Project Matrixx v10.1.2
* Latest Android 14 source upstream
* December Security Patch
* Enforcing & User build. So all banking
app will working fine.
* FOD on AOD fixes
* Screen of FOD works fine.
* Fix Bluetooth hearing AID
* Implement Dual Speaker By Default
* Improve Fingerprint sensor overly
* Improve 2.4G wifi connection
* Updated system blobs from LA.QSSI.14.0.r1-10000.01-qssi.0
* Updated system wfd from LA.QSSI.14.0.r1-10000.01-qssi.0
* Target current SDK in RealmeParts, Doze, proximityservice
* Uprev soundtrigger HAL to v2.3
* Removed Moto Dolby completely(crashing in A14, so use any Dolby modules if you want)
* Added ViPER4Android(Turn on legacy mode)
* SafetyNet pass without root as usual
Known Issues:
* Video playback issues in YouTube, Facebook & Instagram(All sdm845/sdm710 devices facing it even in LineageOS)
* DT2W on AOD won't work(Use FOD instead)
* Turn off Ripple effect for better fod experience.
* Fod won't work on adaptive color mode. So use default(Display --> Colors).
* Don't report bugs without proper logs. Otherwise it will be ignored.