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Wowhead Client клиент Wowhead — небольшое приложение, с помощью которого вы можете обновить данные на сайте, а так же воспользоваться дополнительными возможностями! Вы также можете использовать Wowhead Client, чтобы просматривать выученные рецепты, выполненные задания, собранные ездовые животные и спутники и полученные звания! Данный сайт активно использует технологию JavaScript. Пожалуйста, Включите JavaScript в вашем браузере. Комментарии Комментарий от Kurufin Отсылка на фильм 'Индиана Джонс и последний крестовый поход'. Подсказка к первому испытанию на пути к Граалю в пещере Грааля. Комментарий от LockeKAF Простейшее достижение. Для его выполнения нужно запулить и убить друида и двух огненных кошек перед 6-ым боссом Фендралом, не получив урона от АОЕ друида которое он колдует только пока не в бою , накрывающего весь зал перед ним. Еще проще будет сделать, если пулить побежит один человек, а остальной рейд подождет перед порогом зала. Если вам-таки удалось запороть достижение, можно софтрезетнуть рейд, критерии тоже сбросятся. Комментарий от arubis Краткий гайд. Суть достижения в том, чтобы 'прокрасться' к юзабельным сферам по левую и правую сторону от пака, и, затем, одновременно заюзать оных, при этом не попав под действие этого самого аое. Для ачива требуется шесть игроков, которые подойдут к сферам возле пака трое к левой сфере и трое к правой. Таким образом, они продвигаются до сфер, пока не встанут возле них и не будут готовы единовременно по команде их использовать. Как только все игроки будут на месте, после ближайшего каста аое, дается команда на юз сферы. В этот момент все шесть человек одновременно прожимают ближайшую сферу и ачив у вас в кармане. Дамаг от аое деспавнит сферы и достижение проваливается. Для повторной попытки используется софт-ресет. Сначала может показаться, что сфер там нет. Но они там есть, просто аккуратно продвигайтесь вперед, не забывая прожимать макрос под аое и сферы станут видны. Комментарий от VioletDragonfly Цитата из фильма: Кающийся склоняется перед Богом. Он преклоняет колена перед Богом. Комментарий от lapys Еще хочу добавить из англизких коментов следует что все должны быть в форме гуманоидов. Никаких волков сов и тд и тп. Ещё вот если ачив провалили, то можно выйти из инста и обновить его, НО помните - после 5 обновлений инста повешается КД на вход в рейды и будет надпись появляться - 'в последнее время вы вошли в слишком большое количество подземелий', придётся ждать 1 час пока снимется это КД. Если с первого трая не получилось и сферы исчезли - лучше всего чтобы вся группа потренировалась избегать аое. И да, не забывайте спешиваться с маунта, на маунте вы провалите ачив. Комментарий от Ania Хантовские петы фэйлят ачивку? Комментарий от Leshik13 ни сесть, ни маунт не проваливают. Комментарий от KONDRASHKA делали в 10ке. Ачив Делается довольно таки легко нужно 6 человек За секунду до конца каста нужно преклонить колени. Единственная проблема найти адекватных людей. Комментарий от Monpilat Палешки у сов тоже. Комментарий от kleopatrra Несколько раз просил рейд сделать данное достижение и постоянно кто то проваливал его и даже если шесть человек доходило до сфер, то ачив все равно не засчитывали. Оказалось проблема в том что около сфер на полу нарисованы 3 кружочка, в которые нужно сесть чтобы ачив засчитало до этого никто не уточнял про эту маленькую деталь, а она очень важна если хотите получить ачив Назначте 6 человек и выдвигайтесь неспеша к сферам. Лучше садиться на середине каста, а не в последнюю секунду, так как из за пинга каст уже может пройти, а вам будет показывать что еще полоска не до конца дошла. Доходите до шариков, садитесь в кружочки и выжидаете момент, предупредив заранее рейд по какой команде нужно нажать чтобы небыло произвола. И обязательно чтобы командовал один, а не 5 человек кричало - 'жмем, а не, не жмите.. Комментарий от Limurka Самая на первый взгляд простая ошибка оказалась на деле самой труднодостижимой. Каждый очередной 'редиска' не вовремя вставал, не вовремя поднимался, не говоря уже о дисконнектах, большом пинге и т. Смешно, но у меня эта ачивка несколько кд была последней в Славу рейдеру ОП, бочку оказалось сделать проще. Комментарий от Shuhhe меньшим составом возможно сделать этот ачив! Комментарий от Kybinec Сделали в 6: Комментарий от ekbSmail Ачив дается всей группе или только тем шестерым, которые нажимают? Комментарий от cdewsxzaqq Кому сложно преклонять колено, можно просто садиться. По сидящему каст так же не попадает. Комментарий от pa1 Вот, нашёл ОТЛИЧНЫЙ видос с тактикой: Комментарий от Nicknames Пипец, получили ачивку с 5ой попытки. То хант убьет друида, то кто-то не нажмет на колени то что-то ещё. В итоге получили последнюю ачивку, а с ласта ещё и Сульфурас выпал Минусов побольше плиз, мне за них платят. Комментарий от Blumkvist Приведем в порядок все полезные комменты: Лучше всего и быстрее получается именно с приседанием, а не коленями, особенно если у кого-то в рейде высокий пинг. Чтобы вас не зацепило аое. Это всё делается за несколько подходов, не пытайтесь сразу добежать до сферы! Около неё на полу вы увидите три круга, в каждый из которых должен сесть ОДИН участник если сидеть долго - ничего не зафейлится, главное не получить от аое ; когда все сели, нужно дождаться начала нового каста друида чтоб успеть заюзать и ЕДИНОЖДЫ ткнуть ПКМ на сферу; чтобы избежать проблем с исчезанием сфер, лучше сразу выполнять в нормале Без войса данный ачив будет очень сложно выполнить. РЛ или кто-то 1 должен объявлять, когда необходимо присесть после того, как группа добежала до сферы, нужно убедится, что все сидят в кругах когда убедились, что все 6 сидят правильно, кто-то 1 объявляет о том, что нужно юзать сферу все одновременно нажимают один раз на сферу правой кнопкой мыши в начале каста друида Выполнили только что с пугами с 3 попытки. Комментарий от Chromaton Вчера с пугами пытался сделать. Всё отрепетировали, все дошли, сели в маленькие войдочки. По команде одновременно все проюзали сферу, от всех шестерых я увидел луч к шару, и Каст прошел, сфера пропала. Одному лишь богу известно, что пошло не так. Я надеюсь, Близзард уберут и эту долбаную ачиву, как сделали с 'Возьмемся за руки' и 'Сохранить баланс'. Комментарий от leighton Ох и попортил крови этот ачив. Если попадаете в пати без связи, не тратьте свое время. Также в ходе траев выяснили что обновить рейд в случае фейла можно только на нормале. В героике сферы не появляются. Комментарий от Chzho Подробный озвученный видеогайд по достижению. Комментарий от Couga54 После фейла, была проблема, что сферы не появлялись после обновления рейда, удалось решить проблему сменив сложность с 25ХМ на 10ОБ. Комментарий от traktier Один совет. НИКОГДА не делайте этот ачив с пугами. Зовите друзей, согильдов, заранее проговаривайте каждый шаг. В противном случае всегда найдутся альтернативно одарённых личности, которые просто побегут вперёд и вы просто потратите своё время и нервы впустую. Комментарии Комментарий от WRHalve Obviously another reference to Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade. WOW must be a subsidiary of Geoge Lucas and Steven Spielberg, either that or Blizzard really loves those movies. Комментарий от evgen4 But in Latin, Jehovah is spelled with 'I'! They have nothing to do with the achievement at all besides the humanoid mob chain-casting, since people should be looking at him to know when the cast is finishing. Their model is identical to the orbs summoned during his encounter. Each Flame has 3 swirling circles next to it, indicating that each Flame requires at least 3 people in range to click it, requiring a total of 6 people to make their way to each respective Flame and get close enough to click on man; man probably requires more 6 for both 10 and Once all 6 people are in position, you give the order to right-click the Flames once after the next Kneel to the Flames cast finishes, and you should have the achievement. The orbs will also despawn if the trash pack is pulled. Комментарий от alexishomer if the druid of the flame before Staghelm is not killed and Staghelm not dead, of course , the instance can be soft reset for infinite attempt. Комментарий от Crazia Attempted this achieve today and it looks like pets also trigger the effect, so make sure to disable them before you go. You can even sit on your Mushroom Chair! This also works for shapeshifts, so you can run up in travel form probably ghostwolf too, but havent tested. Комментарий от redrose A nice trick for you to easily do this, if someone messes up you can have a person leave the instance and then change the difficulty, this will rest the trash and kick the raid to the front of the instance. With the reset, the orbs reset. Summon the person back, and try again. Комментарий от Mitbrandir When i tried this last week , the raid was still on normal , but someone thaught he could do it on his mount still not obviously so the orb despawned. Комментарий от Rysie This ach has nothing to do with the boss fight itself. If anybody is hit by kneel to the flame they will despawn. This can be soft reset. Комментарий от horz - You all have to click and channel the orb at the same time. Dismount at the bridge and walk it. Happened to me and at least 1 other person. You can easily walk across the room without risk. Комментарий от psathyanhome How many people are needed in 10 man? We are having a huge problem here in getting this achievement,.. I am fed up now. Just need that achievement to get the mount and the RL gets pissed off if we fail 2 or 3 times in a row and need to reset the instance and always someone or the other goes afk after balaroc kill. So reset is not a option. I am planning to put in a raid grp for 10 man and get in people who know what they are doing after our balroc kill and get this stupid-easy achievement. So it would be great if I know how many orns and how many needed for 10 man to click it. Комментарий от AuronFtw It would be great if you could scroll up, too. Комментарий от OldWolf Can someone clarify what needs to be clicked? The only orbs I could see 10man were just in front of the human caster, however clicking them caused cat druids to come out, no achievement. Комментарий от Trazgul The orb must be channeled by all 6 people for about 5 seconds or so. So make sure all 6 click it right after a Kneel to the Flame! Комментарий от Pokeit Additional trick: Rogue distract can buy you around 8 seconds to run up. Have your other 5 members mount up crusader helps ; rogue distracts the caster right after he finished a cast of kneel to the flame; members run up and sit immediately, wait through a cast, then click right after he finishes, profit. Комментарий от Declaron Everything you need to know about this achievement. You need 6 people 3 on each side on 10 and If one person gets hit it fails the achieve. It is required for Слава рейдеру Огненных Просторов Failing this achievement awards dkp. Комментарий от Gwez As of patch 4. Комментарий от Glovery So, I found this out last night, You can set it to heroic, and if you still fail, you can get six people together and do it on 25 man, and do it 25 man heroic too. Each one will reset so you can try this four times every week. Very useful, not much on it about resets, hard of soft from what i found. Комментарий от Tziva This achievement is really, really simple but incredibly easy to screw up. On top of being very finicky, it also seems to be buggy and some things will prevent credit from being granted. When the cast time finishes it is several seconds long , he does an AoE explosion that hurts everyone in his room who is standing. The way to avoid damage -- and earn the achievement -- is either be sitting or kneeling when the cast finishes. Split the most reliable of your raid into two teams of three it is six people regardless of raid size , one group going for the left orb the other group going for the right. The remaining people will wait by the portal where it is 'safe. Vanity pets are okay. Shaman do not use ghost wolf. Take off the Murloc suit. Break your double-click habit. Just click from sitting and auto-stand. Комментарий от nightshifter Been working on this with a guild group for a few weeks, along with other metas.. Yesterday we finally had no screw-ups, got to the orbs, did our countdown in vent and clicked Put in a ticket and got informed that there are reports that this achievement is currently bugged. Hoping to save some others the frustration I have been through. Good Luck to all. Комментарий от Andera Tried to do this achievement last night, both orbs disappeared yet the Druid of the Flame kept on casting Kneel to the Flame! Opened a ticket and a gm confirmed that this achieve IS BUGGED! Комментарий от Kolii Someone was looking for people to do this achievement in trade, so I thought heck, why not. So I went along, and ended up being the only one not knowing what to do. They had me just sit on the bridge while they did the achievement and I was still granted credit for it. Комментарий от Nimblesk Okay guys. If you fail in 10 man get everyone out and set it to 25 man. If you fail again wait 1 hour re make your group and boom you can do it again: Otherwise you char will stop trying to activate the orb. Комментарий от criticalista My guildies and I finally got this done after months of attempting it with pugs. This is what we learned: No water elementals for example. Once you click, your toon will channel a orange beam towards the orb. Do not double-click, it will interrupt your beam. Tell people not to sprint, heroic leap, blink, or roll because we have failed attempts due to some of these abilities being poorly timed before. We had each person run over and then sit their butt down and wait for the rest to reach the orbs. Though we had seven people in raid, we got the achievement with only six persons clicking. The druid will be chain casting Преклонись перед пламенем! The goal here is for a total of 6 people, 3 on each side, to get to the orbs and all click them at the same time without getting tagged by the AoE. Blink seems to work for mages, however, as well as any other movement speed increasing abilities so long as you are not standing when the cast goes off. Notice how I said tagged by the AoE, not hit or damaged. This is because you simply cannot be standing when the cast goes off, period. Even if it happens to miss due to your dodge rating or get absorbed by a shield or whatever, you will still be tagged by it and the orbs will despawn. As of patch 5. However, I believe this is limited to 4 per hour, or whatever number it is before you get the 'You have entered too many instances recently' message. Taking it slowly is much more likely to save time than rushing. If all your orb clickers have DBM, using a pull timer may be useful for this. Start it slightly before the end of one, so that it ends shortly after the next one begins. Remember, everyone has to click the orbs within 3 seconds of each other, or your entire group will fail the achievement. Good luck on your Firelands meta, and have fun! Комментарий от Richardbro This is NOT a once a week thing that if you fail you need to try again next week. You have 10 tries an hour if you fail. If you want to go deeper, you have tries a week and tries a day. You have 10 tries because: Each World of Warcraft account can now create a maximum of 10 instances per hour up from 5. April 7 Hotfix. My group kept failing because someone would start the channel and then stop for apparently no reason. Комментарий от MatteoG Just want to ad something that will make this achievement way easier: Meaning you can get people to go one at a time, kneel at the orb then right click to channel and wait for the others. Комментарий от neopatra easy guide for this achiev: Комментарий от Narillan Definitely can do this with only 6 now. Not sure if you can use less. We only had 6 in the instance and in the raid. We got the achievement. Комментарий от Bigman Wonder if it can be done with 2 now I shall try next week! Комментарий от Feliciamarie You still need 6 people as of the most recent patch 7. Are you getting forced to kneel after clicking the orb? Make sure you are standing in one of the swirls in front of the orb. Make sure EVERYONE is in a swirl. There are three swirls on each side in front of both orbs. Комментарий от xact44 Be wary when attempting this achievement. Although many comments here say that you can run out and 'reset all instances' when you fail for a retry, at the time of this writing this is not the case. Keep this in mind and prep your group so you can ace it the first time just in case. Комментарий от rexwrecks First. Yes, you do indeed need a minimum of six people. So we left the raid and went into general looking for four more people. Got invited into a group of 6 two people just waiting outside the range of Kneel to the Flame and still got credit. Notice how he is casting 'Kneel to the Flame'? So on and so forth until you all reach the orbs. It helps to have one person designated to call when to click. You should have the achievement before the Druid of the Flame casts again. If anyone takes damage this includes pets, as I found out during earlier tries , the orbs will disappear. If you are on regular 10 man difficulty, you can just run out and reset and try again. Our pug got it on the first try. Комментарий от hojabr If your cast gets interrupted almost instantly, its because you must stand on fire vortex near the ball, on the ground there are 3 vortex thingy on each side. Комментарий от AliceInAcidland How to explain this achievement to PUGs: Put 3 people in group 1, and 3 people in group 2. Make a raid warning macro. Set focus on Druid of the Flame. Halfway through his cast, sit or you fail the achievement. Walk to the orbs, group 1 to the left orb, group 2 to the right orb. Make sure you can click the orb. Wait until the mob finish casting. Комментарий от wareternity You need to actually click the orb, not the swirly things around him. Those are where you need to stay: Комментарий от Volleynova It was actually surprisingly easy. Took a few resets, which involves leaving the instance, resetting, and going back in. Keep the Druid targetted. When his cast is done, get up and keep moving forward. Stay kneeled until everyone is in their own circle. I confirm that you need 3 people on each side 6 total. All 3 must hit the Egg at the same time, per side Everyone just keep right clicking the Egg fast. That can be very difficult. The first attempt my group made we failed. My side got the Egg down. Everyone kneeled during the end of the cast and then the other side got the Egg down shortly after. The Achievement did NOT complete for us. However, because we all kept kneeling during his casts we were able to change the instance to Heroic which booted us all back to the beginning. We stepped out side. Changed from 10H to 25H to 10N and I also clicked the Reset All Instances button to be safe. This brought back the Eggs and gave us another shot. Комментарий от shojo87 Does this still take 6 players to do or can lets say 3 to 4 players do it? Комментарий от TGArthur How many times can you reset the instance in case your group fails? Do you only get 2 chances? Комментарий от Mako5hark Just ran this today with a PUG and came across a few issues. The glowing orbs would not appear in 25H, no matter how many times we reset. We had to all leave the instance and switch to 10N. When we failed a few times we ran out of the instance using the portals and switched to 25H, back to 10N, and then reset the instance for good measure. We were able to reset 4 times. Firstly, you need at least 6 I recommend 7 patient people. Right before Мажордом Фэндрал Олений Шлем , click on the Druid of Flame that is casting Преклонись перед пламенем! We marked him for easy identification. We had to dismiss the hunter pets in the group. There was no rush to get there, we had to remind people to kneel before they thought that they needed to. If people got to the orbs early, they remained kneeling until the rest of the group caught up. If you stay kneeling, you will remain safe from the casts. We had a 7th person in the group the Raid Leader initiate a countdown. Each orb needs to be clicked by 3 people at the same time. If not everyone initiates their click in time, your group will get hit by the next Преклонись перед пламенем! So timing is everything. Комментарий от Arterial Tried to do this today in a PUG. Someone failed it immediately, so we all left. No manner of changing raid leader, difficulty or raid size would work. Tried spamming 'Reset All Instances' and everything else we could think of. Definitely seems like this achievement will not let you reset sometimes, and from the other comments here, that amount appears to be somewhat variable. Комментарий от iwua Got it first try in my third pug. Emphasize that there is no rush. Go normal mode, not heroic, because you can reset quickly on normal. Really emphasize that the six clickers need to be able to see the cast bar, and have a kneel or sit macro, and that if they are unsure, they can sit back and watch, letting someone else do it. Bring some extra people along so you can take the most experienced we had ten, and all got the achievement. Ensure all are on their spots, with cursor over the orb. Then wait for a cast to complete, and hit the following macro: Before beginning, show that message so all participants know what to expect. And do the happy dance when you get the achievement! Комментарий от tchimp Looking for people to do this with. Contact me Tchimp Комментарий от tchimp Looking for more have a few people together - Tchimp Комментарий от sniperorc Lots of good advice here, but a couple of things to add or emphasize: My attempt was hosted by another on the Looking for Custom Raid interface. Raid lead had the raid set to 10 Normal and cleared up to the bridge in front of the courtyard for this. This apparently helped, because I screwed up the first attempt. The raid lead reset the attempt very cleanly by switching to 25 Normal and then back to 10 Normal. When doing so, be careful about clicking anywhere on screen like, to adjust the mouse pointer while mouse-turning. The fire globes have a huge 'hitbox' for triggering the event, and everyone has to click at the same time This is one of those cases where keyboard turning may be a better idea. XD Thankfullly, the raid was patient and it only took a second attempt to get it. Moral of the story: Save the clicking for the coordinated 'everyone clicking' moment. Комментарий от xarthas3 Just few words Комментарий от Dizzypixel After failing this cheeve for months while trying to channel the orb I finally figured out my activated Safari Hat was bugging it. For all those avid pet battlers like me out there trying to get this cheeve, please REMOVE your hat! Комментарий от iMoD Completed this achievement today with a group of 6. Took a few tries but we got it on the 4th. Hardest part was getting everyone out of the instance and resetting it. One thing to note, someone else in the raid and comment section said that you cannot use any movement speed buffs, shapeshift, etc. I am a hunter and was using aspect of the pack on the first try that we got halfway out and was reset by someone else. I did not use it after that just trying to complete it. Later on after we had completed it, I realized my friend was still in feral cat claws of shirvallah form who got there in half the time of everyone else took me running in normal human for maybe 20 seconds. I personally believe the 'no speed enhance' is a myth. Комментарий от Whoopee just got around to doing this https: Комментарий от Starbix About multiboxing, we did this on 2 computers. We were side by side, my mainframe, his laptop. We each have 3 wow accounts with level s on them. We cleared all bosses and mobs up to but not Staghelm casting kneel to the flame. We then formed a raid with our 6 toons, 1 from each account. I set focus on Staghelm so I could always see his cast bar. Take your time getting each toon to the glowing orbs and kneel each toon very close to the swirls under each orb. This caused our only wipe. We did his on the left, mine on the right. We staggered each window, so all 3 are partially visible. When all was ready, as soon as he finished a cast we both right clicked the orbs in each window, in top to bottom window sucession. All within 3 seconds We got the achievement. Комментарий от leelopaloo Trying to get a group together for this! I have a question though, there are multiple druid of the flames, like 2 or 3 of them are burning and one is 'normal'. Which one casts the spell? I targeted the normal one far left side on the first try and he did it, but on the second attempt with another char I still had the same guy in target but another druid casted the spell. I was a bit confused, could anybode help me out here? Комментарий от VinMos I just did this achievement with 5 others and the biggest issue we had came with resetting the instance. The thing that eventually worked was this with everyone out: Комментарий от Frazley We just completed this tonight in a party of 6. A couple of things we found helpful: You can definitely reset the instance, worked for us as long as we all ran out each time without killing the boss.. Make sure to stand on the swirls underneath the orbs as well. A kneel macro on the hotbar seemed to work best, but sit command does too. A member of our party made a great suggestion: Move when the druid starts casting, sit when the bar is on the F of Flame as you can account for reaction time, lag and animation to be safe. I sent the call to my team to activate the orbs halfway through the cast and said on the next cast we would activate the orb. Most of all have fun and be patient. You will get this. При написании комментария, просим вас не забывать про следующее: Ваш комментарий должен быть на русском языке, иначе он будет удален. Не уверены как правильно составить комментарий? Тогда прочтите наше замечательное руководство! У вас может возникнуть желание проверить написание своего комментария перед тем, как поместить его на сайт. Задавайте вопросы на наших форумах , чтобы получить гарантированный ответ. Просмотрите изображение, используя форму ниже. Скриншоты, содержащие элементы интерфейса, по общему правилу, удаляются сразу. Это же относится и к скриншотам, полученным с помощью Просмотрщика моделей или окна выбора персонажа. Пожалуйста, ознакомьтесь с нашими требованиями к скриншотам перед их отправкой на рассмотрение. Введите URL видео на YouTube в форму ниже. Он устанавливает и обновляет аддон Wowhead Looter , который собирает данные, пока вы играете!

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