Прошедшие Времена Контрольная Работа

Прошедшие Времена Контрольная Работа


Прошедшие Времена Контрольная Работа

Опубликовано 08.10.2015 - 7:56 - Новикова Светлана Николаевна
B:I…….(relax) on the beach most of the week, actually.
B:Yes, I…………(go) there last summer.
3.A:Why …………………..(you/not/come)last night?
B:Because I……………(study) for my exams.
B:Awful! It…………….(rain)the whole time.
B:When we …………………..(walk)along the beach.
6.A:Where …………………..(they/spend) their holiday?
B:They……………….(want) to go to Spain but in the end
man……………………(jump) out in front of the car.
8.A:What ………………………….(you/do) this time last Monday?
B:I……………………………..(watch) TV while John….(cook) dinner
9.A:…………………….(Jack/practice) his guitar again last night?
B:Why? …………………….(you/try) to call him?
10.A:…………….(you/arrive) on time for
B: No, actually. We…………. (miss) our flight.
2 Put the verbs in brackets into the past perfect or the past perfect continuous .
    1.They …………(travel) all night and were exhausted.
   2.We ………….(book) our flight weeks before we left.
   3.They …………(wait) for hours before their flight was announced.
   4.Lionel ……………(already/be) to Nepal twice before he got married.
   5.How long ……………(you/book) for Jess before you found him?
   6.The guide …………….(organise) everything well in advance, so our trip went smoothly.
 7.They …………… (look forward) to this holiday for years before they finally managed to do it
 8.It ……………(snow) for hours and no planes were able to take off.
3 Put the verbs in brackets into the correct past tense.
  1.A: ………(you/see) the film last night?
    B: No. It ……….. (start) before I …….(finish) my homework.
   B: He …………. (fall) and ……….(break) his leg while he ………(ride) his bike to school.            
  B:She ………..(train) for the finals for over a week before s……(find out)
                    that she had been disqualified
4.A: When ….(you/meet) her   B: Yesterday after I ………..(finish) work.
  B: He ………..(just/arrive) at the airport when he ……….(realise) he ……..(leave ) his passport at home.
 6.A: What …….. (you/do) yesterday at 6 o’clock in the evening?
   B: Well, Ann …….. (tidy) the house while I …… (plant) some flowers.
2 Put the verbs in brackets into the past perfect or the past perfect continuous .
    1.They …………(travel) all night and were exhausted.
   2.We ………….(book) our flight weeks before we left.
   3.They …………(wait) for hours before their flight was announced.
   4.Lionel ……………(already/be) to Nepal twice before he got married.
   5.How long ……………(you/book) for Jess before you found him?
   6.The guide …………….(organise) everything well in advance, so our trip went smoothly.
 7.They …………… (look forward) to this holiday for years before they finally managed to do it
 8.It ……………(snow) for hours and no planes were able to take off.
3 Put the verbs in brackets into the correct past tense.
  1.A: ………(you/see) the film last night?
    B: No. It ……….. (start) before I …….(finish) my homework.
   B: He …………. (fall) and ……….(break) his leg while he ………(ride) his bike to school.            
  B:She ………..(train) for the finals for over a week before s……(find out)
                    that she had been disqualified
4.A: When ….(you/meet) her   B: Yesterday after I ………..(finish) work.
  B: He ………..(just/arrive) at the airport when he ……….(realise) he ……..(leave ) his passport at home.
 6.A: What …….. (you/do) yesterday at 6 o’clock in the evening?
   B: Well, Ann …….. (tidy) the house while I …… (plant) some flowers.
B:I…….(relax) on the beach most of the week, actually.
B:Yes, I…………(go) there last summer.
3.A:Why …………………..(you/not/come)last night?
B:Because I……………(study) for my exams.
B:Awful! It…………….(rain)the whole time.
B:When we …………………..(walk)along the beach.
6.A:Where …………………..(they/spend) their holiday?
B:They……………….(want) to go to Spain but in the end
man……………………(jump) out in front of the car.
8.A:What ………………………….(you/do) this time last Monday?
B:I……………………………..(watch) TV while John….(cook) dinner
9.A:…………………….(Jack/practice) his guitar again last night?
B:Why? …………………….(you/try) to call him?
10.A:…………….(you/arrive) on time forthe meeting yesterday afternoon?
B: No, actually. We…………. (miss) our flight.
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