Prostitutes In New Haven Ct

Prostitutes In New Haven Ct


Prostitutes In New Haven Ct

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Edgewood, New Haven, CT
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Winthrop Ave New Haven, CT, USA


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Absolutely true. Winthrop and Maple, Norton and Maple, hookers around ALL THE TIME. It had gotten better for a while but it's much worse now.

I agree. They were gone for a while but now they're back, in force. Maybe half a dozen suspicious young women hanging out on corners, waving at cars. Both black and white/Latina. Winthrop between Edgewood and Chapel. Easy to spot. Where are police?
I feel sorry for these women, forced into such activities, but I don't want them in my neighborhood!

Have posted this issue several times on SCF but most of those issues have disappeared because The Y University doesn't want future possible students and their parents checking SCF to see what New Haven is really like. So much censorship on this site, it's ridiculous. As for the pimps, they ARE street gang members trafficking these women (and men and children). If you know where they live you need to report them to the landlords first and if you see no results, the NHPD and the City. Wouldn't hurt to call WTNH. If all else fails, do what Joe Firine did years ago and get them on video, ALONG WITH THE JOHNS, patrol the streets and expose them all.

Also coming from Sherman and Edgewood, and Chapel between Norton/Winthrop.

Just saw two women who have been lounging on street corners for a couple of weeks, waving at people. Even me! A white senior citizen walking his dog! Took pictures of them and a guy who might be their pimp. Please investigate!!!

Male with braids on girls bike watching various females solicit on Chapel, Hotchkiss, Winthrop, Edgewood block and loitering near Market across from Hotchkiss on Derby/Chapel.

They are out there right now. Saw police car on Maple. White woman with red hair and black dress. Dark skin black guy on back. Some type of transaction going on directing Fort of my house. They were sitting on my porch. The guy in the car left when he saw the police car behind them. There was a black woman with very short hair that got in the car with him. They are on Winthrop Avenue on Winthrop and maple going towards Whalley Avenue.

They have moved up to my corner more and more now, Norton and Maple, especially along my back yard fence on Maple Street. Even last night in the pouring rain. And right now. Pimp just left. Calling police non-emergency number, no answer. We need more police presence in this area. This is getting worse and worse. What are we supposed to do? Confront them?

Probably shouldn't confront them...does this policing district hold meetings? Is there a direct number for the district manager? I am surprised the non emergency number isn't taking calls.

District Supervisor is (or was) Lt. Hassett, (203) 946-7597.
Alder is Evette Hamilton, (203) 508-5426.

They finally answered - by then the first woman was gone and another had taken her place. I am beside myself. I would ask my alderwoman take this on but she has never responded to me ever about anything.

It was probably the same pimp that just left my porch! African American, caramel colored skin, cap. Sometimes smoking a cigarette. Always walking. He often sits on my porch.

414 Whalley Ave New Haven, CT 06511

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Pimps on bikes. Prostitutes all time of day and night. Pimps and prostitutes sitting on porches, all times of the day and overnight, in residential area in front of homes with families and small children! Black and white women. Today, Caucasian woman on corner or Winthrop and Maple waving to men in cars passing by, in front of children playing. Pimp on bike came by to talk to her. WE NEED MORE PRESENCE OF COMMUNITY AND POLICE. Please send police to Winthrop Avenue!

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