Project 404 v4.1 | RIPPA | CAF

Project 404 v4.1 | RIPPA | CAF


  • Firmware not included
  • Clean flash compulsory.
  • Flash Disable Force Encryption v3 (For decryption)


  • Encryption fixed
  • SIM issues fixed
  • Battery issues fixed
  • Performance issues fixed

Known Bugs:

  • DT2W not working.
  • CTS failed by default.

Special Notes:

Data Transfer App force-closing during device set-up ?

  • Connect to your WiFi network (Type in your password) or Data on the initial set-up page.
  • You'll notice the app force-close once it connects.
  • Connect your phone to your PC (ADB drivers necessary), give necessary permissions and run:
  • adb shell pm grant android.permission.WRITE_SECURE_SETTINGS
  • Connect to your network again and then grant storage access to the Data Transfer tool and you're good to go.

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