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Пробы Марихуаны Czech

Пробы Марихуаны Czech

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Чехия и марихуана: мифы и реальность | Radio Prague International

Пробы Марихуаны Czech

Экстази (МДМА) телеграмм Долгопрудный

There are plenty of misconceptions about cannabis laws in European countries. The Czech Republic is a striking example: most foreign visitors think cannabis is legal in this small country in the heart of Europe. But alas, it is not, at least not in the way most international media report. Here are the five biggest myths you should know before you set out on a trip to Prague. While it is possible to smoke cannabis freely outdoors, and thousands regularly do, this activity is illegal. If you get caught, the police officer will most likely just give you a fine. However, the officer can also search you for more drugs. Having more than 10 grams 0. The popularity of smoking cannabis in public is testament to the rebellious soul of the Czechs, who have gotten used to ignoring and despising police and state authorities in general from 40 years of oppressive communist rule. Especially in the countryside, local policemen either do not recognize the smell of burning cannabis or, in most cases, do not care to intervene, if only because they know that every second granny in their village grows a few plants and makes creams and tinctures for sick members of the local community. Selling any cannabis product containing over 0. Czech politicians and their advisors like to point out that the country is very liberal in terms of its drug laws and should serve as an example to the rest of the world. We can agree that these laws are more liberal than in many neighboring countries or in many U. So…still pretty repressive and not that liberal at all. Another myth busted. According to Czech legislature, medical cannabis has been technically legal for three years now. Most international media keep reminding us of how progressive the Czechs are in this respect. But the sad and bitter reality is that even today cannabis is practically unavailable to patients. On top of all this, patients under 18 are not allowed to use any medical cannabis products. Maybe because the lawmakers think that children do not get sick? Okay, this one is actually not a myth. Czechs do love their cannabis, preferably the homegrown variety, which explains why our use of cannabis is one of the highest in Europe and even in the world.

5 Myths About Cannabis in the Czech Republic | Leafly

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