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Provigil modafinil is a drug that was approved in for the treatment of excessive daytime sleepiness associated with narcolepsy. It has since been granted FDA approval for the treatment of obstructive sleep apnea as well as shift work sleep disorder. These two drugs have a lot in common in that they were both approved in the late s, and are considered medically effective for the treatment of narcolepsy. Both drugs are commonly used off-label for cognitive enhancement among college students and business executives. Provigil has an indecipherable mechanism of action, but is believed to alter dopamine, histamine, other monoamines, and stimulate orexin receptors. Adderall is known to primarily increase dopamine and norepinephrine by inhibiting their reuptake. Below is a chart comparing the eugeroic drug Provigil with the psychostimulant Adderall. As you can see, there are many general differences between the two drugs such as: As you can determine from the chart above, there are many obvious differences between Provigil and Adderall. Both drugs are effective options for treating excessive daytime sleepiness associated with narcolepsy. Adderall may produce a more potent improvement in cognition as a result of its significant effect on dopamine reuptake inhibition. While Provigil also inhibits reuptake of dopamine reuptake, its effect on dopamine is considered weak. Adderall was manufactured 2 years earlier than Provigil, has more dosing options, and is universally regarded as the more popular drug. Prescriptions for Schedule IV drugs like Provigil can be done without a physically printed signature from a doctor. Prescriptions for Adderall are strictly regulated due to the fact that it has a high potential for abuse. Users of Adderall are much more likely to become psychologically or physically dependent upon the drug for functioning than they are Provigil. This is in part due to the fact that Adderall significantly increases dopamine concentrations, whereas Provigil elicits minor dopaminergic effects by comparison. Drug addicts are more likely to prefer Adderall for the dopamine rush that it provides. Some people even resort to snorting Adderall and end up experiencing stimulant psychosis as a result. Those comparing Provigil to Adderall for the treatment of narcolepsy probably want to know whether one is cheaper than the other. Based on cost comparison, both name-brand Adderall and generic mixed amphetamine salts are cheaper than name-brand Provigil and generic modafinil. Provigil is manufactured in tablet form with just 2 dosing options of mg and mg. Both doses are estimated to promote wakefulness for 6 to 8 hours. This wakefulness-promoting effect allows those with narcolepsy to stay alert and remain productive throughout the day. Adderall is manufactured in the format of immediate-release tablets and extended-release capsules. The tablets offer a 4 to 6 hour duration of effect, while the extended-release tablets provide stimulation for up to 12 hours. There are also a greater number of dosing options for Adderall users. This means there are double the Adderall formats compared to Provigil and triple the dosing options for each format. Since each drug was found to be superior to a placebo in double-blind, randomized trials, it should be thought that they are both highly effective treatments. It would be logical to conclude that differences in perceived efficacy may be a result of individual variation. Some people may find that Adderall mixed amphetamine salts alleviates their sleepiness better than Provigil modafinil and vice-versa. Adderall XR may be a better option for those in need of longer-lasting wakefulness due to the fact that it remains effective for up to 12 hours. Provigil tends to function well for 6 to 8 hours. For other uses such as in the treatment of ADHD, it is important to highlight the fact that Adderall is an approved treatment, whereas Provigil is not. That said, there is evidence to support the idea that using Provigil for ADHD is an effective option. In regards to cognitive enhancement i. For some individuals, dramatic increases in dopamine result in better performance, whereas for others, this effect can actually impede performance. It is known that Provigil inhibits reuptake of dopamine to a minor extent by binding to the dopamine transporter, and elevates histamine levels in the hypothalamus. It also has some effect on other neurotransmitters including norepinephrine in the hypothalamus and ventrolateral preoptic nucleus, and serotonin in the amygdala and prefrontal cortex. Orexins are peptides in the brain that regulate wakefulness. Deficient orexin levels can result in excessive daytime sleepiness. By stimulating the receptors, Provigil increases orexins and users feel highly-awake and alert, rather than sleepy. There is evidence indicating that Provigil likely increases activity in glutamatergic circuits, and reduces GABAergic activity. Adderall differs from Provigil in that its mechanism of action is well-understood. Adderall is a more potent inhibitor of dopamine and norepinephrine than Provigil, and also stimulates the presynaptic release of dopamine and norepinephrine from presynaptic neurons. From an off-label perspective, both drugs have been investigated as antidepressant augmentation strategies and are still prescribed for this purpose. Provigil is considered a popular off-label treatment for ADHD and many studies highlight its efficacy. It has been investigated in cases of drug addiction and to help people lose weight. Provigil and weight loss. Adderall has been investigated for cognitive rehabilitation among stroke patients and refractory depression. In rare cases, some psychiatrists may prescribe Adderall for anxiety disorders if they suspect a dopaminergic link. Although using Adderall for weight loss can be effective, doctors will not prescribe it for this purpose due to its abuse potential and rebound effect upon withdrawal. By comparison, Provigil has three approved medical uses whereas Adderall only has two. Provigil is also considered a safer, more effective off-label treatment over Adderall for many conditions due to its low potential for abuse. Provigil should be regarded as a more versatile medication by comparison. Comparing the popularity of Provigil with that of Adderall is difficult due to the fact that they are in different classes. As of , Adderall was ranked as the 70th most prescribed drug of the year, whereas Provigil was the th most prescribed drug. Provigil is thought to be the forefront option for treating narcolepsy. More people know of Adderall and have used it than Provigil. Adderall is a cheaper option than Provigil and the extended-release XR provides a longer-lasting effect when compared to Provigil. Furthermore, there are an array of dosing options and multiple formats for Adderall, whereas Provigil is only manufactured in 2 doses. Most would agree that Adderall is significantly more popular than Provigil. Adderall may carry significantly more side effects than Provigil. Common side effects associated with Adderall include: Common side effects associated with Provigil include: The ability of Adderall to substantially increase dopamine may be related to the greater number of side effects. There is an array of side effects associated with Adderall, but very few side effects associated with Provigil. Usage of Adderall is well-known to stunt growth of youth over a short-term and simultaneously reduce their weight. Provigil is not known to reduce height or significantly reduce weight among users. By comparison, Provigil would seem to have a favorable side effect profile. It is well known that discontinuation from Adderall, especially those that used it over a long-term or at high doses, is extremely difficult. In fact, Adderall withdrawal symptoms may be protracted in that they persist for months long after the drug has been cleared from the body. Common symptoms experienced upon discontinuation of Adderall include: Upon discontinuation of Adderall, many people experience worse attentional deficits than prior to using the drug. This is due to the fact that over time, the drug uses up dopamine stores, downregulates dopamine receptors, and the brain becomes dependent upon it to perform cognitively demanding tasks. When the supply is cut or reduced, the brain is left with less receptors and low dopamine until it finds a way to restore homeostatic functioning. This restoration process can take much longer than most sources suggest. This means that most people find Provigil withdrawal to be mild by comparison. From the perspective of treating narcolepsy, neither Provigil nor Adderall should be considered superior to the other. They are both clinically effective substances and have proven themselves as effective treatments. Some would argue that Provigil is better due to the fact that it tends to have less side effects, has less potential for abuse and dependence, and minimal discontinuation symptoms. Some users may argue that Adderall is better due to the fact that it stimulates greater increases in dopamine, allowing for increased alertness and cognitive function. Adderall also is manufactured in more formats and comes with more dosing options than Provigil, making it more appealing to some. Generally, determining whether one drug is better than the other is largely a matter of individual experimentation. You will need to work with your doctor or psychiatrist to determine whether you seem to get better results with one substance over the other. Certain people may enjoy the reduced dopaminergic effect associated with Provigil and find that using Adderall makes them too jittery. Mention whether you found one to be better than the other for treating a certain condition e. Discuss any specific reasons that you may have preferred one drug over the other. I take it only during phases where my symptoms daytime sleepiness, ADHD are worsening. There is no habit building and so long it is taken in low doses not more than mg there are no significant withdrawal symptoms. For me it seems to have even a depot effect which lasts between weeks and months where I am coming along quite well without it. My dreams are changing with Modafinil. I also start to grind teeth at night and I am changing emotionally with a tendency to aggression what I dislike. The withdrawal symptoms of Amphetamines are terrible — it took me years to return to the level I had before. I consider the widespread use of Adderall etc. That children get treated with such powerful stuff is a risk for their health and happiness in life. Modafinil is really a great support in my life taking it approx 3 month in a year where Amphetamines are no long-term solution and frying my brain beyond what I consider as being responsible with my health. I take medication every day I want to perform effectively and avoid driving those around me nuts. Secondly, I have taken Adderall and never experienced addiction, so has my son and daughter. ADHD is a serious condition with life limiting affects. I do not share your concern for children on medication. Medication can make the difference between being a functioning member of society, or being on the outside looking in. This is as true for children as it is true for adults. The greatest challenge is finding competent treatment. Medication is never enough, but few families have the means to afford effective treatment — if such treatment were to be found. The issue for children and their parents is denial. Who wants to believe they have a condition? Modafinil is available for about 90 cents per mg pill from modup dot net and they will ship it straight to your house. If you pay in bitcoins you can get it for like 60 cents per pill. I have narcolepsy and have tried every wakefulness drug out there — Provigil, Ritalin, Vyvanse…okay everything but Xyrem. My sleep doc has told me up front I will most likely be on Adderall XR forever since it, and Dexedrine, are the only things that work for me Adderall works better though. So if a person with narcolepsy has orexin receptors which work okay to begin with, but not at full capacity, Provigil should be fine. I wish the DEA would focus on prosecuting criminals instead of placing mountains of restrictions on those of us who need it to function, when we have so many physical limitations already. Your comment is very well said, and I, for one, greatly appreciate your knowledge and apparent research. So many people that get a diagnosis of any kind, really do not take responsibility for educating themselves about their medical condition. Instead, they often take the word of the first doctor they see, many never meet with a specialist, and rather than finding current information from legitimate sources, rely on magazine articles, forums, and message boards. While reading this article, I kept thinking and saying to my husband, exactly what you wrote in your comment: If orexin aka hypocretin levels are low or nonexistent due to antibodies that target the production site, the neuropeptide itself, or the receptors, it will not have the desired effect. I am a 35 year-old pre-med student. I was diagnosed about 3 years ago, after many, many years of seeking answers. I have tried concerta, vyvanse, nuvigil but not provigil , adderall XR and IR, etc, and I have done extensive research on the subject. Adderall IR has been the most effective treatment that I have found. As I mentioned above, I tried nuvigil, not provigil, but it had absolutely no effect on my symptoms. It did, however, induce debilitating headaches, on top of not being able to stay awake for more than 2 or 3 hours at a time. Before diagnosis and treatment, I could have never imagined attending college full-time, much less aspiring to be a doctor. The reality of narcolepsy is, there is great variation in severity, triggers, and manifestation, and simply not enough research, education, or support. I really appreciate your comment too! I hope that things get easier for those who have this issue. Have either of you experienced chest pain with adderall? But the XR gave me dull chest pain. And even though I went back to IR immediately, the pain seems to come back every now and then. Provigal did nothing to help my excessive sleepiness. Please take the chest pain seriously as possible indication of coronary artery disease. A good inexpensive test called a coronary calcium score, a CT scan that is predictive for future heart attack is helpful. And you can also get a 7 day event monitor where you press the button when you feel the symptoms to record your heart EKG for any fibrillation. Then I found a YouTube video where some Indian guy suggested drinking LOTS of water with the drug like 1 to 2 gallons per mg , and that truly made the headaches disappear! Hopefully my doctor will write me a few sample pills. I wander if I should go to a sleep Dr like you though? What kind of sleep Dr do you go to? What was the process like? Adderall works well for ADHD, but its downsides are very bad, withdrawal symptoms are bad, can lead to psychotic behavior and other issues. Also hard to get an RX. Finally, my psychiatrist suggested genetic testing, and we found that all of the SSRIs were ineffective for me, plus others. Before my depression I was a very high functioning woman in an intellectually stimulating job. I have a brief period during the day when I can feel my mind starting to work, but it is so short and not nearly what I had. We need to do more research on depression adjuncts for treatment-resistant MDD. I really wish my Pristiq helped with the cognitive and memory impairment like some of the previous antidepressants did briefly. I was diagnosed with narcolepsy officially in , although I had a general practitioner diagnosis it earlier. I am lucky because I have only suffered very few episodes of cataplexy…I had taken ritalin for many years which worked great until the mfg. I have taken adderall with good outcomes, I prefer the extended release due to the longer periods of wakefulness. I had to stop taking this med. When I went to my current doctor I felt like they thought I was a drug addict or something but she did prescribe modafinil, which took several weeks to get approved and the copay costs is more than adderall without ins? I have only been on it for a couple of weeks but am suffering headaches and experiencing nightmares…. The doctor who diagnosed the narcolepsy explained that they did not know why, but the only withdrawal from drugs such as Ritalin and Adderall in persons with narcolepsy is only the return of sleepiness. Notify me of followup comments via e-mail. You can also subscribe without commenting. Check this to receive the MentalHealthDaily newsletter. The author of this site is not engaged in rendering professional advice or services to the individual reader. The ideas, procedures, and suggestions contained within this work are not intended as a substitute for consulting with your physician. All matters regarding your health require medical supervision. I shall not be liable or responsible for any loss or damage allegedly arising from any information or suggestions within this blog. You, as a reader of this website, are totally and completely responsible for your own health and healthcare. Shift work sleep disorder. Specifically it may stimulate orexin receptors OX1 and OX2 to promote wakefulness. Functions by increasing levels and inhibiting reuptake of stimulatory neurotransmitters such as dopamine and norepinephrine. Half life 12 hours 11 to 13 hours Common side effects Dizziness. Date approved February 13 Effect duration 6 to 8 hours IR: Delayed sleep phase syndrome. Harald August 6, , Thomas Garrod May 2, , 7: NZT October 19, , 3: Curi November 3, , 4: Natasha January 12, , 8: Amanda February 24, , 5: Tom H August 3, , 5: ModafinilUser March 18, , Tisha September 19, , 6: Natasha, were you diagnosed with N1 or N2? Nathan August 28, , 4: Jon April 7, , 7: Kate July 1, , 1: Trudye Sweet November 4, , 2: I have only been on it for a couple of weeks but am suffering headaches and experiencing nightmares… The doctor who diagnosed the narcolepsy explained that they did not know why, but the only withdrawal from drugs such as Ritalin and Adderall in persons with narcolepsy is only the return of sleepiness. How Long Do They Last? Tammy on Lexapro Withdrawal Symptoms: Chris on Sugar Withdrawal Symptoms: Functions by inhibiting reuptake of dopamine and elevating histamine levels in the hypothalamus.

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Provigil (Modafinil) vs. Adderall: Comparison

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