Production of Judgement for all activists court cases. Young Lawyers to gather community powers to fill the gap of Hong Kong History.

Production of Judgement for all activists court cases. Young Lawyers to gather community powers to fill the gap of Hong Kong History.

Translated by Guardians of Hong Kong – August 23, 2021

Within 2 years, there have been over 2,608 Hongkongers being arrested and charged since the outbreak of 2019 - 20 social movements. Apart from serious cases, Magistracies deal with most of the cases. There is growing public awareness on these cases.

However, while cases in Magistracies do not have judgements for public search, record of these court proceedings can only be relied on reporters and members of public in the courts. They take notes manually and publish the contents in Telegram channels. Yet, no proper complete records of the entire proceedings are kept.  

Anna (pseudonym) - one of the organizers of "Compendium Project"

For the sake of the above, a group of young lawyers worked together to work on a Telegram Channel, to build up Compendium Project, which acts as a database of court cases record at magistracies categorised by dates, charges and magistrates; under the assistance of barrister Ms. Margaret NG and Mr. Chris NG, together with others people in the community. The Project commenced to be publicly accessible in Jun 2021. The Group emphasised that these data and information are retrieved from the public and community, and hope to be utilised by the community.

Ka-yan(pseudonym) - another organizer of "Compendium Project"

Last but not least, this is important to fill the empty blanks in the Hong Kong history.

Today, most people have become familiar with the environment at the Court, while some have even become the 'regular visitors', who should be respected as they attend the proceedings solely to show their support to the defendants.

As they work with this Project, they believe that everyone, every activist, every protester, is important, regardless of the severity of the charges, and the Group must try their best to record every single case in the Project.  

Chris NG

Database in the Project has covered about 70-80% of completed court cases, and it will be updated continually, while they hope to have a physical record published in the future. 

'Record is not for the present, we need a complete record no matter how the future of Hong Kong will be like.'

Source: The Stand News #Aug07

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