Projared Leaked Nudes

Projared Leaked Nudes


Projared Leaked Nudes

Posted on May 9, 2019 June 9, 2022 by Ian Miles Cheong
Jared Knabenbauer, the popular gaming YouTuber better known as ProJared, has been called out for sending unsolicited nudes to his fans, many of whom are minors. He has also allegedly groomed underage fans.
ProJared, a resident member of the NormalBoots channel and avowed male feminist, was outed after his wife Heidi O’Ferrall exposed his infidelity with another popular streamer named Holly Conrad. She wrote that she learned her husband had been having sex with Conrad behind her back “for months,” and that she was taken by surprise by a statement ProJared released on Twitter announcing their divorce.
In a series of candid Twitter posts, O'Ferrall shockingly revealed that ProJared had been soliciting nudes from his fans “for years.”
“I was there. In the beginning, it was a joke on Tumblr. Then it was its own Tumblr account just for nudes. It was ostensibly a body-positive space for consenting adults, and I approved on that basis,” she wrote. “It kept escalating secretly. He started a Snapchat, for getting nudes from fans, without telling me. I found out via a fan in a comment. I felt pressured to allow it even though I was uncomfortable.”
“Anytime I gave him an inch, he took a mile,” she added.
“I believed that he shut it down in late 2017 (I think???) But now I have reason to believe it continued for long after that. If you have information or were involved in this, I would like to know what really happened. I know a lot of fans participated,” she wrote, clarifying that she was not upset at any fans who sent her husband raunchy images.
“Jared was the one who was responsible for being honest with me, which he failed to do. No one else is to blame [in my opinion],” wrote O’Ferrall. “I used to think that among consenting adults, it was fine. Now I see it as an abuse of power for him to intentionally manipulate anyone to show him their naked body on the basis that he's a popular internet man. I would like to apologize for my role in enabling this.”
In the replies beneath her tweets, numerous fans of ProJared wrote about their own experiences with the popular YouTuber, alleging that he sent them unsolicited lewds, including uncensored pictures of his dick.
In another series of tweets following the explosive blowout, a fan going by the handle of @chaitemporary alleged that ProJared had manipulated her through Tumblr when she was 16.
“When I was 16, in early 2016, ProJared posted a request for nudes on his Tumblr. He’d posted similar requests before and I’d ignored them, but this one… I bit. I send him a lewd image of my breasts (I am a trans man and wasn’t on hormones or anything at that point) squashed behind one arm, no nipples visible, with the caption ‘I’m 16 so no more’ (or something along those lines – it was definitely specified I was 16).
The next day I felt guilty, and messaged Jared to apologize. He told me there was no need to apologize, he really appreciated it. There was some back and forth, in which he told me he used to run a nudes blog and posted some of his own dick pics on it, and he was considering starting another one. I encouraged him. I know I made bad choices, I shouldn’t have sent the initial lewd, I shouldn’t have started a conversation – but he knew I was underage, and he continued the sexual conversation.
We spoke sexually. He sent me pictures of him in cosplay with his dick very visible. He told me details about his sexual life and fantasies. Eventually, he sent me a dick pic. This is maybe Maybe-July 2016 this is all happening. We didn’t speak every day, but most. I sent him many actual, real nudes. He knew I was 16. He also told me that he and Heidi were in an open relationship and she was very happy for him to talk sexually to people online. He remade his nsfw blog, and I submitted to it with the explicit instruction ‘do not post this online, I’m 16’. He posted them anyway, after editing the information I’d provided – I don’t remember how Tumblr’s submission feature worked at the time, but I think this may have involved downloading the picture and resubmitting it without the lines telling him not to post it.
Then, this whole tumblr hacking thing happened, he lost his original blog. When he remade it, he messaged me telling me I was disgusting and awful, and that I’d sent his nudes to people and thus broken his trust. I DID send his dick pic to someone – because he told me he was into exhibitionism and it was fine anyway.
Time passes, and I find out a close friend of mine who was also underage at the time had been manipulated in the same way – for a much longer time. They also had screenshotted evidence, which I did not – I deleted my blog soon after Jared told me I was awful, so lost all evidence. At that point I hadn’t even comprehended that I’d been manipulated. In late March 2019, I contacted a few people who had worked with Jared, and informed them of his behavior. I had a document of evidence from the internet as a whole and from the close friend. Most people believed me, but Holly didn’t reply – and soon afterwards I got a twitter DM on my old account from Jared. I firmly believe Holly gave my contact details, and the contact details of my friend, to Jared. I decided to contact NormalBoots. They told me they were taking it very seriously. Nothing’s been done yet.
I have no proof of my own story, but the other underage person does – I don’t know yet if they’re going public, so I won’t name them. But I believe Heidi. I believe every other victim. There’s way, way more details and nuances but at the moment, they need to stay private due to various promises of anonymity I have made.”
Since being outed, ProJared has lost thousands of fans on both his 2-million strong YouTube account and his 212k (as of this writing) Twitter account. Few have stepped up to defend him, but Austin Hargrave, the YouTuber better known as PeanutButterGamer, attacked Heidi O’Farrall for speaking out about ProJared. Hargrave is a long-time collaborator of ProJared.
“This ain’t it, chief,” wrote Hargrave, questioning O’Farrall on whether it was a good idea to call out her husband.
I questioned Hargrave’s insistence on planting his flag on this particular hill, provoking him to respond angrily without addressing the situation of the unsolicited nudes and other serious allegations against ProJared.
“Surprised you didn't pull out the old Jon situation for this instead,” replied Hargrave. “Probably would have hit harder with your followers, tbh. Gotta work on that.”
Male feminism is synonymous with sexual assault. It's not ok to be a male feminist.
Seems to be missing some logic there.
>"Male feminist is sex predator" is the "Christian Right Republican hired same-sex prostitute" of the current generation.

reddit was actually funny today
The people on the ps4 board on gamefaqs are gonna love this. That's another reason why you stay single folks.
The people on the ps4 board on gamefaqs are gonna love this. That's why you stay single.
ProJared is goint to review the fuck out of these antifeminst fuckbois
"attacking"? How does asking her if she thinks her recent post was a mistake qualify as "attacking"?
It's Gasslighting. Don't give me that BS fam
Only now are people figuring out what he is?
Just look at that weirdo creepazoid's face, his nose, his name/surname.
On other news, water is wet!
Seriously... oh and leave it to his yt buttbuddy broskis from the same deviant circle/cabal to downplay his crime while deflecting and redirecting attention from the culprit and its misdeed.
Whenever caught red-handed in the cookie jar, play and spam the "no no, but you! yes you! w-what about you, h-huh!" game until the accusation and attention is dropped or lessened.
That's how they always play the game.
I got news for you, dig deep enough and you'll find much, much more then just a couple o' ugly truths about your favorite e-celebs and their dirty, nasty deeds.
For instance, recently some pokemon ytber got also #metoo'd when his shit was dig out to the surface.
Years ago it was some minecraft ytber, same shit.
It just keeps happening and the targets/victims are usually the same: -18y/o peeps at the time they got preyed on.
When are folks going to learn how to see and read the patterns?
Also "feminist gamer"... (snrk) right, reminds me of that character from gintama called "benizakura":
The shit these niggs come up with to circumvent the ire of the social masses these days.
From now on Mr. Cheong will be doing hard hitting stories about Six Sigma and coffee pods.
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niche drama

May 10, 2019

L to R: Jared Knabenbauer; Holly Conrad; Heidi O’Farrall.
Photo: Youtube/Twitter

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Jared “ProJared” Knabenbauer, a famous YouTube gamer with over a million subscribers, is at the center of a saga unfolding in great, anatomically explicit detail in the bowels of Twitter dot com. First, his wife, designer and cosplayer Heidi O’Ferrall tweeted that Knabenbauer had cheated on her with another gamer, Holly Conrad, a revelation that led over 100,000 fans to unsubscribe from Knabenbauer’s popular YouTube channel. Then, Knabenbauer was accused of soliciting nudes from underage fans.
It started on Wednesday night, when O’Ferrall tweeted that Knabenbauer had cheated on her with another gamer, Holly Conrad, also known as CommanderHolly, with whom she had previously been close (“Call-out post: @HollyConrad is an excellent friend and human being. I could never have made the squid head without her,” O’Farrell tweeted in 2017). She also said that he had gaslit her about the affair, and been emotionally abusive.
In recently learned that my husband @ProJared has been fucking @HollyConrad behind my back for months. I have no idea what announcement he just made because he blocked me.
O’Ferrall posted her thread half an hour after Knabenbauer posted his own statement on their separation on his Twitter, a statement O’Ferrall couldn’t see because he had blocked her.
“My wife Heidi and I have filed for divorce,” he wrote, adding, “During this time you may see a lot of rumors, speculation and gossip going around. I ask that you make your own observations and come to your own conclusions.”
He also said that the couple reached the decision after seeking both individual and couples therapy, and that “Heidi’s privacy, mental wellbeing and discretion has always been and will remain my highest priority through all this.”
“His statement is nothing more than an attempt to silence me before I can reveal anything,” O’Farrell went on to tweet. “I’m honestly shocked that he posted this today because it’s so blatantly selfish. This isn’t a mutual statement in any way. I did tell him that I wouldn’t sign an NDA regarding his behavior. I’ve suffered enough to sell him my dignity too.”
O’Farrell said she had found explicit messages and pictures Knabenbauer and Conrad exchanged, and that when she confronted her husband with the proof, he continued to deny the affair.
Meanwhile, a couple of hours after Knabenbauer posted his announcement, Conrad replied his tweet, writing “Im so sorry you’re going
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