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Пробы Трава, марихуана Ульсан

By using our site, you agree to our collection of information through the use of cookies. To learn more, view our Privacy Policy. To browse Academia. Деятельностная парадигма в фундаментальной социальной философии представлена двумя основными концепциями — субстанционально-деятельностным подходом К. Момджяна и системно-диалектическим пониманием деятельности В. Данные концепции совпадают по следующим пунктам: 1 построение модели общества как системы деятельности; 2 трактовка деятельности как единства живой и опредмеченной деятельности; 3 субстанциональный характер деятельности; 4 статус категории деятельности как исходной категории социально-философской теории; 5 принцип единства деятельности и обществ. Рассматриваемые интерпретации расходятся в понимании структуры общества. Момджян выделяет материальную, социальную, организационную и духовную сферы общества. Фофанов придерживается базисно-надстроечной модели, с учётом выделения способа производства человека. The activity paradigm in fundamental social philosophy is represented by two main concepts — K. These concepts coincide in the following points: 1 building a model of society as a system of activity; 2 interpretating activity as the union of living and materialized activities; 3 the substantial nature of activity; 4 status of activity as primary category of social philosophical theory; 5 the principle of unity of activity and social relationships; 6 the idea of inclusion of consciousness in activity; 7 differentiation of practical and spiritual activity. Вестник Русской христианской гуманитарной академии. Dmitry Biriukov. Девиация парадигмы поведения в англосаксонском обществе. Ihar Yeutukhou. Eugen Tyugashev. Попков и Е. Тюгашев в главе 3 «Социокультурная па- радигма в социальном знании» констатируют, что хотя в трактовке термина «социокультурная парадигма» превалирует употребление в «куновском» смысле, то есть в смысле именно исследовательской парадигмы, этот термин употребляется для идентификации конкретных типов культур, которые рассматриваются как образцы общест- венно-исторической деятельности. Сложившаяся ситуация свидетельствует о сложности определения эпистемологического статуса содержания социокультурной парадигмы и выборе дисциплинарных средств ее экспликации. До сих пор не ясно, в рамках какой дисци- плины конституировалась эта парадигма, в каких работах продемонстрированы образцы решения тех «головоломок», с которыми столкнулась «нормальная» наука. Nikolai Karpitsky. The article discusses the sociocultural conditionality of the content of the concept of activity. It is shown that due to the national cultural specifics Lebensphilosophie was developed in Germany, while the philosophy of activity was developed inRussia. The authors deal with the unsolved problem of explicating the sociocultural paradigm widely used in social and humanitarian studies in the form of various implementations of the sociocultural approach. The authors summarize the existing descriptions of the content of the sociocultural approach and identify two basic interpretations of a sociocultural paradigm. The founder of the first in- terpretation is P. The approach focuses on the description of various factors economic, social, political, spiritual that determine the sociocultural dynamics of separate, individual objects, which is why it is perceived as a non-novelty variation of exter- nalism. The most authoritative representatives of this interpretation of the sociocultural paradigm in post-Soviet social studies are A. Akhiezer and N. This interpretation of the sociocultural approach draws on the axiological information-semiotic con- cept of culture. The authors see the origins of the second basic interpretation of the sociocultural paradigm in the intellectual heritage of C. He solves the problem of correlation between society and culture, the social and the cultural in a different way. In his opinion, human society is a set of separate local cultures interacting with each other. In this case, culture is understood as a specif- ic variant of social development. Interaction of cultures necessarily leads to cultural exchange and interpenetration, reflection of cul- tures. Therefore, each individual culture or social organism is an ensemble of cultures. In this ensemble, one of the cultures is the leading one, sublates the counterculture as an internal moment and determines the cultural specificity of an individual social organ- ism. Thus, the development of society, from this point of view, is a product of interaction, reflection of cultures. Levi-Strauss formu- lates, in particular, the following law: any cultural progress is a function of the coalition of cultures. Thanks to this coalition, the chances that occur in each culture in its historical development become a common heritage. The more diverse cultures make up the coalition, the more fertile it is. Consideration of the existence and development of individual societies and the whole of humanity in the process of reflection of cultures gives the authors the basis to designate this interpretation of the sociocultural approach as reflec- tive. In this interpretation, society is represented as an ensemble of cultures, and the sociocultural as the social in its cultural diversi- ty. This image of society is paradigmatic and corresponds to the nonlinear models of social development widely represented in the philosophy of history. Due to the multidisciplinarity of modern philosophy there exists a problem of conformance between disciplinary models of philosophy. Thus the socio-philosophical interpretation of philosophy as a social phenomenon sociocentrism conflicts with its interpretation as a phenomenon of distinct cultures culturocentrism, i. The anthropological argument could be used to solve the dilemma of sociocentrism and culturocentrism: the acknowledged by euroentrists thesis 'All humans are philosophers'. The anthropological argument disproves culturocentrism and serves as a point for sociocentrism. Lada Prokopovich. The urgency of the research topic is due to the fixation of cases of introducing elements of theatricality into modern public philosophical practices lectures, 'round tables', etc. However, these cases are not exceptional when viewed in the context of the history of philosophy. Therefore, identifying historical origins and establishing socio-cultural foundations of this practice is an urgent scientific problem. The aim of this study is to identify the historical origins and socio-cultural foundations of theatrical manifestations in philosophical discussions and behavioral models of philosophers. As a result of the study of ancient mainly ancient Greek philosophical practices and theories, various behavioral models and methods of cognition with elements of theatricalization have been established. They indicate that theatricality as a component of the philosophical method of cognition of the world began to take shape since antiquity. This process developed simultaneously with the formation of theater as an art form, in which, as in philosophy, dialogue was the main form of not only communication, but also knowledge of the world, understanding the basic laws of being. No less important in philosophical practices were public speaking, which assumed the possession of oratory and artistry. Elements of theatricality in such speeches allowed philosophers to make their theories more understandable to the general public, which contributed to the popularization of philosophical thought and scientific knowledge in general. Comparison of some ancient philosophical 'performances' and theoretical methods of understanding reality with the cultural practices of our days the image component of subcultures, the use of metaphors in scientific concepts proves once again that the most successful innovations of ancient culture remain relevant in the 21st century. Keywords: history of philosophy, Ancient Greece, the concept of theatricality of socio-communicative manifestations of culture, dialog, philosophical performance. Анастасия Доманская. В статье рассматривают основные современные концепции рациональности действия. С учетом специфики отдельных концепций предлагается сгруппировать их в социально-ориентированный и индивидуально-ориентированный подходы к рассмотрению данной проблемы. Социально- и индивидуально-ориентированный подходы дополняют друг друга, позволяя, с одной стороны, проводить детальный анализ структуры индивидуального действия с учетом характеристик субъекта действия, с другой стороны, позволяют локализовать рациональность порой в неожиданных, внешних по отношению к субъекту элементах действия, а также в структуре диспозиций и интенций, которые традиционно связываются с внерациональной областью. Log in with Facebook Log in with Google. Remember me on this computer. Need an account? Click here to sign up. Download Free PDF. Related Papers. Рецензия на: Torstein Theodor Tollefsen. Девиация парадигмы поведения в англосаксонском обществе Девиация парадигмы Социокультурная парадигма в социальном знании. Карпицкий Н. Выпуск 7. Краснодар: Издательство Краснодарского центра научно-технической информации, Браславский Р. Сборник научных трудов Социологического института РАН. Выпуск 1. Деятельностный подход в немецкой и российской философии Дилемма социоцентризма и культуроцентризма в интерпретации феномена философии: антропологический аргумент Проблема рациональности действия в современной социальной философии.

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