Provider Policy

Provider Policy


Suvkredit Mobile Application Provider Policy

This Provider Policy ("Policy") is intended for users of the Suvkredit mobile application. Our goal is to be transparent and clear about how we collect, use, store and share your personal information.

Collected Information

We collect the following personal information:

Username and email address.

Transaction data and history of financial transactions.

Usage statistics and skills.

How We Use Data

The collected data may be used for the following purposes:

Improve application performance and individualize user experience.

Provide customer support and answer questions.

Providing information about new services and products.

Respond to legal requests and requests.

How We Store Information

We use modern technological measures to keep your personal information safe. Data is only stored for as long as necessary and then securely destroyed.

Transfer of Information to Third Parties

We disclose your personal information to third parties in the following cases:

Based on legal requirements.

With providers and partners necessary to provide our Services.

Based on your consent.

User Rights

You have the following rights:

View and edit your personal information.

Request data deletion.

Withdraw consent to data processing.


This policy may be updated from time to time. We will notify you when changes are made.


If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us at [


Phone: +998712028008].

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