple of days, and the first mushrooms in 1 week. Primordia look like small peas of Styrofoam. Formation of primordia and growth of fruiting bodies Golden Teacher. Harvesting multiple waves and creating spore prints and drying Golden Teacher mushrooms. You must have JavaScript enabled to use this form. Your name.

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