Project Sakura | Notes

Project Sakura | Notes

Project Sakura

> Why to clean flash?

If you're asked to clean flash either by your maintainer or ROM's Developer,

We care about users experience more than what they have to do install our ROM. We believe clean flash gives the best experience then, we do exactly that.

It won't be tolerated if anyone is found ranting on the developers or maintainers for enforcing clean flash

It's entirely for your benefit. Obviously we can't control if you're clean or dirty flashing, You may dirty flash but you will not be entitled to support, we would ask you to clean flash if you want help from us, support is as simple as you follow our terms and instructions, we help you out as much as we can. Doing dirty flash will d for experiencing bugs, we can't do anything more. If you wish to flash without OTA. (Old builds can be found on our sourceforge)

Happy Flashing!

> Solution for safetynet fail

Those who have flashed magisk framework successfully but having CTSprofile false & basic integrity true. Follow the steps to pass safetynet

1. Download magiskhide prop configuration and busybox from magisk modules
2. Flash it and get it enabled
3. Download a terminal emulator app from playstore and give permission to access root
4. Enter 'su' (press enter)
Then 'props' (press enter)
5. Select option 1
6. Then select 'f'
7. Then choose a device and choose a model ( asus one )
8. Reboot device (select 'y')

We hope CTS profile will get green once you reboot the device.

Select fp of asus max pro m1 ASUS_X00TD


1. Read our official chat rules

2. Latest source changelog

3. Sakura flags

4. Explore sakura configs and it's features

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