Prolapse Anime

Prolapse Anime


Prolapse Anime



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Bromance/Shounen-Ai/Yaoi anime series
These are all of the Shounen-Ai, Yaoi, OVA, Mini-Series or anime with very heavy homo-erotic themes. This list will also include anime's, that do not have a shounen-ai, or yaoi tag on Anime-Planet. Sometimes an anime is more subtle, but it'll also have anime that I've heard from other people, that the show has shounen-ai tendencies.. and if by chance it really isn't, I'll get rid of it, once I see it.. or if someone mentions it. At the end of each little bio, I'll list exactly what type of anime it is. Shounen-Ai, Yaoi, Bromance, or Heavily Hinted. I do plan on watching all of the Yaoi anime eventually, so some of them descriptions will be very basic, that is, until I actually watch them, and can put in some kind of review. Last Updated 3/15/2020
Bio: The main character Teito Klein, and his best friend, Mikage, have a very close relationship. Many people have noticed their relationship, being possibly more than just friends, or at-least appears to be like they want something more.
People also enjoy the relationship between Teito, and his higher up, Frau.
Genre: Action Adventure, Bromance/Heavily Hinted, Magic.
I found this version of the series to be kind of boring, and confusing, so I just skipped to the 2012 version of the anime.
Bio: Riki, lived in the slums for as long as he could remember. One day, he decided that he would become something known as a 'pet'. A pet gets to live in the rich side of the city, however, they become a sex slave in the process. Although Riki went willingly, people in the slums are often kidnapped, and become sex slaves (Basically, human trafficking.) After a year or so, Riki realizes his dislike of being a sex slave. He escapes with the help of a security guard, who just wanted to see what would happen, if they let a 'pet' go. Riki is captured once again, but is freed by his captor.The rest of the OVA series entails Riki joining his old gang, and some adventures they go on.Riki is not a fan of the newest member, Kirie, who is rambunctious, and would like to become a pet, so he can live in luxury. The last episode is actually a flashback, to before Riki becomes a pet. Which in my opinion, should have been the first episode. 
This is one of those yaoi anime, that you DON'T want to the two guys together! Although, Riki and his bestie seem pretty tight, so maybe we should ship them instead.My only complaints are,1. The last episode should have been the first episode.2. The third episode ends on somewhat of a cliffhanger, which really annoyed me that the fourth episode was a prequel filler episode. 
Bio: Shou has been searching for his brother Kai; he finally finds him after transfering to an all boys school. Many characters are introduced in a short period of time, and also come out of no where. It was very confusing, but I found the second episode to be more interesting.
Bio: Tachibana quits his job, and opens up a bakery. His first hire is Ono, a gay man, known to have 'Gay demonic charm', and has lost many jobs do to his charms. Ono is someone from Tachibana's past, who also confessed his love for him when they were in high school. Tachibana is straight, and back in the day, rejected Ono quite harshly. However, Tachibana's childhood friend is just Ono's type!
The anime revolves around the characters owning/running a bakery, it's a very cute, and heartwarming anime. It also shows a more realistic version, of the lgbt community. Everyone should watch it, even if they don't like Shounen-Ai.
Genre: Food, Shounen-Ai, Slice of Life.
Bio: When the famous idol Kazuya gets kidnapped, Akihiko comes to rescue him! 
Bio: When Ritsurou's friend Ken decides to leave for Singapore, he finally starts to realize his feelings. 
Note: The only thing I remember about this anime, is Moeko is a bitch, hate that ho.
Genre: Drama-Bomb, NoonelikesyouMoeko, Shounen-Ai
Bio: Nagai's best friend, and the guy he's in love with, Saitou, is finally getting married! But can Nagai get over his feelings for Saitou? Is there any chance for him to be with Saitou, or will this mysterious man named Honda, take position as Nagai's new love?
Note: This is one of my favorite Yaoi OVA's, and I highly recommend reading the manga, it's a little bit longer than the anime, but it's cute and worth it.
Genre: Love-Triangle, Shounen-Ai, Yaoi.
Bio: The show is a parody of magical girl anime, and also takes on a homo-erotic subtext. The characters are even paired together at times.
The characters are giving special powers by a Wombat, in order to help protect the earth from evil invaders!
Io and Ryuu are paired together, while En and Atsushi get paired together.
Genre: Comedy, Fantasy, Heavily Hinted, Magical Boy, Parody.
Bio: Takato is a a famous actor who has been acting since he was a kid. He gets really upset when he finds out he is not the worlds sexiest man of the year. You may be asking, who is the sexiest man of the year? It's none other than rival actor Junta, who is madly in love with Takato, and will do anything he can to make Takato his! 
I didn't really like this anime at first, and found the first few episodes to be boring, but it really got interesting around episode 5. The anime starts off as a usual yaoi anime, where the main character is about to get sexually assaulted by the seme. Although Junta does ask for permission to sleep with Takato. The anime takes plenty of yaoi tropes, and twists them into something different. One thing I especially liked is, Takato does not go through a gay denial, he never says anything about how he can't be a man who's with another man (Except in the end when some perv tries to sleep with him) Like he fully accepts that he's into a dude, so I give them props for that! 
The characters are interesting, and as I mentioned, the story picks up after episode 5 when some scandalous things start to happen which really make things interesting!I really enjoyed the middle half of the anime, as it goes from yaoi, to cute fluffy romance, which is what I live for! 
Overall, it was a good anime. The 12th episode could be considered the "final episode", as I feel the 13th episode is more of a cute filler episode about them spending Christmas together.
I feel like they could do a season 2, since they were planning on moving in together, and this mysterious guy appears in the last minute of episode 12, and is never explained, or even seen in the 13th episode.
A Supernatural Yaoi/Shounen-ai Anime.
Bio: William belives in only science, and what he can prove. He's in for a rude awakening when a demon appears out of no where in the basement.
This anime is what I call in the industry an "Almost Yaoi". The homo-erotic undertones are there, they even show up in the first minute of the show! It has everything, homo-erotic subtext between various male characters, blushing, crossdressing and flamboyant characters wearing fabulous outifts! This is a show meant for the gays, and I'm all about it! 
Mentioned to have a gay character in it, more information will be added once I've seen it myself.
Bio: It's listed as a Shounen-Ai, but its very light. It's based off of a visual novel/Otome game.. so it's very discreet. The main character does kiss a boy once.. But it really let's him get to know each individual character without going crazy on the romance, but it's super cute, and super colorful! The company who made Drammatical Murder, also did the first season of Hamatora.. and they really know how to make anime popping with colors!
Genre: Based off an Otome game, Fantasy, Shounen- Ai.
Bio: Angels are sent to Earth to watch over it, however something sinister may be going on! 
One of the first dubbed yaoi anime.
Bio: Matsui Takahiro falls in love with the swim team captain, Yuuji Tsukamoto. However, his friend, Eiichi Yoshino, is not a fan of the idea. Yuuji's old gang is not keen on Matsui either, and plan to take Matsui's innocence.
I don't remember much, I just remmeber there was a rape scene.....
Bio: Free is a homo-erotic anime about teenagers who renew the swimming club. Makoto and Haruka, while Nagisa and Rei are paired, and in the second season, Rin is paired with Sousuke.
The creator actually confirmed on twitter, that Haruka's match would be Makoto, as it's heavily hinted. (I had to delete a negative nancy's comment on here saying this isn't atleast a bromance, like what.. It was even confirmed by the creator...)
Genre: Heavily Hinted, Slice of Life, Sports.
Bio: It's about a music school teacher, and an orchestra. This is one of two yaoi anime I dropped (Which is rare for me to drop an anime.)
Bio: Fuyu no Semi, is essentially the yaoi version of Romeo & Juliet. You have two guys who meet each other, and enjoy each others company. and fall in love Only to realize they're on opposite sides of a war.The first 20 minutes, in my opinion, was really boring. The rest of the anime is good, the beginning of the third OVA, is a little weird, but the ending is sad, but also bittersweet at the same time. 
The first episode, starts off in the present day. It eventually goes into a flashback from 7 years prior, about how the two guys met. The second episode continues where it left off, and then shows the main guy going to London, and then goes to the present, where there is a battle going on.The third episode, involves what happens after the war, which I won't spoil, but it gets weird, and then sad. 
Genre: Yaoi, Shounen-ai, Political
Bio: Gakuen Heaven is a cute anime based off of an otome game. It stars Keita, who goes to an all boys school, he runs into someone named Kazuki, and becomes friends with him. Keita and Kazuki end up falling in love in the anime, although in the game it's optional.
Genre:  Based off an Otome game, Shounen-Ai.
Type: 1 Episode OVA (With a second un-translated OVA under a different name)
Bio: Mysterious creatures known as Archons have started appearing in the world, but only the Chalice can defeat Archons. A group of warriors with the powers of the Chalice can defeat Archons, this group is known as the Goulart knights. Goulart Knights is a one episode OVA (Supposedly there is a part two, which I have yet to find translated...). The episode involves a group of four beautiful boys (Whom are a bit homo-erotic with each other, very slightly. Like if you're not into yaoi, it won't be noticable to you at all..) The group meet a little girl, whom they believe is an Archon, and watch over her. Eventually, they do fight an Archon and wish the girl farewell. The anime has sooooooo much potential!! It has an array of interesting characters, with great homo-erotic subtext. I wish there was more, I'd love to see a series of it.
Genre: Comedy, Fantasy, Action, Homo-erotic Subtext
Arai and his friends are offered a part in a school play. In return, they get 3 million yen! But the catch is they have to play in the 'Little women' play... Are they up for the challenge?
Overall, it was an interesting anime, that didn't make much sense. The ending had me wondering what was the point of all of this?
It also seems to be a sequel to other anime/manga's known as 'Graduation', 'Marriage', and 'Sailor Victory'. It appears to be, that the guys in Graduation M, are in fact, the children of the characters from the first three anime. 
Genre Shounen Ai, Bromance, Slice of Life, Getting SNATCHED! (You'll understand when you watch it.)
Bio: Gravitation is by far my first, and favorite Shounen-Ai anime! It stars Shuichi, as he starts his music career, and meets a mysterious fellow named Yuki. Shuichi, not really knowing what he is, starts a relationship with Yuki, who doesn't really know what he wants.. or does he?This anime is super cute, and super funny, it's just all the awesomesauce you can want!
Genre: Comedy, Music, Shounen-Ai (Very slight yaoi tendencies)
Type : Series Bio: Lin is a crossdressing assasin, he became an assasin to protect his sister. Eventually he meets the detective Banba, who ends up letting Lin stay at his place.
I highly suggest this anime, it's packed with action, murder, plot twists, and also takes time to have light hearted moments. It does very well with the flow of one story, to the next as well. It is hinted that Lin and Banba might like each other, in fact, Banba's ex girlfriend stops by and even asks if Lin is Banba's boyfriend!
Bio: Shino wields the legendary sword "Murasame", which can also transform into a talking crow. He is tasked upon finding 8 mystical gems. 
The anime hints at BL, and one of the male characters admits that the main character is his type, and that he just has to wait until he's older. 
Bio: The main characters are gay porn stars, who have recently gotten a movie role together. Eventually, they like each other more than just co-workers, and then there's some drama.I read comments saying they played the characters in ' Fuyu no Semi ', but there's no mention of it in the anime, unless I missed it (I skipped a few parts).
Literally, the first minute of the anime, has no talking at all, it just shows various places. I ended up skipping until like 6-8 minutes in, because I found it to be dull. Some shows do a thing, where I don't know the characters yet, so I don't care about them just yet. By 6-8 minutes, I think it started to pick up on the storyline. I kind of skipped the yaoi scenes this time around, because many yaoi anime are too predictible, and I'm more the about romance anyways. (I also hate the sex/kissing sounds, that's always bothered me in shows in general. lol)
Overall, the ending of the first episode, in my opinion, started getting good. The second episode moves over to some good conflict, that really made the story interesting.  
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Sanrio Boys. Definitley has some fujo-bait and homoerotic scenes.
You say strong but they don't even have light hints... of what I've seen.
(I'm talking about like free, number24, haikyuu) I haven't watched them but to what I know.
Perfect! Most of the anime series here are on my yaoi wishlist of must-watch anime.
I think you should add anime Number 24, sports anime centered aroubd rugby. I know A LOT of sports anime have strong bromance.. but Number 24 take it to the next level.
The MC was a promising high school athlete who enter into a college with quite strong rugby team. He was supposed to be a star in his rugby varsity team but then he got into accident and couldn't play rugby anymore. He still love rugby tho, so he decided to re apply as rugby team's manager/assistant coach.
The MC have very close relationship with two of his team mates they're childhood friends have known each other since kindergarten. Strong bromance and there are hints of shounen ai.
There's also shounen ai hints between two other characters.
I would also consider Golden Kamuy - it's not a straightforward BL or anything, but hey... the main villain makes the strongest army by making men fall in love with him. He literally said it later in the manga. There are also a lot and i say A LOT of gay moments with just guys being dudes and all that. There also were some official gay characters and a cross-dressing one. Plus the author himself is a big fudanshi and his humor is all about penises asffgsfg The plot is extremely well done though!
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Rectal prolapse occurs when your rectum, part of your large intestine, slips down inside your anus. It’s caused by a weakening of the muscles that hold it in place. Rectal prolapse may look or feel like hemorrhoids, but unlike hemorrhoids, it doesn’t go away on its own. You'll eventually need surgery to fix it.


How can I prevent rectal prolapse from occurring or from recurring after surgery?

Treat chronic bowel disorders . Don’t let chronic constipation or diarrhea persist. Ask your healthcare provider about treatment options, including lifestyle changes and medications.
Strengthen your pelvic floor . Kegel exercises can help keep your pelvic muscles fit and strong. They have been shown to prevent incontinence as well as possible pelvic organ prolapse.

American Society of Colon and Rectal Surgeons. Rectal Prolapse Expanded Version. ( Accessed 6/7/2022.
National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases. Rectal Prolapse. ( Accessed 6/7/2022.
National Institutes of Health, National Library of Medicine. Rectal Prolapse. ( Accessed 6/7/2022.

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Your rectum is the last segment of your large intestine before your anus. This is where poop prepares to exit your body. When poop arrives in your rectum, it triggers the urge to defecate (poop), and a network of muscles pushes the poop out through your anus. But when rectal prolapse occurs, the rectum itself travels with it, slipping down telescope-style into the anal canal — and sometimes out the other side.
“Prolapse” is the term healthcare providers use to describe any body part that has fallen from its normal position in your body. It usually means that the muscles supporting the part have weakened or deteriorated. Some weakening or deterioration is normal with aging, but extra wear and tear on the muscles can accelerate the process. Childbirth, chronic constipation or diarrhea can affect your rectum.

Cleveland Clinic is a non-profit academic medical center. Advertising on our site helps support our mission. We do not endorse non-Cleveland Clinic products or services.

It most commonly affects people who were assigned female at birth, especially those over the age of 50. Less commonly, it may occur in young children as a result of chronic diarrhea or cystic fibrosis .
It’s estimated to occur in about 2.5 in every 1000 people.
It’s not urgently serious, but it can cause discomfort for some people, and it can lead to possible complications down the road. The most common complications are pooping difficulties, such as fecal incontinence .
Failure of the muscles that hold the rectum in place leads to rectal prolapse. Many things may contribute to this. Some possibilities include:
Rectal prolapse can look different in different people. If you have an internal prolapse, your rectum has begun to drop partway into your anus, but it hasn’t yet come out the other end. If you have a mucosal prolapse, the inside mucous lining of your rectum has turned inside-out and begun to poke out of your anus. External prolapse is when your entire rectum falls out. At first, prolapse may only occur when you poop, but eventually, it's constant.
Rectal prolapse and hemorrhoids can have similar symptoms, and it's not uncommon to mistake one for the other. Hemorrhoids — swollen blood vessels in the anus or rectum — can also cause itching, pain or bleedin
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