Proforma Letter to State Officials (WHO & SA Treaty)

Proforma Letter to State Officials (WHO & SA Treaty)

Dear [Title, Name, And Surname]

Please be aware that there are many more people who agree with the views expressed here, and that number is growing quickly.

Some (and probably many) politicians have grossly underestimated the intelligence of the majority, if not all, of South Africans, especially those who have allowed power to corrupt their perspectives and perhaps even their values.

Each person is a sovereign being with rights such as life, freedom, and others that our Creator has bestowed upon them. * Their only source of accountability is to the Creator. The sovereign being or person may elect others to govern certain matters on their behalf for their benefit (for which the others are rewarded).

Every person who serves in an official (government) capacity needs to always do so in a manner consistent with the agreed T&Cs, such as the South African Constitution and obviously its Bill of Rights, which contain some of our rights as sovereign beings and obviously as citizens.

Many of us have been tracking the performance of certain government officials and servants. It is dismal, to say the least, especially concerning energy, education, and health (in particular).

The past few years have awakened many of us, and that number is increasing thanks to the poor governance of many elected officials.

The crux of this note to you personally, title, name, surname, is to ensure that you convey my (and the rest of the awakened masses) dissatisfaction to the leadership of your organisation in terms of the disastrous way:

1) Most matters pertaining to health have been conducted in the past few years, and

2) efforts by the WHO to legally bind countries (who are members at this stage, such as South Africa) to a Pandemic Preparedness Treaty and International Health Regulations (IHR) that are inconsistent with our Constitution and Bill of Rights** (apart from the violation of the rest of our sovereign rights)—note that health is a fundamental choice of the individual (sovereign) being and a health practitioner (if he/she so chooses) and

3) nobody has consulted with the citizens of South Africa at any stage about the plans by the WHO to attempt to usurp the God-given authority over our own health (individually and nationally).

You and every (government) official or servant will be held fully responsible for any deviation from your duties to uphold our rights in the South African Constitution as a minimum and are reminded to cease any activity that is not consistent with the T&Cs in the SA Constitution, as it automatically disqualifies the person to represent the citizens of SA in any capacity whatsoever.

It is the view of an increasing number of people that the government has indeed betrayed the trust of the people of South Africa (in many areas, including health).

You are welcome to contact me personally by email (or phone), as indicated below.

Yours sincerely,

Own Name

Own Email Address (Optional)

Own Phone Number (Optional)

* "Sovereignty itself is… not subject to law, for it is the author and source of law… while sovereign powers are delegated to government agencies, sovereignty itself remains with the people, by whom and for whom all government exists and acts." - (Justice Thomas Stanley Matthews in Yick Wo v. Hopkins [p. 370]);


The Freedom Charter affirms that:

"South Africa belongs to all who live in it, black and white, and that no government can justly claim authority unless it is based on the will of the People;"

** Brookfield Const. Co. v. Stewart, 284 F. Supp. 94. "An officer who acts in violation of the Constitution ceases to represent the government."

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