Property Of The Devils Outlaws

Property Of The Devils Outlaws


Property Of The Devils Outlaws
The source of this story is Storiesonline
Caution: This BDSM Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa, Mult, NonConsensual, Rape, Slavery, Heterosexual, Fiction, BDSM, DomSub, MaleDom, Rough, Humiliation, Sadistic, Torture, Snuff, Gang Bang, Group Sex, Interracial, White Male, White Female, Oriental Female, Hispanic Female, Oral Sex, Anal Sex, Sex Toys, Water Sports, Double Penetration, Size, Prostitution,
BDSM Sex Story: A beautiful 24-year-old Asian girl goes on vacation but gets lost in a small town and quickly kidnapped by a ruthless and violent biker gang. She struggles to survive as they turn her into their personal fuck-toy, beating and raping her without mercy.
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Introduction: A beautiful 24-year-old Asian girl goes on vacation but gets lost in a small town and quickly kidnapped by a ruthless and violent biker gang. She struggles to survive as they turn her into their personal fuck-toy, beating and raping her constantly.
Hannah wasn’t sure what time she fell asleep, but she knew it took at least several hours. She’d never been in so much pain before. The skin on her breasts, ass, and vagina all felt like it had been sanded off, and her raw asshole was so excruciatingly torn and stretched. Perhaps worst of all, however, was having Big Joe’s rancid, sweat-soaked socks in her mouth all night long. The sour taste of them was so awful and each time she had to swallow Hannah almost puked in her mouth. “Rise and shine bitch!” Hannah heard the goliath shout, as he rolled her onto her belly and began unlocking the cuffs on her limbs. The moment Big Joe removed the duct tape from her mouth Hannah instantly spewed the man’s socks out and coughed in total repulsion. She wiped her lips back and forth and spat out as much saliva as she could, wanting to get the taste of the Outlaw’s nasty feet out of her mouth. As he watched the little Asian fuck-meat whimpering miserably Big Joe could already feel his cock getting hard. “Alright bitch let’s go, get your fucking ass on the bed,” Big Joe commanded, grabbing the Asian’s hair and yanking her to her feet. “Please just stop!!” Hannah begged, thrashing around as the huge biker bent her over the edge of the mattress. In seconds Big Joe cuffed the Asian’s hands behind her back and held her struggling little body still while he got into position behind her. He grabbed Hannah’s thighs and jerked them wide apart before putting the tip of his massive cock against her bruised, aching pussy. Hannah screamed in pain as the huge Outlaw brutally ripped his penis deep into her cunt with one powerful thrust. “Aaaaaauuuuugggghhhhhhh!!!” Hannah squealed in pure agony, shaking her head wildly as Big Joe began fucking her in a ferocious rhythm. “Oh yeah bitch! I know that’s gotta hurt!” The biker laughed, hooking his fingers into the petite Asian’s mouth while he viciously pounded her tight vagina. “Aaaauuggghhh!! Uuuaaagghhhhh!!!” Hannah screeched, closing her eyes and weeping in sheer torture. After the insane beating her cunt had taken last night, each furious thrust from Big Joe was mind-bogglingly excruciating. Her pussy had never before felt so raw and sensitive, and now it felt like the hole was getting scalded by a piece of red-hot iron. For the first time Hannah wanted it all to end, and for Big Joe to simply kill her and put her out of this hellish existence. It took several long minutes, but the Outlaw did finally cum inside the weeping Asian. He drove his giant shaft as deep as he could into Hannah’s cunt and proceeded to deposit his load inside the miserable girl. As soon as he was finished Big Joe pulled out of the Asian and leaned back, taking a few seconds to admire her well-stretched vagina. Big Joe laughed victoriously as a river of sperm began quickly oozing out of the hole. In less than 30 minutes the biker and his fuck-meat were out of the dingy motel and back on the road. Hannah was on her side, of course, with her hands tied behind her and her mouth stuffed full of the Outlaw’s huge penis. Tears were streaming down the Asian’s cheeks as she was forced to listen to Big Joe talk about how wonderfully tight she was, and how he planned on destroying her asshole again later tonight. For the next several hours the two made about a dozen stops all over the place, and it was pretty much a repeat of what Hannah had to go through the night before. They visited a variety of seedy men, from different biker gangs to drug dealers to other shady criminals and thugs. Most of the meetings involved Big Joe purchasing illegal goods like weapons and heroin. Hannah, of course, was always used to sweeten the transactions. Her duties ranged from giving a single blowjob for some extra firearms ammunition to getting brutally gangbanged for two hours by six bikers in exchange for an extra $3,000 worth of cocaine. Hannah was crying wretchedly as Big Joe dragged her over to the truck by her hair. Her daisy-dukes were soaked with cum and her bra was barely clinging to her arm. She’d just been savagely raped by a very large and sadistic black friend of Big Joe’s. He’d spent almost an hour beating her and pummeling her anus, and Hannah could barely walk she was in so much pain. Her face was covered in the Negro’s sperm after he’d spewed all over it just minutes earlier. “That’s a good little whore,” Big Joe lauded the Asian, opening the door of his truck and shoving her inside. “Let’s head over to Jimmy’s, so you can meet some other piece of shit whores like yourself.” Hannah grumbled in despair as the Outlaw climbed into the truck and quickly grabbed her hair and forced the Asian to take his dick in her mouth. He hadn’t fucked her all day and Big Joe’s massive cock was fully erect. Hannah whined miserably as the biker held the back of her head and slammed her face down his penis as far as he could, until almost all of it was packed inside her little throat. He kept the Asian’s mouth stuffed like this for the next 20 minutes as he drove quickly toward his destination. “Get up slut, we’re here,” Big Joe said, pulling Hannah’s mouth off his rock-hard shaft. Hannah began coughing violently as soon as the biker dislodged his penis from her mouth and throat. She looked out the window and saw a dirty little tavern with the word “Jimmy’s” atop it in bright neon letters. There were dozens of motorcycles and trucks parked in front of the shanty building. Big Joe quickly exited the truck, came around, and grabbed Hannah by her hair before yanking her out and hauling her toward the noisy tavern. As soon as the pair entered through the front doors they were given a warm greeting from the many bikers and customers inside. There were probably about a dozen Outlaws inside the bar and way more drunken customers. Loud rock music was blaring through several large speakers all over the place. There was a small stage and pole near the corner of the tavern and Hannah instantly noticed a young, very slender Latina dancing atop it. She was about 5’6” and no more than 105 lbs. She had on nothing but a tiny white g-string and black 6” heels on her feet. Even from across the room Hannah could see that the girl was very despondent and not stripping up there by choice. The girl’s name was Rosalie Almonte and she was just 19 years old and a freshman at some New York college. Her father was a wealthy businessman but also a heavy gambler, and he’d become deeply indebted to some very unscrupulous and ruthless individuals. To save his life, he’d agreed to give them the only thing they would accept in place of his debts: his youngest and most beautiful daughter. The men were well connected with the Outlaws, and after enjoying Rosalie for a few weeks, they pawned her to the bikers in return for a large shipment of heroin and marijuana. That exchange had happened almost four months ago and the lovely Latina had been pleasuring dozens of Outlaws and other men every single day since. Rosalie was an exquisitely beautiful young girl, with a very slender body, magnificently long legs, and perfect round breasts. She was of Dominican Republic descent, and had the exotic features of a Latina celebrity, with long black hair that fell all the way to her mid-back. Hannah watched in dismay as Rosalie squatted down in front of several horny men that were sitting in front of the stage. The young Latina was clearly trying to hold back tears as she spread her legs wide and pulled her g-string to the side, exposing her vagina to the rowdy pack of drunken patrons. After a few seconds, the girl turned her head to the side and closed her eyes while she reached down and began rubbing her pussy in an obscene manner for the group of men. “She’s a hot little bitch ain’t she?” Big Joe asked, as he noticed Hannah staring at the Latina. “She’s got a super tight pussy too, just like you. I think I’m gonna have to give her a good fucking later on.” Suddenly a pair of burly Outlaws marched onto the stage and grabbed Rosalie by her arms. The 19-year-old screamed in fear as the men hauled her off the platform and toward the rear of the bar. Hannah noticed an equally large, dirty-looking john following the two bikers into the back corridor. She could hear the Latina crying and begging nonstop as she disappeared through a pair of double-doors. “Hmmm looks like they’re tricking out the spic cunt,” Big Joe declared. “That means the boys are fucking that stupid little Miranda bitch. Let’s go see whore.” “Please just let me go!” Hannah cried, as the behemoth marched her to the back of the tavern. Hannah whimpered in fear and loathing as all of the men she passed by shouted degrading remarks at her. Some even reached out and pinched her ass or groped her breasts. In just seconds, however, she was hauled through the back doors and down a long hallway. Hannah felt a shiver run down her spine as she heard a girl shrieking in agony from a room nearby. When Big Joe got to it he pushed the door open so that both he and the Asian could look inside. Hannah was not very surprised to see that the muffled screams were coming from Rosalie. The Latina was strapped to a grimy mattress, on her back with her arms and legs pulled wide and tied to the corners of the bed frame. The skinny girl was being smothered by an enormous, hairy customer who was madly pounding into her cunt from above. She had a ball-gag stuffed in her mouth, though the only part of the Latina that Hannah could see where her long, straining legs as she tried to endure the horrible fucking. “Pretty fucking cool ain’t it?” Big Joe said, smiling as he watched the suffering young Latina. “Shit, just another night of work for this little whore. She’s gotta make that money!” Hannah stared up at Big Joe in astonishment and revulsion. She still could not believe just how totally evil he and the other bikers were. Big Joe laughed and watched the savage rape for a little while longer before closing the door and continuing down the hall with the Asian in tow. When they got to the end, the Outlaw opened another door and jerked Hannah inside. “Aaaoowww!! Fuck!! God please stop!!!” Hannah instantly heard some girl wail in pain. She looked to the side of the room and saw a stunning, very young blonde getting absolutely pummeled by two giant Outlaws on a couch. The girl’s name was Miranda Mangini and she was very petite—just 5’1” and roughly 95 lbs. She was trapped between the bikers, as the one sitting had his cock buried deep in her snatch while the other stood behind her and violently hammered away at her asshole. She was completely naked and crying miserably while the pair of Outlaws raped her hard. Like Hannah, Miranda was a relatively new slave to the Outlaws, and the story of how she came to be one was typical of most of their fuck-toys. Just two months ago, the sassy little 15-year-old had been walking home after a late night party in her hometown of Santa Fe when a deranged pervert pulled up alongside her and tossed her into his van. He’d immediately called a few Outlaws he knew and agreed to sell her to them for $10,000. Just like that, Miranda went from the hottest and most popular sophomore at her high school to just another whore for the Outlaws. She’d been in the hands of the biker gang for less than two weeks, but Miranda had gotten plenty of cocks stuffed in all her tight little holes during that time. While they typically used their slaves for making money, the Outlaws had whored out Miranda just twice so far. At the moment they much preferred keeping the young blonde for themselves. Even though she was only 15 years old, Miranda had such a hot little body. Unlike other girls her age she was already developing some nice little curves, with a very firm and bubbly ass, a slim waist, and the roundest, perkiest set of tits imaginable. And the little bitch obviously loved showing off her physique too, as was evidenced by the tiny skirt and halter she’d been wearing on the night of her abduction. “Oh shit what’s up Big Joe?” Hannah heard someone call out warmly. “What’s going on bro?” The mountainous biker replied, acknowledging his friend who was sitting at a desk and watching a computer monitor. On the screen was a live, black-and-white feed from the room where Rosalie was getting raped. The video camera had been mounted toward the corner of the ceiling, and provided a nice aerial shot of the mattress that the Latina was tied to. It was impossible to see her face at the moment, as the man on top of her was gigantic and completely smothering her. The only parts of the girl that were visible were her arms and legs that were pulled wide and tied to the corners of the bed frame. There was no audio either, which was a shame. Big Joe could imagine how hard the girl must have been screaming as the john fucked her savagely. Hannah looked around now and noticed for the first time that there were quite a few Outlaws inside the spacious room. She wasn’t sure how many exactly, but there were at least 10 of them, and they’d all stopped what they were doing as they grinned at her hungrily. All of the men had fucked her three days ago at the old warehouse, though Hannah did not recognize anyone of them in particular. That day was simply a blur to her at this point—a blur of countless cocks smashing her mouth, cunt, and asshole. “Oh my God please!! Please just stop!! IT HURTS!!!” The little blonde squealed in agony, as the Outlaw behind her continued to slam his cock into her anus. “How long ya’ll been fucking her?” Big Joe asked a pair of bikers who were playing pool nearby. “Oh you know, pretty much all night so far,” one of them replied. “Tim and Eddie got dibs on her next I think.” “Cool. Is she starting to behave a little better?” Big Joe inquired, eyeing the struggling little blonde whore. “Little by little,” the other biker responded. “We’ve been beating her ass pretty good the past few days, showing her who’s boss.” “Yo Big Joe, you gonna share that Asian slut with us or what man?” Another Outlaw across the room shouted. “Shit, why the fuck not,” the giant responded, tugging down on Hannah’s hair and forcing her to look up at him. “You’re cool with that, right? I know you like getting all them holes fucked at the same time.” “Please no,” the Asian said beseechingly, a look of pure terror on her face. “Relax bitch, I stretched you out good last night remember?” Big Joe shot back. “Besides, these boys all want a piece of your Asian ass. That little bitch over there is busy, as you can see.” Hannah shrieked in fear as Big Joe shoved her toward a group of Outlaws nearby. Four of them quickly grabbed her and took her to a mattress at the corner of the room. They stripped her slutty garments off in just seconds and Hannah was soon on her hands and knees. She wailed in torment as one of the bikers drove his cock deep into her pussy while another knelt in front of her and forced his penis into her mouth. As the duo began cruelly fucking her Big Joe left the room and made his way back toward where Rosalie was. When he opened the door, the john was just beginning to climax and roared in ecstasy. He sank his entire massive cock inside the Latina and held it inside the squirming girl. Big Joe watched patiently as the man filled the condom on his dick. Although the Outlaws never wore rubbers, they required that the patrons do so. When he was finished, the huge john pulled out of the young girl and removed the nasty condom from his penis. It was swollen with sperm and he threw it into a nearby trash can containing at least a dozen others like it. “Thanks buddy,” the customer said happily to Big Joe, as he pulled on his clothes and left the room. Now it was just Big Joe and Rosalie inside the small room. The Latina, however, did not seem to realize he was there. Her eyes were closed and she was weeping into the ball-gag in absolute misery. Her skinny body was trembling badly as she tried to recover from the brutal assault. The Outlaw stood in front of Rosalie and looked down at her gaping, mangled vagina in appreciation. “I see you’re working hard slut,” Big Joe said, startling the young girl as he reached down and groped her aching pussy. “I’ve missed you bitch, and this tight little pussy here. You ready for me?” Rosalie looked up and instantly screamed in wide-eyed terror as soon as she saw the colossal biker. The Latina began crying in complete horror and disbelief and pulled frantically at the bonds on her wrists and ankles. It was clear from the look in her eyes that this was not her first encounter with Big Joe. “Aaaaggggghhhhh!!!” Rosalie screeched into the ball-gag, as Big Joe removed his pants and got into position between the Latina’s long legs. “Oh fuck yes,” the Outlaw moaned, laying atop the 19-year-old beauty while he sank his enormous cock into her vagina. “Aaaauuuggghhhh!!!” The Latina screamed, squirming around terribly as Big Joe quickly crammed nearly his entire dick inside of her. Big Joe wasted no time and quickly got down to business, viciously hammering the poor girl’s vagina with all his strength. He was here for two things only—to pleasure himself and to hurt Rosalie. The Latina’s shrieks were piercing inside the small, dingy room as Big Joe fucked her with long, powerful thrusts. He hadn’t fucked Hannah all day, and now proceeded to take out his pent-up lust on the poor 19-year-old coed. “Stop that crying bitch! I know you like a big fat cock in this nasty pussy of yours!” The Outlaw growled, pressing his huge, hairy chest into the Latina’s face while he brutally raped her. “AAAUUGGGHHHH!!!” Rosalie screamed, her gorgeous eyes bulging in shock and agony as Big Joe slammed almost all 11” of his dick inside her vagina. Rosalie’s cunt was starting to bleed badly as the titanic biker continued to pound the outmatched orifice. The girl’s muffled shrieks were full of suffering and tears were streaming down her face onto the mattress. It took an eternity—almost ten minutes—but Big Joe finally climaxed, filling the Latina with a vast load of cum. When he pulled out of her, a sea of sperm immediately flowed from the girl’s gaping pussy. “Fuck that was nice, you little spic bitch,” Big Joe huffed, staring at the sobbing Latina while he pulled his pants and underwear back on. When he finished getting dressed the Outlaw untied the leather bindings from Rosalie’s limbs and removed the ball-gag from her mouth. He picked up her white g-string from the floor and tossed it at the girl, ordering her to don the skimpy garment. Rosalie continued crying miserably while she slowly rolled the whorish panties up her slender legs. As soon as she did, Big Joe grabbed her long black hair an
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